q -, 'F...- - 'Jqa6miRttmilF, 'bei.. ' -MlSIMMi! of“ Bgriltm,i-iRtaraliWma, iiq'gNig tmitMarEiE . E) -~. ' " . rm . . "wt tir at fl 1 . A -r .. 'we i', ' - . -* 'WiiiSWEmmIaiEa-2, 12.... MiMmlMrelm 7" Mge ' - "1"†__ '2'. ai.8,iB1r,Rl.tPsut1L_-3si:5???, l' s“ i , - .,_;, _ "-'r.". l - 7, 7 7 A _ tE ._' 1tuo.reir,-r-f' 'N _ Gssaruir,'-arrarowiek, on mum we. I m 'tee?-.."-.-.--------.----.---. th"tp;ttl, Inn of Mr. Mm C le _ _ _ _ W, _ y. A 'n6fanstutU, J _ - V _ I _Pttitr Blanche. a; 2rttta, “33‘. Arr. . it _. C _ K 'k' . -- no a: emu commumt †- m, 'ultra Mia ltsth this “My tiN, i "t1mhutrt'osutottorsblo young 1 QB, Cum _ I . ' o,t'11,g,"lteetap2it, in, A b, i Tll, agsseratavrrrits With All‘. Ctiihir' S" , \ l 1 1 1; , Ki e tom T In. t 7 t . _ V M; T z." V \ Vt; tN'rteNiCs0ic"Cv%C: s; 'WNV',;' N v"-' :ek, t.' " Dummy)» Wed, ‘ F He 1m GN ttrut-r/gt.', upright 7 , l' S"," A N v'rnh \ "f, _ F 1 'd if; tUte t 11etgtstyI,t (t'gu'utlli, b)';";,,"-,' “fining“ gain», 7 Writlenoii llieDeatliolJime-SS. Graham k ' . P tt I t um inking thero _ _ _ _ u B, QI T H. . F', AE r," One vitpattt seat “1‘3qu I ' assi" no Main“ __ F i "' / _ ' M 1 r; , _ . a hope, Wanna†brad m, 1.11 M m A (“mum , 9" i T One Inning}: to shun. “ma “a"; ilmfygsl; MBP, 51 / I' _ "wr -- % , ' 1 One Milt nah in Sundn Scho' mad when e linen:- u; I ve Gil / l u (Ill' sul illlll lowly :mw we'vi- lust ii y', M, i Lenin teacher‘s voice ' low- A “mick-M ' ‘ _ Hi1 low. of; "r, relapse! _ frieurl P. dear, _ T Ft, IN ( ",ltgtr'tte,,e,ette/gytg,e:t"T"" m. in}? Ga mandala-Um aim-y '. I Hr: was so lsllld irnil-lorirg. in; would have i). M l ' eath lstely "widen IIIUW'A .1 tttitll.,',", _ C h implhdt hid mtNCtat x , 110“" Irim hery ', rt' M, . N . ,, m diresttcytqt . “up, his y " tinsty ilut God UUl' [rrv'mgFittrer, knows hm an. 71.; Et I C “w lust “9‘3“th gututu1btrtht - and“ . warthy m :a cgtitod tether ma 1 I waysof life, 2' " or playful maiden: fair; menu tli',Fr:'9iiits't'iv1'i'ibiii Indgood , " 1ndturrl; 91.. 110mm, he with in... free 1,; , , Om: We I: gum. you man reply. mmpi. h: w" no Ten indebted so: iii. F.urrtr i... mi; wilt. mm. 7: tt 1 Benny in blighted there. ter, -nmilhle.t!_gi;i f chancki' and tor " H l l I i; i2 These, the _ V _ in ttetmm1 [MICHEL Andi "Jill _ / " l" 'i't'tt will“: mu " t wt Inis /' El a 1 One Jfo"l,",'Gi' 11te mu hot, I“. 1,tegpt but?“ life’n bright 'dest, A [vinyls mi mull, \ _ i: " n 't tl One that engulfsn 'tiiiiiiaiiiitu,, , her listen to " Arhed the huvenly f 1 "11 3131133113111 Irguin th 1111110 of "I'll‘HV‘n‘l 2 t , l . Which lament: the uni. otrumr2ormhanheratists. ' T / n lr, ll, oitlt; ' 2' a . No t . . “IIIIIIWMUHI “he! 'FI‘Myoulh wtth “N ; ' IL “as all lli rapture 'p' m- Hu- friends ¢ 3’ I _. T _ more a. mothers kins will fall "rhsr Irtowr, / at.lyme, / l F ‘ f on that young; 3.;me brow; AM 1'l'ra'fl,,fl w W chm-3- a... my , And visit with his parents until u... _ “in... _ _ l A Ethel-'1 “In amine; emhmco v . MEN: 7ait'i- in perm In yet by do: 1 shtmlci come, . F" / 'it .- Hiu loving dattglstev now: 3 1 CNN“: _ o A _ I ' _ V _ : _ Botrr3irylhr'utruons' mllld alum“! ongnv- 1 "a Itrtt h) few-r he was srniclcrn um] slum hi, / ill But ponder not on Senna like that). , . id." V / 1'ilul3 was I'lltl. t 1/ ai With atidri1 nob: mid night; Rid. kindly Mrmrhitrn for brothel-I And ii Ili‘ passed lung- in th: hluuiii of life Ic?rnv 1 V :1 ",t',tg, Earth real-hes not need listen was is planing fasting bf bl: "hyr T 1;; In: vecrchcd Ills mm. ; _ A, _ 'ii l I' - an: new: me. mt. . f, All that skill could 11.. for him was .laiw " , , Some'draop and full in etssrbring, rtt,t', fro mack- bel_m In) deft!) he, /‘ with gram-x: UlWi'. i'. Artd "smein mum's!" r wro " pinata taxing thst In Win " It M‘elnml um he u... mum in Home“ / tr Selma lit, to rest um: yellow lam, _ wash: he expected to be home on I will: p', more than have; / 'di Some in the wium go, "l ya (blighted with who prospect. But q , _ C. lg . . within one week a telegram m. "Ming . / “ml wanted him fur l slum in Hull lumph- /, I Anme to blysn, I time M. live, _ um tho ymmg man Wu .duxgeroully ilL / “P alrovv, , , I As â€mature to frt11; The Either at once let oiit but ere he “rind And sry llc took “WHY "Ill' i. ivlul. Mir 'lea, / 'I 1 All may?! has her timesand modes I, his dun-ling Ion had passed away aturgotut to / one and mn- lm-u ', 2 . 1 By mighty iunretsitr, I lazi- 'hT,ef2hg'i,Atgeg a?“ of ipy '/ "t Mi we watched lii’h‘illu his bed (mil sziu' ',/ ' V H '. . ts -1 am on a nn'rri {in m, I ten brief s" " sttli'cr “in. _ . I "1egi'eytnt,';)'tt,'Jr I “in... M four tiny-- Tht father Rimmed pr w. knew tlizitlwr- could my nu nun-v but 2 fi All! tMo'd toitlbrts iiiih'/ii'iris' ai2tt2't u: hLdPrlt i,heTgU'l the . , oir'cr prayer fov0im. 7/ .‘f: _. . _ . _ 5 ye me . imm _ r _ _ ar, 1 Duturlre a'frmuttyt.t"" w Rtni. Mr. s't,'lC,f,Tid2l','1". 1 / lli:~.xil‘l:iiess mum Very long. hill: mm- 2 ' l _ i. T BL3L The Imp, nmntiera who lumd out to piy V . lllll'll to him, _ _. ' - -r- _-c-rc-er-rr-fr- I tribaU at taped, to ghtrrerttaittis ofdecgu. ( His llllllll it wandered swim hut “cum-d f, _ --" -v -er ed, Ihowglhow highly he had ban â€would / quite free “Um C"AIT'. ', y ' T trrtd1ltrfhequcmtasutet. . Just before hiisspicit iled n heavenly "u/O x RI The diaaonsolate father "urmrtther the / mum o'eiu- / _ _ ' ' 7' ' waeping brother; and linen and mourning / Tlu: face that we su dvrrrly loved, llllll hr, / . tl mining hue the nymyatliy of Ill. in their lrulniigeil to with no nun-c. _ V e , “Ii-mow for the In“ of can: unworthy of thdr / - 0 __ ./ i a [ w _ 'F T T ..' , l _ W' F " HOW WE MISS HIM. / "1 "----ss-'-,, e----"" - L / i _ T l ti' bt'rt' f l w,, Lsshi tl' "uinu, N' To Ill/f iihiiuiii ttl' )lAliLiAliLl ANN / iv'ilciiriillilfhmi 1115111131151: / li? WILSON. WHO DIED J)rll. 20TH. 1852. " We miss him From the tolde, / 3} "CC, _ H. . [ ; At Invaktast, tea, illlll 11mm; 7 m e2iyyjiji-clrlf's 1/ We miss llllll in the erenin r / ', 'sy25 __ Ctr? I Utruwthcc' ,' _ _ ' I', Churn: lllUl'L‘ Lhu icy haud Ul llUlllll " vi 111th“ t'ifit,r':t)vpt. 1331.?“yeim / Fl Hits Clllile within tttll' (him: " ' Would low tIN' all _ii,' mg)“: , ll! And when our land sislur hurue 1/ We '_.,,. hi _ 'y, L To 'wcrd thrs, Ilwsvunlv shruv L lu"" 11m 111 the P1111101: Fr Mr L F l _ ' k. / NN here we so Mt did sing / I IGw lovely lliuu wv'll sue llU more ‘/ "oG'/t2ei',Sh,t1//c)e'n1lp _ ' I While in this worid Hf 1min ; pr w; 'egih,pahneycel2)',ty, © Dublin-m3 ii lipblltl‘, happier tlime, And from the Sunday school: / tt IN Inure Wu with ' may reign. _'", For little did we think / l l ' T V "I . 1 q That clinic is llczivcn, Llio hunw of those f He 1 pass 'su"a3 so Boom T t, It Who (Ill Llic Lord bulk-Yul; ( 1e'!!m'1sslyur/t,'orerheruPring ground. jf: lit The 1urv,viious of the h[uolwrvshr:d throng; / w5/"gght, 3‘1th tru',',',"),",.:',,'; (p, x r . i 'i,. tEt , C -,' "f, F e miss um com e mismi , {1 , , (Y', htrve thch manna voceivc1l. f, when we hear the old mill hung), F, " While here on mirth. she suffered much, / Ye's, we'l1 miss him evuiy where v; _ ' Duh Hew'l (lid cumplrrin ; i â€513255;: “is? "WWI d "Ce ( " "T ,. .. F owrr,ullsvuu l w,',, _ . Dmcam ra; " thImL-u >101 In I my mama Hum, v) To think ihat hols gone, e 111 "d z†I 1gt l'u diy it would be gum. T REUHWN HARD' 89 a' T . Slit gum hur hcrrrt to (lull while young, / Nov. 12, 1886 ds B! . Irhich Ouch (if us should do; ' . al Thut when (lviilli's hail shall seal our into ""sNv'itlfstC9Bst's , , We may hr (5(111flllCll'l‘l'S too. Ir, ' . w.- A pupil in CHU' Sunday School “ , ble mm my many ib _))ill?,'"q_lill And land to lll'lll' l2l1(1lll'lrlli the Lord )9, tb It k ' l T 'ilS. i'. p '.cl " Ami nmhlliitlii \Vl‘illf‘ll. LI'Olii the (0ntrsric obser a . E But iimv Slll' Fl grim. lin-works/lotto, prints , . _ I; TC 1re1 ht She's 34mm LU jnin Llii- lileL Te", IU. {@1309 Albert gg Around1|“,-I,liion<:ol'(iriiliii Heaven. G J an. J.U, 1066 . Et ,, __-.;;, ' C 1‘... I" _'-, .‘1 3-). di' ' r - M Iii MIG“ “hilt yiitrnwuis 11v.s's01 ', 1111:1111 -U'c-1uii'ntrt?v, of thies UTChaH if Then lot, us whn 11w livl'i behind, “UTE†5.13313 i-_f1:’1 plum 10 I 0t 3 " . . A a l DVD 'lllll olwr lllt‘ f md , r : . au CrDn1d _ . , i ' .. [ J _"" Cartwrlgnt. = ll hon we shall 1mm nlll' SHUT (hm: l M' Ami train 0111' insl 1vumrd. ( . _ it) _ . SI ster of' f w... + Filijmwll, tlcar, Margarrl, Arm, frrresrell ! t 19 above) E Fur WP shall Jt100tno mom . y. Till Wfr [IIT) raiy,ytt1 With l'lii ist, to dwell 'ti On meiiiii'x‘ pmim'l'iil Sll01‘0. , \ ill =-FF.NB, -P. a. A, . - ,_ ' - " "r " ,1; .lBJ,$.$$itlHti!1tM8lllMt.rr,iaP, I?, 'irRttgiie'i,,i,tJ,l,t..i,ihtA'tt'9"tt'"tit' - Erririiiiia "iEtire'Wiei's, ,;_ . r g: ' "ARRiGam= 'Ill. buiat =EWe=y=rl-_555eE5err'_"'""-T'r'-. - -re-"er'e' ' " Ta- W5% - - .1 " " tMeme-rs â€2mg f