Some ofPei-cy Van can" f __ . I . ' I my . p.s _ 't.1rma.r.ialfctytury.agoptereplia.i. A3. ', . "l V V . tlirlituegtleritiistg from his that things haven't changed all M 2 . ‘1 -9.cerai, A _ ", li, ' 1 t was hung; and to this day it has dent at the one molt: a?! shim that much. Y0.u grow your crops . T "" " " M, - W yt, . ' l done a fine' job educating the School which was located org; gill? alandt $21118“ feed, it to the . . ft T ‘<;. PP. I _ y‘gunghpeople from Cartwright Fist Co . ' . u w a your won't find . sf, C: ' bl 'u.. _ _ - _ a' - wns 1p. 'Jilli1nfgfs111 of Cartwright-, ‘on many farps these days is the 8 "I PA ' if? is it wN F There were a lot of ups and Percy had just three teache . forn;8crel,umip patch. , t - Cr I 5 ' '= . . -, a) 7 ih' ' _ downs m farm life in those days, Fred and Floyd Hall who we?" T lUI|}ips are agrealconditiorl- . , .?.qrlet.r-,. _ 'i _ I ca' V and when Percy talks of the De- brothemandAmy Riéhardson e £2.31 “In-131511 ti stafted, adding 3- l IM a = _ _ ’ .Y _-", 4M A _ 1reyp,,, he uses the word It was well . . onVince at ceding his, -‘E‘ f. n _ m- _ l " ' -53" survive." the Van Camp £32: $33231; game a steady diet of turnips Ti Pi y . J A?“ V " e ' I T School, and Percy and his four 2tf cut down on the veterinari- ' 7'3 . " s l I . _ ' rr; - r . ' _ it r'yCi,iCifji, 'jCji'iciiejyj/i, -3' iefir,rt and Ix, brothers used to _ Bust. there is a lot of hand , > s' ", y . . :3“ " . wewerea" 1 every y. ‘ wo k . - . _ -- N C MP g Th-cr, _ . " ',jiifj, qVV_ "."r', "iij/tii"i'iiii,i" "fie,r,'c'urc'r i',r:,iiie, y/ dPCrcy Pagans one very stonny acre "itvg,1vpt'/U'yee,,ti $03" til V . . = " tll ' a _ IU , reallyscared' an snowy yinwinterwhenhis GaGcrG'lr"s' e a I ME sa I. “ I fa, i I . . . . shoulder from hoe- ' z " a“ ' V ‘ I 1htredntgrectit',dltig,asttegl'g too lsng the rows. Unlike his brother ik "lt' a ' :5 Fl l , "There was just no money at school. That was news f o, and ford, Percy was not ambidex- - it is?! . - , . ~ . itll, none. I guess I pulled through lad of ten and pg od T ora trous with a hoe. In the late fall for Fw . , ‘ r It with some luck. People were ed down to J,etr,gArrg,'tl,y, usually about Thanksgiving, the p Fa ' _ f ' I e burning grain for fuel." I could Fmd all kindsorin‘;3 crane turnips wolld be rooted from the " IIC-ll.. ‘r 'i “other very dark time in lmlCAdings to while awa 1.tshel? ground with pitch forks, loaded -, tl Percy's life was in the winter of day. y a Winters onto a Wagfm and dumped into the . . ___ 5:2: _ 1918 when a horrendous flu epi- But his older sister Jessie de root cellar m the bam. me , 'iicN " ',lg,1i'2'tT,'ap/, across Ontario. He cided that the l - \ ",r,i:yj:;;icrri's'ii)efsry'i, ., A __ "r . was . years old at the lime, in bad the kids 1t,te, wasn t that _.;.9s.:l!;l_t...:9'o.t=used (i/Ci. 'y, _ MIA ~ . ' the prime of life, but recalls "we after all, and it; "gigatggfa‘dhgim that'f’t" ih', i it: ' wereail sciuyiueally scared.Peo- along with them," he recallced , sorsure - Ri El: 'teg/hte,; sometimes three with a smile on his face H _- o.uyh." T Pe A. Percy recalls th t hi The flu hit in October a .d smAP;'rni'h2v.i"A1nfia8lgiJgt'gs) wy.JLcriy"s'rilt(v'lh'1i1tsce12'le A stay.lrt'i/t)lylL1)i)i"sodG/lli1 been home for all those years 'd,tii2ia2,mcily,, 0f ll children. Up 'lt E1223? com‘Bnun-hy was like H . . m t e map k ' _ _ own. ustnesses d farm fnwca/jnl'drsnig,1 $161523? kept a stick, 2irred1ii'/gei,r schools we.†shut, even we ing was not only his occupation off te, yay, it got used, that's for church smug were cancelled, for some 40 years, it is his maior sure. His parents attended Metho. and people did not leave their 1nterbiipe,,te/,hrliiafag, J 'ki'1gts2g1tihBlr1te,xik/g2p K, s23†unless absolutely neces- so get a great kick out of 0 mm m unday . l . seein a ood tr school. " i And it wasn't Just the v homogenates f Asayoungman,workonthe P sy/bud? 'at: elderly who [OCH . . . . arm rett i . . V581 stron thtig,e/1tisllv2/' room ofhis but i npr/eysg,ehl, Quail}? tg; hls 1,rl,1fa'lfritg', J,"". Be 90 in April. He's spent all all»: days. gmcn lasted only Just a couple bf k . wasalways Jiire%rFiir-riihriii memories d g t Township. He has some fond "we didn't go anywhere that front of his 90th Mahdi?“ s m ball in the evenings A _ Inter ‘I an he related some of them In a length winter. We stayed at home but enjoys good health insight); vThehoys would meet at the tails)V 1'hrh" JA' Star last week. (see story for deli wesurvived." , hearing is not Far, (The afraid Fairgrounds just about every years h g 98 been retired as a farmer for some 1r11913,af_terromerptsrdec- noon of this interview he (Honing for a game of fastball loves, t e sun has a great Interest In the land, and he ades working the farm, the sugar 1ue'g?gi, and fretted wniieeimily tt 'eftii1h/hart, Ya; for the amlly geVtogethers. t1slrgyu1t timed lot, Percy em rsput a new battery in his ' . 1 . ercy . . . . T ve Into a house in {113. aith) s . skatAg,f in 31mm, he lid.syn.e . tp time to time," he recalls Percy's father William Arth t,' 22/it and took a job with . es a man of average height, Bl kg at e covered rink in Wit a twinkle lil his eye. (he was known L', eve ur B fpyurymL . with plenty tof neatly combed t','l'l'k1c,s,t.ock and played a little [A large pa.rt. t.of social life in- W.A.) wasanumicipal WES? as and lit his Interest HI the land snow-white hair. V n y. vo ved__iust Vismng with nei lt- and al h . po clan, growing crops never faltered .. _ _ . '. T ., ., I was never very good at bours m the evening. In 19%5 sou h: slugh Idem), himself never and t,,0, this day, he owns a 100- ,', T N "ry/tfi' , /t ii,.".':",,. V 'iyrc':'r'ycr': hoe.key..fonce I thought I'd t Percy married Elva Wri ht . , g cote oriice., he alyitys are": ranch" just west Of son Mer- . O , e _ ands _ oaltend . . ry f . . g , a girl hadakeen interest in local af r l" f . V "-, 1- -c,,f,'rig'rj _ j/:'iir':::'eu:', ii,', Ae 'jj'":': g mg, and that spoiled it for Pr? a. neighbouring farm, and He talked all th fairs. l. S arm on the Third Concer q . 'ttf":", idleness "' me. Igot hit m the leg and it was they raised a family of thr . M ‘ eng about the sion. .. _ , . .. _ _ "y, : ..; V _ _ sore for several days. rill, Keith and Aileeneeall eof sontrfiversy that surrounded the He loved to spend time there . _ i The old rink, though covered whom stilllive in the iii/d k “675190“ to build the Cartwright and When he Was no lon er bl ar (dr, tt at his hands (they hadanatural ice surface and work, area. sum Hegl‘efaclllsgl It,' early 1920's. to drive, would talk (mg Glam: carcan str '.r wold" i_ a ere . . .. . hard 2' fiigure C'untg2hitiling 'dl1e,1l2grLie,rtgdgi'l1f, there .. Tr'.r' r', _r, , ""i_' opesitior1 to the s',crd1la $3255 iir,a/1dchiidren into driving him work Percy did most of his life base to make ice Per a good T Still ',. loves Fair .mainly, from older people who fell _ T And he's a They are not the hands of a man there were lots of v. 1 Cy recalls Di . _ T T ., tt would be too expensive es eci ll great can! player, who spent a lot of time in idle- after the first [Cf,', “meets ready I ay In August ", ‘ There was an endless series of Jugt Uzil y eucllre and 'Pedro." ness or sitting behind a desk pus- help bring the sth'2ystsu11p,ynfta/l ho . meetings over the school issue "Pedroi.e (315anng of the word mg a pencil around. arena in wagons so the Jl sag; . Jet of the enduring traditions allpobvmusly it was a hot topic: his eyes light upoxnalst-‘W Ind aceT,haehyesrsvegri log, in his tl? get started on the ice mak- iyneel'"hrthtt2gil1he over thel 1)rm')Ti)ritdwCe/ggyiir, used to ofa game. mpmlon , l IS . ann . . ow I I T _ sharp, There is an i,li',/ilg1rd"/! g The old rink . Blackstock Fair, and for in:a chJPSl to attend these meg-{an Byr there 1.S somc‘hlllg else trace of li . s lg t saw its last skat- than h If re for his cm . " rigs, very Important In Perc 's life: hi a iit, possibly remain ers about 1930, and b 19 , a century, Percy pla ed Tayymmt. . larnil F y . . IS the local f ' g _ y M, the an active role F y. The school IS V y. He takes enormous pride w d way f saying certain new P.1e II? the present location at serving asad'trl: 1“!"ng the Fair, ally put toa vote all? was. eventa- m his grand-children and great 11;»: S, my? Irish-Scottish-Dutch 31w Fairgrounds was open. (built at president He IEcol; scdcretary and then it became a 'J/i/iS/if: And Ttn1ichildren. He looks forward to _ “‘33:? it: het/g,'; a 1233315 EgghscoDcpresslon with certificate in rccggill‘ltiofll T/tf, well since the 'TllQdiaiylslt its Elma? get-togethers atChristmas . armor most- -ccnt pieces . . ' IS . . o In a s or f . h , l though like all farmers in . Percy, who. was 36 by) this 1'iol'1/rl),besit1asirty,? Fair, and he issue debentures for Construction Sadly, llis 'lridlrsdl1yis'i',Rti1/i'h' pse days, he kept some hens, a llva, recalls 30mg for a skate for His raw; - ay each August, Dee “ I V V _ . _ ' ' _ health and just recently had [GTE 3511;? ltr milking cows, mag“: “Pf ll'lIlhal new arena. "1 horse shows T,uivsr/i' are Ir,' _. _ l? SHOW .dtdn t hospitalized. _ e w ic were Pastured su Pl y .re. t o d, very 61d. I was . , I mg m t e 'r/er"-,'!" _i-,'"u'i I' l: "-rrt. i 'rrir,j, I He sa I t,1g,1' the road and always came skating with the children of poo- 1s'lghiri' r‘i’aichmg the horse " _li,t,1),p We Vote" (:'t/rrrr. a long my ei1hlplfgisbe,k on ""fi 3%ng own each eyenl'ng. ple I kyw. I was of a different seemed life 23km around and it ""',C l. joyed most-was the was “56:3; . . , ont get . l a e time," he _ c. I e one of the . out. Eve on . - along very well , he chuckl . d older people who lik th " ' votes, he and seve I ry e would pitch m to '. ed m Sat . T h . e e horses, friends had set off , . ra get some work done and . I . 'e,egrrdeditf,a'g1ra1gtd, to his life f Blélckstock in those days was c “Kid Perc . Janetville. On the $3313? fg, not like that GGG; as Just Percy has new]? $$UCE;Ik l, 'ciyi'liggieeige,c/ihte, 5:310 the Royal each, NSi'htg'rie1y,ti lentil; If, horses became cxharuysteg lthn asked what the secret is "m , 3' I u am i- _ . - m e co . . to win nearl 90 cheese or butter takes his tea viSions of course) C routo. Up until a couple of p snow. Percy and four I I g y years and on- - , , years, others wh F . Joymg wood h ' coffee without cream and or was cared Ommcrcc he always went to th R ' 0 were eligible L0 wt" g ealth, Percy . , can . g around the farms and F ' . e oyal on on the scho l I - chuckles and sa . manage ice cream only if it's fro included an implement d ' riday night to see the champion m _ l 0 Issue early the next . A ys P.aybe It had zen hard, . - . ealer, roadster, ornlng, set out b foo . something to do with not catin can't say also mild: tl'l1clc,s'sleie/tt'd1,rteasgtoii: There was one aspect of his ti'iiiiiir')iii,('il/k'vye" '221tlt t,t,ykgei,u,,citi; or that he gave (lf, this life long aversion to d, . ' . involvement F h h .. tmiss the vote. . mg a pipe many years ago. , _ these car ealership t1perated by one of F . . “I“ t e Blackstock We had f ' And fresh air and . . l , . e 'Jgg"tsarlti,? are such a tradi- Percy s bro thers,_and a hotel. (er, Let [ill1 t Sit too. well group and we 1kvuvoi'i', inhour probably has a lot to do ',xvtit1"i'l'. . T or - , . l , ' ' 7 Whoa asked about life on the b?“ P such, but I won't say they nations. ' 0 so we had to walk all night'" he 3:231:61?“ [T/f, now Lakes a reg- didn't sell a little liquor in there "I never liked " recalled. th a we day down the street I to do that. The vote carried the school to . e store to pick up his news- . , paper.