_ _ t - __ l,.,,~.(rv at: "w- _ i -- . _ 6 er- I 19W 'l BLAIRGRAHAM lie and High Schools and The memorial service was i II L . _ . A promising young Black, Guelph University from conducted by Rev. Victor Me vi eL.l meme . -‘ stock farmerinhis 21st year, where he graduated just Parsons, Pallbearers were . . oblfum y if Blair Graham passed away three weeks before his no close friends Terry Black, MelVilleL.LanSlng passed JAMESL. (LOU) , _ , suddenly on Monday, June 25 timely death. Blair was ll Theo denOuden, Paul Larm- away very suddenly at, his (a r " RAHAM f lh as the result of a car am. member of Blackstock Unit; er, Mark Pahlemann, Tom home, Port Perry R.R. ' 0 -ttesl . A former employeeed El tl dent, ed Church. Wotten and Harold Wright. Thursday morning, April (i, aiat, Ontario Hydro who retir ice E Blair Howard Graham, Blair leaves to mourn his Interment was at Prince 1978. He was born on Seugog 1963 with dl J/hh/ig) “a $? who was born on May 28,1959 passing his parents, Joat1 Albert Cemetery, Island May 5am“: tr/del" Hospital Rich- fr the eldest son of HArvey and and Harvey, a sister Cheryl, Blair's High School prinei- He Pove) with his parents miliid Hill Thursday, hi/ 15, ER Joan Graham, grew up in brothers Mark and Robert. pal and a classmate wrote and five sisters to, Shirley He lived at 182 Lucus St., Rich- lg "urple Hill. He received his Also his grandparents Mr. the following tribute which Road when he was srx years mond Hill. . " iucationinBIackstoek Pub, and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. was used at his memorial old and remained on the Bory M.ay 6, 1398 in East 2 service. same farm until his death. Whitby 1h'gettirrf,'dl so; B "Blair may be considered He farmed until 1971, when of the late Mr. an s. am I Bhtekstoek outh die one of the distinguished he sold the farm to Sinclair l tgr/tep/tery/rf/tr', .1 y s graduates of Cartwright Robertson but still lived in l liaiEiim r, . ,3: . . High School. He completed 5 the house. _ V l A resident of Richmond Hill Id i m I I e. years in 4 - an accomplish In 1953 he married Mrs. i for the past 46 yearS,I he s: Slug e car ace ent ment achieved by a very Stella. Heay? of PortIPerry l previously livedin East Whitby , limited number of students. He IS survived by his wife. Township. a _ A 8PN _ Blackstmk area was southbound on John Although he was a hard Stella, several nieces and He was aImember of Jt.' l Ryan tiredipSunnybrook Hog. Street and lost control of the worker at home his alert nephews. Royal 9.trtadian Legion, Ric . MB pital Monday morni fro . . . . . . '. . h f l mond Hill. i. injuries suffered g, In car while attempting to and inquisitive mind and his T e unera .was held O) His wife, the former Hazel , late mode] s ts w en ps makearightturn onto Union sense of organization en- Saturday, April 8 from the Althea Prescott died Dec. a, l h For . car hit a Avenue. ' abled him to cope academ- McDermott-Panabaker 1967. , r , . ydro pole on Union Avenue . many His sense of humour Funeral Home. Interment in Two brothers also ' in Port Perry. The vehicle struck a hydro . . .' _ F E est E 1e . th t id f ' his easy-going manner, his Pine Grove Cemetery. predeceased him, II‘n . tt A spokesman for Durham po on tty BI e o the determination and willing- Pallbearers were Kenneth Edward Vallant who diyd in «ii-I Region Police said 2thyear road. The victim w.a.s thrown ness to work all produced a Riches, Arnold Riches, 1967 and Bert Hall who died m , old Blair H. Graham from the car which then , . William Tri R St 1 may I 't . was burst into tla good rapport with staff and Tp, oss ee e, He is survived byanumber of ~ alone in the 1978 Firebird mes. students. During his school Roy Robertson and Sandy nieces and nephews and great- g when tte, yefident occured He was taken first to Port years Blair was an active ltrpcyre,___, - -___ nieces and nephews. 'it after. midnight on Saturday Perry Hospital and Ptr and enthusiastic participant LANSING, Melville L, Suddenly 2 Mr, Raham is at the L evening. _ gansfteorredtoSunnybrookin in all aspects of school life at his residence, R.R.2, Port i. t,et,rlirAvrtiTit be???“ B. According . oron . . . . ... ' Perry, on Thursday, April 6,' Home. rvice wi e in k5 to police, he including sueh divers.ifitd WN, Melville Lansing, beloved? the tgil Saturday at 1:30 B activities as drama, Choir. husband of Stella Raymes, are I I pm, wi interment in Oshawa " chess, curling, skiing, deceased by six sisters . Edith; , Union Cemetery. tt Outers’ Club and track and Graham, ‘Eva Steele, Hazel» , I g GRAHAM, Blair Howard field. He was not only a Enough EgnJa Riches, NoreIna R?ED?II¥L James L. , g , J 25, . . . am e an use not); aso . * h",'rllu'" 33:2:an ofun;.R.l participant in these clubs, survived by several nieces and. at hY,,trt Central 2itlt: ll Blacksmk, dearly mad so" of Tsrtos,, M. but a loyal and enthusiaMie nephews. m his 80th year. i IC and Hill.“ Thurs y, ir Harvey and Joan Graham, dear L T y member, willing to do his Funeral service at the chapel of Feb.15, 1979, James L. (Lou) L. brother of Cheryl, Mark and tt best for his w. . NIcDermott-Panabaker Port Raham, in his [list year. 'ir Robert a" a, home, dear grand- tn- 1 . group. . mg Perry on Saturday, April 3 at 2 , Husband of the late Hazel A. ily son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C ' fll'ISt place was not his prune p.rn. interment Pine Grove II Prescott, brother of the late & Hoskin and me late Mr. and Mrs. objeetivermorpimportantto Cemetery, Ernest E. Valiant and the It Courtney Graham. In his 21st him was the sense of accom- late Bert Hall. Remembered hl year. Resting at the chapel of plishment derived from his by a number of nieces, 5 McDerman-Panauaker Port having tried his best lit nephews, great nieces and Bt Perry for service on Wednesday, . . . . . . _ . nephews. Resting at the . June 27. 1979 at 2:00 run. many situations hi?rmsitiv: McIntosh-Anderson' Funeral ti Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. ity about the feelings and an ' e Home, 152 King St. E. Ser- " Donations may be made to the needs of others took priority Ati, I. M, {5774 vice in the chapel Saturday, tt charity of your mom, overhis ownpersonal wants. A Scugog . nshiz an Feb. 17, 1:30 pm. interment " As a result Blair was well found dead behind the ii1ii,tSwtfi-'i'c Cemetery, F17 5., liked and respected by all. of his truck early Sunday x I _ t His desire to learn and his morning on Simcoe Street The death occurred suddenly on , MRS. FLORENCE and was always keenly senseotpurpose took him to North in Oshawa died of an Tuesday morning, February '10th of i , GRAHAM interested in all the com- the University ot Guelph apparent heart attack. Jayne Carol, beloved daughter of in.“ n A lifelong resident of Cart- munity's activities. where he received his Dip- A sykymay {01: the Dur- and Hazel Coates, in her rourt] ' wrightTownship, Mrs. Court Mrs. Graham leaves to ploma in Agriculture. His ham Regional Police said a month. She is survived b her 1 F ney Graham passed away mourn the passmg of a courses were supplemented post mortem was to be ents, three sisters and oneybroth par- I peacefully atthe Community loving mother and grand- by his involvement in GH Gained out on Monday to Funeral services war d er. ' Memorial Hospital, Port mother, a daughter Joyce and Jr. Farmers' pro- determine the exact cause, Rev Romeril fro the Ti, Ietf Pl! 1 Perry on Sunday, November (Mrs. Gerald Kelly) and a grammes. Hisambition was Police say that Cameron Pantibakel- F IV/h' a M-.. T I 5, 1978 in her 82nd year. son, Harvey both of Black- shown in that he took extra D, Robinson, 43, of RRI, My Feb 123nm Aor/ e "$2 , 1 Mary Florence Susannah stock and eight grandchild- Courses inhisfinal year; all Blackstock, was found by a , . "3"? 1t,P:tht ' was born at Purple Hill on _ ren, Cheryl, Blair, Mark and his courses were shown with patrolling officer about 6:00 CQATES: Mary Jane-At the Com'. , a April 15, 1897, the daughter Robbie Graham, Elizabeth, the idea of implementing am. Sunday. The truck, mun 'y Hospital, Port Perry on Tues,, . of John Toms and Ann Eleanor, Elaine and Esther theory into practical situa- apparently northbound on Mop-h 24th, 1959, Mary Jane Lamb, , Vance. She received her Kelly. She was predeceased tions, Blair, through his Simcoe St, mounted the curb dearly loved wife of Russel Cantos, . education at Purple Hill by a sister Annie, and two many tine qualities, has left ct'ossed several lawns and deartnother of Irene (Mrs. S. Moore) ' ' School. brothers Fred and Wilbur us alegacy to be cherished cameto restaaainstahedge. Murray, Verna (Mrs. L. Slum) and ll On November 3, 1928 Toms. . . and remembered with loud TOMS, Wilbur _ At the Oshawa James; sister of William and Hazel "" Florence married Howard The memorialservice was affecting _ General Hospital on Thursday, (Mini. L. Duff). In her 65th ear " Courtney Graham in a conducted at the chapel of 'March 23, 1978, Wilbur Toms of Resting at the Chapel of M D Y . g. double wedding along with McDermott-Panabaker, R.R.2, BUachstock,dearly loved P c er.mott" tl . . . . ,husband of Elva Darcy, dear anobaker, Port Perry ror Herylce on g, her brother and his wife, Port Perry by her minister __-__---- "ather of Eileen (Mrs. Harold Fridw at 2 p.m Inter Pi t Wilbur and Elva Toms. Rev. Victor Parsons and a HOCKEN. Harolti.Atthe Com, McLaughlin†Helen tMrs. Grow. Cemete . . ment me I; Together Courtney and lifetime friend, Rey. John munity Hospital, Port Perry, on Stuart Darrell) and Wilma (Mrs. . try. I I Florence successfully Hill of Columbus. Interment Monday, October 21,1977,Harold KfeithI Van Camp), dear brother fl/Ri','; Russel James I . . . . Hucken, beloved husband of the o orence (Mrs. Courtney , e ommu i ig farmed In the, Purple Hill wa,s at the family 919‘}: the late Mabel Franklin, dear father Graham) and the late Fred ,1 t K†c [J Home, Port Pei-1r? Dani-:28. I area tor over-forty years Prince Grove Came ery, of Margaret (Mrs, Ivan Mount. Toms;aisosurvived byl2grand. " day, October 10 fhi R l , until his sudden death in Prince Albert. toy) of Blackstock, dear grand. children. Funeral Service at the Lc , 's COMES beloved 1'fhlllrtl * . - - father of Brian, Judy (Mrs. Carl Chapel of McDermott-P b k- _ ' e 1970. ps, Grahan.1 lived a}: GRAHAM! F'UTEMEIS- _ At the Gilbank), Llinda (Mrs. Robert er Port Perry on 'JJlTLr"/"2l'ir'cf, o. r, mm. ti 18:9 Mary Jane Lambe; It past tive years m Blac - Port Perry Community Hospital Kytel,great-grandlather of Kari 77171 at 2 p.m. Interment Pine tsec. . ear ether of Irene (Mrs. i stock. _.' on Sunday, November 5, 1978, Anne and Kimberley Mounlloy, Grove Cemetery. [6/4115 Sandy Moore), Murray, " Florence was a faithful ',t"/igeas,i,2,'g')'/1tr"g', wife 0; and Laura and Lisa Gilbank. in a!“ b 2'i1'ti,il)tt LeonargdSlute) , e are ou ney . ra aman m Mth I R ti tth 4 _ v ;a oeurviv b - gemberof the Bethel Metho loving "nether,“ Joyce (Mrs. can†tn,d('ciTeAetsr"s,nfnai'Ldrle, comes _ Robert Alfred. It in; l grandchildren and 10 JU t: st Church and later the Gerald Kelly) and Harvey, both Port Perry tor service on OSNBWE General H0spits 0 granriehildren: in his 88th 't Blackstock United Church of Blackstock; loving remember- Wednesday atgp.m, Interment Monday, May 28, 1979. Robert l Res . i B A†both of which, she attended ed by 8 grandchildren. In her Pine Grove Cemetery. (Bob) Coates beloved nusbandof year. bug at the Chapel © 4. 82nd year. Resting at the chapel - , the late Inez Wilson. in his “in .oi lrreperrttoWPanatrakisr , i._ t regularly. She was also a of McDermott-Part-rr, Port year. Funeral service at the Port '/tit for service ii/ ', long-time member of the Perry for service on Wed. at 2 alt 2 chapeiofMcDermotrPartaBaker l 5 Friday- _ 2:00 pin, Inter- . Shirley Women's Institute p.m. Interment Pine Grove ’71 and, 'lg,'. Palm rf'r'uttm/,re"JrtvT, ttt mall-ave _ . Cemetery. (It desired aorrarttiru'/ by? - er a i station from V . 7;, N at?" ttb- X317 tte- 5 may be made to the iiGGrriiil Raul, Cemetery. I 2:00pm. . l It . Fund of the Blackstock United --" ' - I . _ L C, L tux Church) 1.07 / Gm. 2 A.erf / IT 1. St 0 l . e '"uFH* ,