Shirley WI Tweedsmuir Community History, 1868-1987, [1868] - [1992], p. 4

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MRS.TH 2v. .7» T' V Foii2lfg'"P1etiaY,ie, £513 i) 'l'srit, Thamisoro My]? dgmml 'tef,,': Melvin Arth Low! ' /. RET s awa G n led at ortPerr "r'AV'h -sL ewprv ACATHER ' we, _ . YCommu . , e UTE _ INE . . " Wednesda . al Hospital Dn Friday.Octotoe nity Hospital At th , Thomas Henry Wills husband James William of l y M.N,19N Alma d r¢,1973Me,vm m ' e Port Perry Co F ON Scugog Isl d ' . l NShe lived at 24 O h _ oceerlruée a?” loved husband Am?” Hotspital on Fridam' N uneral serv1ce was held C 1 an ' five children a II Oshawa. s awa Blvd. 5m" of 's'tgce,r,1te,rt him“? 1979, Thomas sluli' “VemPEr 18, 1978 for Reta fro (Mrs, Tony Snyders) l Thet ynle'ArThUerO'I Albert of Bro husband of iiiG' catherineWilsonwhopassed 0 Fergus, Kenneth of ' 1vl?lifJpgi?ig,1lsit2/, . 1 of London and Ma tawa, Floyd M “in and loving tath y away November 16 . Oshawa, Ruth (Mrs. Wayne i' O mFeb,6 1890i Wk"! Sylman) 'J"h')rWc',leit1,"i,,') arte (Mrs B er the Com . , 1978in DeJong) of P t i “r hes iiit'i'iiiiiiiii?cf'i'ii! Shirley,' Wed by llgrandhatn. also sur- Woodrow), Sunderla "We Hos . {WNW Memorial Edw 'd fr Perry, I t? Mrs. William J li/lt Mr, great grandchild children and 6 Evelyn (Mrs Ho .n!i and pital ln her 60th ear al and Etizabeth both 1 2 K'She Was a mDenHOCkin-l lat/a (Mrs, Roy SEEII'flzro'her of Port Perry' denavr okins) ot after a lengthy illness y of Scugog Island and three , _ a , i . . . L t :gsvmw United Chm-2:" oi PIUEI'nL‘Déd, Robert 1hi"fr,th', i,i'irlt,tl'itfi'sttdi7,t','iv1eir,' CMES‘ Wilson was born in élandchlldren Sharon and 'l . _ Uner . e r ar _ . erri ' Xh Medall- hyppp William 'i/l'CulJirfea/msoec,i,r, at the iiGik gtlg, ot Roy and d guy“ HI 1919, the J iSnyders andWesleyDe 1 two 'salffit,fer 29 196512?" foo” Perry on rue22gpanabaker (Mrs Ross "/fgr l, Mary at?” of Janet and the Mill Also surviving Mrs. q s lo d ' . I so at 2 Loam P . e of P ewiss l . 150" is her th b' dau hte' y and Harr Gray p.m, Intermen . r my, also Sm. Iort . “am. Shes ent I mo er Mrs. . Victgol-iar' Beryl, two sisal: a JCEMelery. t Pine grandchildren lVEdIby five het early years of her mpg in Janet Swain, two sisters ' threeb and Plorence rs. - year. Restin , 1n his 49th Cartwright aim ' Janet ers. Clare v - and 'iiTe/nieati/1, 'itc'gd, - - _ irlgilt',tt/g11,'itgrlgtf education in the Cnlng he: and Winnie (Mrs Bvirmg"r). P, died bef l 1am o Perry Fun- tl er Port h ar wrig t di . l on [ ore her . eraise . ' SC ools and aft _ ingly) and thre b 1 She is . PortPe U . rv1ce atthe tod er marrlage P e rothers _ ' _ rry a _ ' . e” _ . f Harvey it"! “EFF-d by a son cot a”, Monday at 221:3." Ehurch on 1943 Ile William Wilson in FEE-V Em“? aryi David. , "l grandchildren "WE; [our d ituell flirt? Grove 'celnme'mem re id eeame a long time Wil neral servWe for Mrs. ' q grandchildren’ and four great. ea Mandi l',ve'idieaTitoe,,rayi It gh ent of Scugog Island tlSOrl Were, conducted by ' Mrs _ m28 gay .be made gallons f ewas an active member Rev. Brawn and Rev, Lin- , . Medland _ A 1 - anadianC . the 0 the Grace U . ’ stead on s t d . érmstmng Fun IS at the ar 7-year old Port P ameerSociety, A7 the Head nited Church, her 18 a ur ay, Novem- , tii?i,if:'t,',l:rilk,v,k.i1,.'rl1e,r,1iirif Home. ofea youth died last Tu erry Womcn' Upr and the P m.. t 1978 from the Port I We “lapel Frida beheldin . catton rmmoxide eyiay MCKEE - M Sh . .5 Institute. erryUnited Church. Inter. , ith interm 3 Pm, mg after he I??"".'?- denly a ary Elizabeth. e lb' survived . ment at the Pine r V ' Union C an m Osha gal' was found m hi m _ t the Port P 5ud V he: Comm,” ove twin emetery, Rev J wa P? IS 5 unity Hospital on M my CW" Att acl / m eeyg,'s" " ' Will oifieiate . ack Police sa V ll @978 Mary Henr onday June swhl U 07 W'LSON,Rela c . A I , . Stuart D glakle death of lie/f Lorne MCLEEEarIy 'Oveu 'll1'll',1'nuitiTid', trd Part Perry Port Perry amass-T": At the . PurlP V e of R.R.2 C F dear m “f Black. on w emorial Ho an Thursa Iry ospitat ' . err - ' . t (Mrs, other of ednesda r Spllal pr' Novemb ln Memttritnn _ it 'l'yi)1'2i"t1i'e"vet,re,tg, James lil, alias) Janélfllleey 2,h/tli', Halvl afar??? 20, '.?ih,ssv"lt 2p/p/oterltJe ---------- wasworki young man Blackstock s Ewe, cam ' Cr belovett wif _ _ lack- ll ' Wilson of Sc i m ' in o . I _ , Leah n of Lewis _ E of the. Sand. dea Hang . 'du',v,lr,?,a'ttgr'1guv, of a dear {Egrage 1i,h0ar),hniispie,,i,rr1 the all?!) 'jESYIClon ETJS'MDaVi“ Percy asnT,i1nrrnitt mowers: leg; Tony 's,g1'gird1, Carol , ' _ _ . le, oth f ennem "Bus , Lew Fem eranti granule", e dan awareof c ohn McM ENE stoccAnet E Black- aroma ' a er gar fr aesarg ; lllen) [Mrs.c w Wal Ruth l . Lad; tC/Cd',')'?,".')"' left us monoxide lumle:m carbon srle1"riiit,/1s.? Svrvlved by If EgaPErrv, ()lrri'ieT,i)errv1vog), 'l,Ta1i,'elti0g); 'are/lf?,,: " God knew than. . found lvi C' He Mas Frank wits r sister of Mr ingley), Toronto; me' gr allofPurt Perr d E Lst ' 3 Thi'me hills We: “as suffering and " beside the car and Malvillgn' Itt Frank Trips' amt!" Ste. Marie am; Ii?” of Taiclim;rher of Sharon! :6; g Sty Heclose _ e "drou- motor ." Ja _ al New p 98 Wilson; E late I nyder . n , an imb, Th was run ck Wlls EWE.M t . , also s . DeJ s and w r _ " And whi rsweary ever ey0un mug. Wiib un of Tyr cs. wenty-tive urvived try tmg. Lovi esley , _ spered .. ids U ' gman was tak .' ect Reyn Jne, Mrs sixt grandChildre Janeta ittg daughter of ' Thine" ' Peace be xbridge Ho . en to Ville Ll OMS of B _ . een great n and . nd the late L - P _ _ r S ita l r oydofP Uwman- siste grander.“ F sister of ewls Swain, E (M "cg, In the. beautiful hills of was pronouncepd Jezgere he refeiv/ivs, and 32:55:): andthe her 523:3,233'; Sophia p'anre'l'g (Mrs. clgeercces‘mw, 'Janet Y, ' _ . Year. F enry, m th . “herals J' (Mrs. . onl Winn I 1,v,,t,eg,t"g, ofrest so fair beet',,),,', i 3 Lila: chapel of 'itcngg12,etrtr,i,cae, at haekecpaszlno!PMcDermsrngLZEngl At tsilwcr,iopr,t,fl'p2cng David“: Y aviwa kn - at y ' Oran . er, Port P o "Pana- F erry on . 7 Pan D McDerm V q We will mee ow mrt when ork co " sued , Jun errr on T ebruary 22 Friday ahaker Po t oth _ fourlov ' mark unty Hos . Y e8at2:00 hursda f a Uni “Mimi mt ' servl ' r Perry, Fune -, non , n s V . . ack __ ' ur " andfamily. 3,32” "Jl'r"r"y?,t,e1i2'Jsgpg,r,t, s'aCk‘e‘na-r: gm?) ie',',;',',',; (,fg;,,tl,vte"l,t,',r, I HuTCHINs 7,, Ussella Sononll e emeter he . ON _ -- ttear b "We. . e e em y, e memory of In lovin P mm" of R Sutcliffe y can! ROSS ORVA - lather and a dear hush g any, Cam oben of Pan, . LSTRONG Perry livi . _ , grendf and, Allism ' een (Mrs Ca»: mg with th Who passed amerlCliffo o n; Pearl (M . l. Lee) R . a” there R em _ 1974 away Decembe rd "awa; and rs. D. Han ' ayto . oss was born . . . . oss held vari 1 _ -" th nal " Hill in Pu I jobs T mus . . _ Th r 24, Lamagol e late . 1 Son We ' own P e “I regelmomh comes with dee 'vihg,rle,s, “my; 1‘3“"ng I o HEROES; ”81:11am Joseph F'arm. , eel Poultry , I . l p Item . Un T M ' n . . , , " Er 2es 111'7sgcirpt,',y:g,er,f, Panab§€§l°22”fl°'mam; iliin . le, If, five he 505:3? to11/1.ite"rrg:rsl,gT,,"e1i l ea t . or . r _ nc 0 Ce ' i (Yrs A in” r s you will alwagyes' all?” am. Tr/g Thurs. At "V l ed 1'1l',i'l'1 where he attend, with his i,,.i2gr and lived - l R awe” and rememb amp!“ G’OVeE: Frm H . Oshawa Gene 1 the f there. He lived Ross ' er Hugh. & 2'J; area day by emetery, ospital on Thursda ra arm with his a On me b will always be re- . l emories are treas MIDGLEVI Lh _ 7th,IN0, Jeremy IY_ Feb. and later moved p rents m ered for his sunn " g,", steal, ures no one rrumity Ffospit IYd at the Com. his 5th yea y Tilling in to Port good natured dis . . y ii riff" is a heartache no i'ii'it'ii'ii:i'r'i'c',t)),iiiirr,P/ir,,'e?ir,, on Wendy Tull, beloved son of STR0NS Russo Ross passed awa30'smclj’n' IE _ v Ene can '9ley be . ammo d . ng, nephe Perr c' rgaiatthep Per . 1n ort Life Mus, Via, f loved hu Y Kim D W of V ommunit ort ry Hospital f - ' go on et Au sband of t ouglas Salim; Y HOSDltal . a ter a co true 'We know that' Hath gusta Rai Do l , Allan ay, October a on ageousii ht . ur- ' '. ls erofK th "es. dea na d, John , siren H979, R g against ", But it's not Pick a leen (M r Ti . , and Cha l . g, dear broth oss Ross . . Cancel- - the _ ard), P rs. Robert illin r es lowing” Er of Hu IS surv C' n lostyou. same Since We grandfather ort FEW, dear gra I'; all Of Blackstock Mrs. 1fl,c,"'g'2),rtM,i,"r? ge), father Hu h “Ed by his _ ' Lovingl Sherman G of Miriam (M n son of Mr and M t Dearbo ne Mcnugh, Mrs R r, Mab l 5 , sister in law - wire Ma:;e;:embemd by (Mrs. “2,4155"? and Em: Arthur Tilling “mack“ Is,'. and Mr’sml Mrs, Joyce MIT; 11t1, 15m nieces Marie - ' rhdaughte I OShaw . iner) but great-gr 0c ' , Sabelle Ver l u y Jo , &theirtami _ rs a; alga Sum. . h at andson of M T wrgived try Run; also and l yce,isabell llles. grealgra . Ned by l- Mrs. . . ' r, and Die: seventeen a15017 . e, - year. Reldggllarem m his ll',' Mrs Richard Tilling and 1if'rt"c'eaant', nephews. k',',:,".',', nephews great nieces and l St ')i'irrsj:ri?ts,t,'s?'e.,ri,itet.i? chapel of 05h; Erie Arsenault of ',s1,i'r,ctv,l)init:?e'c'rr1i,i?r'e,ivrrrc'??rl, “mam s l . - a r . 0.513: yd roving mm, M 2.23;: tirg)cg' l'l"'rrueso'rat, Arsenliil Mall" Wilfred misfav'wimllliimn held from "M53 were " , . brat y ' . ttterm a i ori ment pl . . . erm _ - $55.1." who “22;, Kenneth ii'ii')"krs"F"'/tv"lrs1' Gigi: Pn. of Mr. and 131” cm "-"fr-r'"C"i""T_C'"_1ete_ry Eanabak” Funeral Han?“ ' A'mlnber a, mi away M, Reid, Buwmanvill rs. Gary 5TR Ev: Brawn givin e. _ J etribute Small SNY Tested e, Jeremy ONG'GUrdonG SETVlce. Int g the 1 ust to say we still wind tender Gone £31. June Gngee Fume /if the Armstrong at"? Perry 'larl')"U,rJt%btst/g Grove Cam frmenl at Pine . Loinnm . when with her Lo Fa ome o h ' "Won Wedne Ursing . e Ely. l Yrememb _ Dec 5 1 rd on fun ' t s awa with 1978 G sday,t3cttr6e 2 His P lb , - Mother D eradeI ' , 979_ Jane Gr eralservieei . orddn G. St r 5, . a eaters w . " . add-Sister l Snyder in h ace lm s inthe chapel nu“and Nth rtmg beltyeed iive ne h ere his - s loved all er ml, year alurday Feb I dean elale Erm p ews and E I WI» . , ' ther . a Bruce no h l. one gre . M T ughter airmail ' interment ' 9 with a a otPhyllistM ' p ew: Bru at " _ rudy Snyde . and in Oshaw ' arr) of a rslenc M ce Gear G . . r smel- Camel a Union Bla Vxton, Rob cHugh H , any i Elllglié‘ll. of ,Vancouve‘lj'f Gerry 'iCyd'flllt1rg,is, were Rims)“: ot,": (We: Gm Allan “MOT? Dearborn, , r7ss7iouo"s.m,iriTirvTJGTn Mich 'liar)",,',', Rapids, Trevor Mu'gark Graham, Raipr1 Strong; 2752551“ 'helale' and Rick Gag]. ohn Vernon, r NOLDs R ., , l at hem Vivia y, and D seven gr ' . ’Vivedb . . l ly at f ossIMay sudde _ and Jake f e Man M . ale b andchlldre y ,. BOWmanv'n n o Oshawa ' emorial don ti rother of L (l, dear a, "r l Hospitalan . me Memorial granddaughter ' to the M arlons ' Gran ula (Mrs o 1.. i _ Friday J E of Fred useular D Em) Black t . scar CURR . I Ros ' unel.1979, ngela e F . ystro (NI s tack an Er, __ - - . l of 7433,3335: beloved wife favoritea JIgostrs Her und would be appreciagliy PEI'rrsll. mm; ',i:i?i',??1C.'li?, 1:5: 'sh'aKl'glrt '2',r/,'g, at i dear mother l ert Reynolds, Lemme Fun Iesus --, ' . service hyear, Fun ' ar, Janu Ospltalon g' of Dorom . z eralservie F at th eral Kennet ary 18 Ra Gi . y (Mrs. Zion C . eat IELDIN ---_ McD E Che Eh s ' In * I malaria? 3; Lc'gdsfy. loving i1t)efilnritri/ll1y Reformed (i"vsdlltr1GaA/s'i'Qe,Te',t: "At 'iierciiscicii'tr-s'ijitec,i,trC'",r/r',,'r teg,", "Max:231" Curree' " G. ro yn (Mr . ‘ , Dee.7at on Th Ome,s 2:00 Y: Dctob mg lath a Hu I . Megan), B.C, Helen M s l l 0 clock. GGG'Gi M 3 Albe ursoay, March 9, utton p.m, Inlerme Er 17_al Balm il er of Lynne (M nter, I _ Larry Silver) Lindsay and; rs, I Lawn Cemetery In ll ount so r: LeWellyn (Lew) F 1979, Cemetery, Cadmust ' Union Angeles :0 Wayne both :5. J. ', and Norma at avid i flow . eu of nt) the lat iel0ing "* . 0 Pee ' Barb ' tt Lo F, [ _ home; i l ers, memgri 1 Fi _ E Henry a II Thoma rotherofVi S ' l VIVed b I 350 sup . I ' a datum, ielding, nd Mar I . s, Ba IClor , ' Lee Anion; 1rJr",39,rr)ecat1rild l {303; PngIpalion no“: Afda 'ln/lc',',"),')"?,,)::")",: ff WtLKlNrKennetrtR k M. mans) and 32:; (Mrs. :1: Furteralserw' r year. l ' F e appreci t a Ruby at o wick, father on Wed ay SUdd nel, In hi Y (Mrs ./ g ce at th Visitati la ed. M Wen Sou ti; _ nesaayI Oct enly chapel lsymh Ye . I t hCll2'c'/,,i','t'tT, ecnapel of [ I ion comm rs. E, Be T! l sisters Kenneth mm 7 197 ofhhcD ar. Ann ' anabake Pride encing M elby (Ethel R. Wilki ' 9, Port p ermatt-p e w Perry an M0 r Port y at 2 p.m rs. Frank JScugog Port Pe m of R in erry F a"abak Ga J eh . . at the A Trmmpso . , fry. dean . _ 2 the P ' imam I er e Intermertt Ne " Y. une dth, urch. For f . Shbwn. b n (Eileen) Donald Y "Wed 50 on Parr service ' ', "e1lrlt5."eonie""'.tffr: . urther m a , mine” Ea _ and Joan . . not Tuesa yUnited at .. enlelem tree,',','; please Contact the led", at Manchesglera‘ Utica Ember of Mary J,",,',? Mar "//,'rsl'/gidit'n,ugg, 22 all?" on I 345‘“ uttH a. o s Ong Funeral Home Fun was held at the-T The J ands” of L J e, Irrvirtg tery ent ”eWmarkel' P.M. . e . m1 Shawa, l s eralHome stoma IEYIOr osephine%isGu ames and _ Ceme» , 0 Jr "_-'"" De j'urdayI nwille on Perry_ .n his mm with”. Port I. " kg I :1 fl q k . ' W 2,iral ' _ . Seerce at the Chapel”. Funeral tto N A. i - ' - ‘-"- ' . . $2 ec'izrsitv- WM~ Ti,t1?gt,t,t,r. Pur‘MMCDer- NM - _ . I Ca; . iiflWd,f,t,t.',y, 5, at Jew on i " . . _ gt 5 a? rttermentpine Grove dg‘gM, , - ' - _ t2a M ,1 L'"-"-':':','-':"-",'-"-"'-"-'"'..?,"-'", ' - l. we. su aes'e c T l _ we.“ - - _ - /t 2 TiTEut .

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