Mr. and s. Wil ' " Jura 139:1;er received some 120 guests at their home on the occasion of their 50th wed. ding anniversary. Ap. m M l9. " 70 ,, On November 15, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jackson celebrated _ - . their 50th wedding anniversary in the Oddfellows Hall. . ( - m _ * a e w" . a lrlpp fa lly raised eleven um r n 15"hipl! To The Editor: - Port Perry; Joe -- Port Perry Sincerely, .c , ' ' Ihopeyotiwii1tind this worthy R.R.; Marie Gibson -- F ' ", ‘\.9 of publication. Blackstock; Reta Berrill _ Reta M. Berrill/ i p y ‘i In a recent edition of Especial- Bowmanville. Bowmanville, Ont. , . . 1y for Seniors there's a unique . ' ' - , story of longevity. Six sisters and a brother all except one over 80. AJxNOiHBNEEMIFNT My family hasn't yet piled up 1.x f "__, a ean ar ISSC op are the years like this although I i/)T/yre.ell'/yatte,r,rpL- Annotsneenitri, happy. to announce the for- believe we've made some kind of honoured at an onen'riouse Tea trecririFrriirriaeraarnrA-G-,, thcoming marriage ot their record too. for their son. Wedding Anniver» and Lorraine Machonatd are daughter, Janet Lynn to Joseph . Ourparents, the late Alton and mymf’gkil 2'ile'b"getr.t pleased to announce the for Mark, 1ier1e!fltrrtympyr1 Florence Tripp raised eleven pm at Runway,“ [:12hzi4df, aiming marriage of Eisner Donna Goris, on August .20, children of which I am the eldest Oshawa. Relatives & friends are ir'ie",tii',ir.'ryrl1lvkilgi'd1ti-t-ri,iigre,' 1988 at the Port Perry United of thteedaughters. cordially invited. Best wishes ??r.Prett4:o0rxrh.atrsiieid't'ai', Church, '. ." Large families were not a only, United Church. - - . O 'dTiilvtypt1hitsh,, Isl,', 333 1?2gt, gig; Avery special thank you toallour ' Al' T" - ., ___ . y . familyandfriendswhomadeour so. at, the 1Jr1feiffraiuteh until all have reached the Senior. 50th anniversary the highlight of E bs n and'Wayne Mac- --------, ---, Citizen category must be our lives, to all who called and Donal - were maitikr in the {an om any, Sort may. and somvemg of a record if not for 1")'iiN'rsi,i"erts','i,21,egeu,r, United Church With the reception 1,vhrrptllrlTl'c l/Irie', all: acriev'emept, at least for L-rJe0-lh-ertrc_y_vytrters 'p,re,leye,syyi.atifti; Recreation engagement of their daughter" endurance. . r " Centre. Best wishes to all these CNNâ€? Arpt ttt Mr. James We lacked all the things that A kindly thought so often helps young couples. W/ RDbert Jacksbn, son of Mr. and modern life deems necessary Asad heart on its way __- _ .' 1 Mrs. c. Jackson, Oshawa. Wed. such as proper diets and woven Although we cannot always see _ , . ding to be i1nnounced, tative medicine. We experienced Jlt gm; t'g,,thr, friends On Sunday Cecil and yitieflyr -- - illness and accidents. Life was not James & neighbours GG son, Anne iarWPetiir Vanderheul easy, yet we emerged scarred but helped in any way after my fall. and Re/Roc and, Wayne Wiur ------, T-rr.-.------ unbowed Special "Thanks" to Edith for Donald armed members of the 'John & 'a-rc-sul/Items!, are Our man are planted deeply m picking me up and to Harold for l ' Johnston' family for the baptism 3312?"; ri"J'-7d'J,'," mg; the Port Perry area and none of always be†a; McLaughlin _ of Heather Mari: daughter of l tys1,t'usiisii, Marie to ltffrey, this group has settled very far . -- M . , ares onge. son of the late' afield. Also, on the road from Port . _ Grace and chr!1ulo_h_nston at the 2rCroart'k'ep)eiyejj,i', 33'? Perry to Seagrave where the Last weekend cajilagugarcie 39mins service at Txbpdge U y ' ll Bethel Church and cemetery once Gibson along with Marie's _ Gnited f,?ygi.lyItyoyiry, church - - were, stands a large cairn bear- brother Hammad: attended 2lriimf Eh“? along '.vith. Announcement ing the names of many of our the fiftieth wedding anniversary I hos e a amily gathering in ancestors -- the foremost one be- Open House in honour of Mejia 'mouf at Heather S b'r1'"Phtiay evening Breï¬am ing Benjamin Tripp our great- and J2r,'saAv.alters of Oshawa. r r a V"'- 'jifiEsypFir1tyiiiiii2he'iorii-'y'i?l"i'; "iiittyjin)'iir./ci;'i/'iti'irii-l'-afi'-e",1",g grandfather. He was an early Ann and Peter Vanderheul also gg, I 7“ were married at the Caesarea oftheir daughter Kpr [n Emilia to pioneer settler of Seagrave. attended this happy event. Thy . Church. Brenda is the daughter of ';2uoh,i,re, if ,'41rv'gi,f,nCianr:ad This is a list of our eleven: honoured bride of fifty years lSF Bruce, and Shirley Cummings, Warm ii'a"t/'lTt't “siting: Elwood __ Shirles; Roadi Irgvm - Marie and Elwood s sister, 7 7 iflfgd.1tu2"J.ogutaaii2'ii"i"y' august 26, was at Manchester Omemee; Orvil e -» in say; â€couple. - _ urc ' Luella Walters - Oshawa; Gordon HAPPY 40th -- Fenelon Falls; Frank -- . .- M - "'"re __ P' l, Oshawa: Jim-Shirley Road; Bill Garry Trlpp 'rlr 't39iiFaii ', - 'e - --t-i- ' ".'i'g'refisTPe 20 YEARSA -- ' [ Mt "l"" ( H V . ‘gi" -dtih'a" t ', 3‘ ' _ ' 53:9; l as. . _ Thursday, July 32968 _ T. f'., _ '_f l C S, T I ’ View . Mr and‘Mrs. Marshall Tripp of Ra. 2, Port Perry, have 1 “:24†g. C 'mai , , f L", 1fp1anciaily adopted" Suh Yung Hi, a 10 year old Korean girl, 1 _ GE: _ , a through Foster Parents Plan. I _ ' - W i " "he ' . , i __ T . Over the Hill he goes " ' ONNE t (rt-fi-fa-Tor-lr-ty-r'-"-'-' All i L ' . .. _ _ .. . An y ' - ‘- . I a Announcement i, ANNRIERSAIRE ii [ Love - G.S.T.G. + 1!1'11l?p.rt.'ggusay, it: ' . ' ï¬t _ 35:5252: Ja‘rlnouniuz the for- _ JOE TRIPP _ . i H" Al f . d g F 2,tg',igtnr2ygeththtc,tit,' l 'iiiritii-iki'ljicr)/Li l , 'ril G , __"' _ '21 _ $lt'lrh'1ri,,5-2htrG is... "NWI-T/stirs-i/i-l;', _ _ , "'tiii, , Benton-Mitchell and Hubertha PatersPHOCtébe" " _ r935 3' "": ' "," The familiesot Faye Mitchell of 22, was at Blackstock United E . ., 343; i V Blackstock and Ntoauhatigl 51'1trlf1y1, ' feégii; ' V Relatives, friends mg of Port Perry, are_pleased to _ Fee BlFtt-',i1 . . neighbom we invited to the announce the marriage of their _ Bride-lobe E1i2§b_egi_lgelly was , "P/E ' 40th ANNIVERSARY parents. The wedding took guest of honour at two showers _ o", -of- _ place at the Caesarea com. recently. Neighbours met at the t t q Ernie & t.it2ry1icsyr_ain munity Church on January 7th, home of Brenda Bryant to wish - 25 ocpl,thht'ifdlrt, 'k 715989. her well. After a few comical On a beautiful Saturday two of Sun., Aug, 21% ft; ifs _ games led by Patty Waters, gifts our local girls were married. In Bwtwlslm &fond memories only. were opened andadeliciousiunch the Blackstock United Church, FraFWsrr-crirrirTGary-a-ra 3 served. Elizabeththankedall the W 1,'rtjrTgi,f,t pleased to announce the for- I ladies. . ishero Gu p . _--,""",-- . l thcoming marriageoftheireldest ', " . . " - . l d relatives dau hter Norma to K s S ek [ The Purple Hill Ladies con Thereceptiorritndtianeewashigd Frismdy a". . g -Klaas_5srs r l gregated at the home of in the "r. llows Hall, Port are cordially invited to an 'i)"))',';)',;])",,,'),),'-)-]-,'-',",,":'-,'?,-:',',, NliattetlLts a t Joan In Perry. . ' “Iii†open HOUSE Saturday, April is ammo pm. at After a tast mu fin snack, ,7 =' H the Christian Reform Church, prepared by the hostesses June Aleta Hartin of Madoc is spem to help celebrate the _ i Port Perry, _ _ . l ding a short holiday with her T 25th Atmiversary s.“ Degeer, Marie Gibson and Joan, cousin Audrey Jamieson. Aleta , of GEE LEM . . V _ l Ett9wtre?peed..wit.h9ehqo! , attended the 'iitrey?-N6siin jvuusw,m gï¬ogiï¬gflggï¬ggï¬ge 'getjtgrt' Elizabeth replied l, weidiog,on Sign!“ y. - J (Gee till') 1 4 m" ‘marrlage ofthelr son Ti to lil? Im y. _' W _ 7' L ’ ' T _ _ 3 â€'rr Sat. an. - . p Iy Hacking, daughter b5le, and q Ci-uc-isa-ia-T, V RE' Saturday tiiiiiiiiahisuiirt' attheir mfg†Carolyn Hacking oi Kitchener. gMtt _..'. JILL IT', Ir ( t Mme]. Whlte were armed . Wedding tofskeplai:e Mitt 6, 1989 2kl5hilg'A4 Ky . * , R, ttle; United Ch in" a an,†Port Perry in Kitchener. __ $37: 'l'd'fi',',rC1',Tl'T:lll 11'lati'al edaing' _ Rev.:D., (Shirley Rd,) Bestwishes only i an. Tltuts: £6.00.Availab'leby _ Davis 'es'l' r " r. " "d _ calling War at (badger. y . _ -