Shirley WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 2, [1988] - [1994], p. 5

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V "ttrate,",, I V Tia" a et former 2ellt, an Wr Mtft tea. a - Winn Russell Iypnfaeoa y My """F Ton . sud Q ._ __ r e o In ','irop2llllbli died 23 deeply on W,2grts,s,shi Sudden“, a th a a: sup-H a 1988 at the‘ areh I 1988 H ednissda away General H 9 Whitby At th adys May s" -- iiit'iiieti,ii,/th,ai; 1 Ivan J/ire/d, 'i'irhg,dMgat 122'get, tgel on HospaZPW aneral , ewas born . ate ' y loved year 8 in his 6 C 23, Septem' WI Sunda _ C'-"" 33% 'iibiiiiii'iiili Walla??? and stiii,j.i,.ii, vit)':,?,?'?))?,,,?'?):,?",',;,,', sways“?a;vz;mg” ‘ 2rgit,ijr' I ip. ' ‘Scug ray H ance, Col arwm w '° Iyly belov 9.55 It At 0 _ rstfrrrit cr ) I On A cm.) og Isla . e was ne ombus. D ray of Wilb rt Pd wife ' Shawn a Y . ug. lil On nd Jun born Gary I eartath u Smith of pitalo Shem“- married , 1950 he August e 2 192 on w and his Wife erof mother of , Loving 29 "Tuesday Mo Ruby P the hrrtne JennieLa 1,1953 I ' 6. my of P Debbie neth C. Ross kts t 1989 M News“ . r . rse y vanm . Joanne ort Pe . Ward M' n. of T In an Wllsa Centre Iewmrllitlg reside nand amed Bi .and her fry, Smith H , rs. Jack Wane, a .n» on. h Street Units; "Malian“ 81tei2,ati)otg agggg'mof 31:53:31 ii'iiir,v', t/inru"l1lt,"; /),rarlg5),'iiiv,,el1tr'f,s,ti? Mr i'ieM1ai servie retired . or 2 band p a and her h o shawa irkry) Dear “ Ta . . . e w th 5 aul All us' Dorom , and M father 99m venous etaughti WI at Ge 1 30 burn, an or A Y Agar , (s. Westo of Lori alte WWII? in w? ”dimmidM iii1siii)iiiir1,i'iiii,1.',rir. 'ii?,ilyA,iir,1i1iiii'i'( an iii"i,'iiti'hiisiii) Ht WIS area H and fa . y hi . rie r, Slew hi ninetee ' ving so ' “son . m 1 s ma and A en, Car. c lldren a n grand- “he n tat Fe . I. the 0 a. membe ewast 1 y. ny of "drew _ nd we _ late J ' m and um _ r of o hed Myra _ Broth grandch My great m asls Wlls I t?iiiieitif'itg'ia!i?is, V5111?” 'pgft',ufet,ir, of Gar 333%. 95522???er 3? $930! th'IedEI'L‘ /ifg sis- ii,iiiC,'jiiii,'ii,iiiis?, l, r of mm m C ' , oann y r Pe ' ray of re and AI gilr, AI- the , ya‘saad' Cents F andB o1iins) e (Mr Yang "Y. Lars C and ymerpr w West I n Mat- . am ar of S. ot Part och- Hazel . the orCResti . Rlt,heg al 'iii?i',il'Csi (MIS_Pa1:}e:fllfstmk Way of 'grl2'nTtglirl 'irii,i'iiztiiitr1Ash,'r,')i'liiir'ly 'iii,'rvii'.iiti?tirT.,ti2i1--t. . “Sm-v" . _ . ta e yof voen‘ Os. he 53 TVV AL . wife, “Twig by his iii'jii1tiyr,tf1iri'i,,t(l,il?ltii of '3) of 12955 Bryaglshgya, Bud (il,fi!l'i,lir1tiiiE/,Cts) vIIIeD‘f‘g'On sc-ll/ri/elf,: 'li') (mint 053d" Suttogr‘gMYrtxeg/fandmdrgx. BTgcks?e“"‘5 WIZ‘S‘Q'BW £593)?" East 1413532. pm" Wrgdnze'; and 7'9; . Mrs.Pam wa P ' Vere ontgom . call och. Frie d a: pm rom 2-4 and ' ral swag. ay.Fune- me, and Adame. erry Loi tt Wea eryof DE at the (f1ltl may! 'th' .Tusssday Se ' 7-9 at 1 pm In the cha Tum of her hush Per ' IS each y of Port F RMOTT-PAN G'MC' f) chapel G MEN” iiGidi " Thursda pal 0sha and ry, Merli r ane f UNERAL ABAKER day, Se t Wadnes» t m Bethesd y. In- grandchild wa; a Itobertw nWray 0 Port Per HOME 1:3 ptember 20 ery, Don . aCame. T ofB ry (935 I Port _ 0 pm th at mad ations-m amcewicz , Kyle Ad.. «Bryant ray of Osh ethan mm, 2171) Ham . Inte e to th ay be ll ; a a ' on ppton. rment s e H bra ,Tom and a Wray Adg,eg i's"i'i?i'iis' (gd Péfrsoénwie‘ , and Sign 'g"irT"lg,; (Do (ls)11hh'd,llliadoC1tff . he broth . A F' c toe enni pel on Fri In the ens Ass _ nadian _ 612d “Elsi-I; Harold, [ the W‘ameral SerVicl: IS 5313;: le, pr'f'dTgte'rrarCh at??? ““3632: fi r :;:SLNG' Stella L . w _" e ' o c . __ '_tel_liLLptti _ st/trt, service was A, gg Funeral Hon: tti, at "DaihawafiiWJesfizg‘e‘eVCT stji'i-r.riiiiiit, 'j,iifri'1ilr2y' :3 og::;1P?:9%efule;:MJ:dger Men; e cha . _ n on “in-may b with - 2tdtjt1its'fi'17,rrisV f Memo ?pattheCom , 'iilrbl'itt,-t,iii,1rit'i'l,; WEE, past Week I jnii,ts'iit'iir,ritr,d'riit'ie use?“ H "5 tttss 553219231 'iiii,s'irii,?,'?,uisc, 26 was on March 'd on Itw r Van W - 1fLhyri_ty, BIWrythI ve wife am . _ . ------ -__- k 5 home . Lasirag of the lat es) iiuii Interment Urns all W as a sudd ray CORNER . __ Decemb C I," M m m and C ile_ICll: at M fol- ch . . epa en bl for "Lt,_lylitm_t (n ert7,1990 0nday Dearly I hangs e Memo A Omit L attin . ssedrna ow merty 773?- Corhm ed hush , Harr r m Wad and . Heayn. rial awn H gwithhi . nyh Pr; of Ra I __ Itryytl I fi and of J Y'beluv. Issedb will b Rev Ra Gard ealwa v 1m m th ours T Mess Mar g an at fhe I Ield)_ Loved une (nee Wh neph y her man . a sadly . . YEdw ens. o . . yshada egara ITmtlo garet Hos I _ Degeer father it- w ews.Frie d yn'ecesa eiated ards om p1n10n t Storyt C ge. m "Manda .P'al m . and st 0 len agg.M n sma nd I - 0 0tell her 82nd Y: April 24 Cowlin mamar F cDerm Y can at m Memori someti expres Oran m year. B 11989 b 9, of Bla of Ro "neral H tatt-Pan e m S th e late R elm/ed wi rather. ckstock Y P nme (9 shaker to the 8ftl, donati som . es at wa Iaved Vise" Cor feat Hu of Cora D ' Dear erry an T 85-2171” anadi PPs etime pr hum s "Where, ner. Dean gh De Ge e Gear and] may. n Port tes Assoc an Diabe alw . S dis , ourou Comes) Hale. (hh y De G er ot Beth and . hr.pri mm " . ays para . s, of P rs. Jlm eer of Ai any, c _ vicel ortothe P-m. (httari lation or , interesti g1ng (Mrs. A ort Parr Jack lax, ma ecil nthech servlce s o the: Watch; mg w , but M Ilan H y, Greta Jones) ncheIM 0cm, apelonW . gr. Strok Heart _ orhim . etend yrtlethh We) of w Meta K of Bowm Y? Pi when. ednesda eFourtdati and paper to a . edto M _ rs. Pete hltby, ellar ot anviile ineGr '.30p.m.l y, tion and sto . l‘nve “New. V r Karma h l PredeCe Oshaw , a Ewe Cem nterment . , e L area s )of I asedb a a dun Mer _ _ tal"' was 33;: let Jf as: 'i)ii?til,r,ey)nrrr?sct'iess,i')"l Lorne, ism! Ravazfazwe: "siLa,g', "c,':ai:,?,andii,'a'?,.nii'ylni),r, 27,dttlrti1 ewe-AN _ _ . . n & gra d, t servi _ com I on cer s e T ftAV sports' trli,tigit ie,1ubt1 the %;:n;c;a5ren, sd,", Isre'QIv ',i'i,lneisl?iii;iicretil'srsii,ae,r? 355,1: 'l/gd.'""" 're/Ui/teta,',),' f./, the owl” " . , W na o ' ra H _ a I I W - _ $353? tee, _ Helena (n waggneral. Errtg, and jug? 2,, 'J1d'r'ge1y/ly,', ';reodielltsti :5”on7%?25235'gvfiafiaésa - "i" ltr/lt, II tan 235wa ‘G ag an an ee o wi with e an, Jit s, Ro 1:30 , ecem PO - lh I a Ma av, L Mt aI H ' he Osha hi thm Ivan Do net Dom Y Corn H pm. s _ _ berm POWiCH er 62nd yBarto *wiha ospital on T We mfo ostpeo ,what mney, At "EV & Elmi , amnion c prlrlg inter T Ma 'wif ‘Year B Cllr; _ I 1989 _ uesda r grant ple w held uneral s . Ira don . emeter ("em At th when 9 of R _ Blow: Betoved wit In her 37m y, the nsutin ed, He , etook P at the Wa ermce was F shuns to the 'dl " desired 2 family r _ Dear m ussell Sar 'Y Davidson I',' of fhe late Rgfar- wedi , e. Noww , was part of Pinabake, Lv,eyie,ce'irn"g,trt; myyietior? ean & Svmk’ on Tuesda esidence _ and h other of s 9th I _ dn lHo . Unit or the B E 20 1 y, Feb , erhusb helle Jean and hear|y loved ',i,l,t,,s,r'/ily' 1 t take m e re sorry th A Tr (9354171) me m Port ed Church lacksttack 'P ' .990, M ruary Lerch of and Mic] . l Haines MO er husband D rm tget to kn ore timet at PM 27 at 2:00 a” Thursda appreciated. would b 0mm“. Belmy Pearl tan a Whitby an 2rur-, . haw Wald mls ' ow hi oreal- Ine Gr . P-m. In y, BRA _ P, of the I oved wlf M his wi d Ba. wife Joyce 5D Py Lloyd and hi S him B m bette a d f'" Cemete terment T, Harold Wish ate John P e gant of Whi ite Pam & Marion and avIdson of Ra Is the eh . ut wey Tr. We'll _°"ahon ma CY. Ifdesired January" _ - Leslietmhh ' Dear mo am. ter f Iggy De C", _ glen Knee e glad Prince Y be mad G Y 15, 19 onda [an and thier of H 0 Lai ar Sy,: Lee M Port her husband R ' well to gen .We had 7 ss Mar a e to the eneralH _ 90 at w . y, r herhu e- husban s and Perr alph asw . Okno . _ SOM - 9 ret Hos It his ospital H hm, am Wo Shana Wil- C d Ho h; and her hu b Y and more wa . edid ho whima ERVILLE P al. Mth year . amid Br l and ' zney and Wllfi I ampbeIIf Y Brown _ Collins ofs and the lat nee sinreali , wever lit s enteRkr"irift ,7, William Dorothy L .Lovingh aYin his wife R "lam her h 0rd, Evv :r . o h , Perc an ity, Th ' tletha F . into rest «kg Jtat h K each usband l Port P uth an yyband a an f Ewan". s awa. s y you ank t nday N peace P enneth ." Dear f of any, P of of Sn I. Roy T Slut ister or gaveto s, Ivan P ' oeemlo fully on B . and his _ ather by on redeceas . nlng a “Chi-r Rose Marti e of Part Pe gave so . usweh , for ort Perry c er24,1989at rooklin B I wife Heath ior, vi e Son Joh ed his wife M ry, Lloyd Terry T" MCamtrrid Fry. ret mething of ope thatw Home In hi Dmmun"y N the and pan! I an orPrinc er up Ived by man n, Sup Missis anon Bart am Peter ge,Vialet . urn. Y worth e So IS 88th “rSIng of B ICli, ands eAlhert and sist y broth d Sauga 01: r: predeceased borough a tiv ou now ht to Y0uin men/me Wit year. will] Iacksto k eorge0bstf ' me ers. Levin ers aughter-i _ Der Charles LavbY Alice, Har nd e ear of th . ve th ofYvonn sthe lovln am father ot C . Lawn eld Mama b gly re. ley an "Haw of C? 3‘» ' ad W. and m ehigh e attem Pe ethhrs.A G g father and . Wayne D 9 grand- granttthl y her ma o d Mary UL I grandchlldr grandmother of 14 aybe he'llbe est auth . Fry and M . Risa") Michell r Ouglas r !dren ny .Shawa Sargsn V . , . Osh rs. R t 'Pon Jun eBra Jane: 9 andchild ' great- Li U Grand t u frrii,'rr,1'itnilllr'c',r', 25 great advice wh able toact ority, awa' Dear u h Mice c E obsifeld y,end Heidi great ren and Isa, Mike mtathero grandse Ad and 2 Bream e ed er e mere on your and great-gr grandfather Y,” ook. Dormh . Brother of Rand arg2T"e'h'ilr,.e great- rllf? Lerchy' and 5mm? held “”18 uneralservice eat- you. We Ce 'm0rtalsf V Somervil, andfather of 0 4 VernaAtt y MCDIar eta mg at n. Sarga and WW sc' _ Go rtainl air M .' e rest 5, Mr P Wonder mid an STRON the AR A nt, Re _ Lug” Panabake Wagngco was Odbye d' 1 y h emana. ed at s . rouse of Whltb d G M- RMST Ming . . F arm", a . , ear ope s d Funer I C090 E Bobca YvNaree HOME FUNER HONG ar 2h. Perryt r uneral Hamel ,gam man th ay, Nov a Chapel g an Bra yireort J n I 124 Ki AL HOME FUNEF ”5-2171, , In Port ' _ , see h Emine.- 26 on Sun- a yofPort ' ack and Oshaw _ Ttil St. E 0 . 124 . .ng 21 at 1.30 0" Friday A _ L you Eldon Mund . Service ray or Sund Perry St Se T a, with ., shawa King St v" Grove be Pym. Wanna"; y" _ V -- _ ' 2 P-m. 1 aY'NGverm, was Marlon erhind”; . ttwart .W'ce in th funeral Sew] ' _With f TF- P C nterm er 27 at F E Bra nd the I Frida e cha ' Ce In ”new donation mmuery, If desir me emetery D ent_Plrte G tmeral se Y amd Jean Me ' y, Febr pel on United Ce . . . La 1:30 uary 23 Ch ntenriw Perry Hos aybemade to th ed a Perry H ortations t cove Thursda ”ACES wer mb. pm , at on T men C) pit . eP rt . ospital o Port y,Jan e held Mo . Inte _ uesd l sham me Heart 'i',',",t,,altierili,'ipg “"er preciated by the a?” be arr» $3an“, Rugs-yea atthe Lb", 'ttilu-aw" Marni?” 2530 pix July cr', I» , eFoundation, _ ily, can; Donations whim, Port .Wednesaa Visi‘atiéan' teShawa Uhiorlntermcm n I h or 'lrTla2,stl,',t f,i'/g,,)hl"g, ‘3'? and L,,fiop, 7-9 'Ont/heMzmo'ial Lfgg;i; -_--- we a la 9 F - an s a _ I .L, Ion: sw _ - Bo . T o uld l?tt green" Cancer sacrnd rial d d 7.9 Pm. {Afrom nos Dismiss (Lou Gen. F, Nfl"l.LqtratP __ a m m Cartw . o'"- rlnytl,rlr%ite."r 1?22m12gg to th em” app'eCiateue) would be ALM'V 'trst,'a't1','frr"r2,"; 5nd9ducatéfiinfnght1‘gwnshj A . /dfl'Jr,fig1gt 35:03- _ .Commencin' Visitarm ed 'i':?,::,,?,',)',';",?,?,),'),:?)?,?:'. I CWam passed awn-Pm ' . “We; IT°5t0f theti ' r . jjlpnll/irsiat,'fety from b4 mg T-9 Monday late GI " othAetaR n lov- 0mmunit ym [JoniJ Ving . lme until w _ m I d Ewan.“ 1 y Hos . err m To 1975 w . ”Mara Y5 Hemml he 1,1989 pital o y was ronto f . hile f A ng. De . at the n Au em 1 0r awhil Ha Tttrortttt o nn Sande " Thir age of gust en . payed a e h . my Sa i',re, a; Smash 'tJr,"),),',', 'c1t)ir'ii),itvli,i,t?it1ilie,re nd mgm°°zd is,iiiiiii',tiiiia,'i1'ia,,'r? in; Swaiiem? Don. Swai rr"sTu-r7triii-,; 5 wife Lo c 'Harold toM any he a th toNes aldwi o ertR ' s ep- m, Col ' EiGiair ' andthe lat rrta Swain of T and eta Reade , was married / en to Ha d “titanium ns, dre . ead, Stev grandsons -3 tLletfl 0" Wed“ Daisy ( Margaret G Lewis, Roy A Wang He Was pred n Octoberg Survi . y On in 197 74 and W Piggott en Read & _ 1, 1990 nesday J nee _ a . . M _ at th r anuar Clayton Loving step, gnes& wife eceased b .: 1977. hi . 1vmg are . 7. V Pl ' Am Emonal (le Com . Y . - the Glad _ y hi . ssist his wif oral t ' Bel Hospit I munit 'cd,vd'1r,'oi'/',',', his Wife a r of Jan ys H . S first erAnn e M fr ribut Wed wif a, Port y ua emm to and . Sand , eta om Th es, we Slut I 2lo Perry. of Bttwm ram, Ma Ber llg'lene ry 5, 1962 mg on his br erson T , B eRoyal re recei 2. Dear m elateWalte her huwamille and LY udley He was a . . Blaekst others H , ororF r. 178 and Canadi Wed her husba olher of M rT, Ynne th . Mela ock & erb S . Ha an Le . Pe nd Ros ary and "EL/su/Jig,'." Wayne Pi and eUnited ng me Tyro Ha Wain ydon C glen rry. Rob S Page , ert.S iggott Chur h mber f ne. fold S . , M . lub 21 que eri and hi lot Port l many his: idly misged b of aVeteran f C of Can 0 F wam emor . ' of Burk us wire M F . . ada uneral . , R ials w wife B s Fans any grandchuf “MEWS and Y his 1 hone o WorldWa and N sePwe oyal Bl ere giv etty of B ' Roy and hi "Wham ren. Rested step- ) C 1'ary membe rl,alsoan "menu Elli es were h Lo ack Pr en by Th pre-decea racebrld IS - . . eld yal 0 ecept e Mam . sed by T ge and Bowman Elliot Fune at the at1adian L . r of the Ro On Au iott Fun at B ran ory N er..n,I homa ill risl Ho Ro eglon yal gust 14 eral H lacks ge Lon 0. 398 Port aw of R s Elm, new at 'lil ewhere s me, yal Bl Br. 1 . Rev , 1989 ome took ge N I Perr uby SI :00 1trvice w ack Pr 78 Th . Dale at 2 p m . Sr Ci . Sr Ci . 0. 133 grand _ Y- Also s _ ute of ment Cad Fm, Manda . as and theL eeepte ' e oftici ' Davis . . with . linens . itizens , Child's" urvived by 13 mu' Unltm c4422“ 133. oyal orangeiyow palialgg- ' Blackstoek, 2git, ana 1tg,tnnv11 £32m azzzdamren. s2; "s, T"') . After th v'O. -- FV Ters w nadia wma . ist "tuna lex M S er of _ -'--r- ere n Club mile M ge, Viol amn of them o e war he gephe Inte . en's Peterbo et & Walt Cam- nta . went '-t _ elrli: rmen rough Er Ter Quebec P! and the Pm‘tnPnNor. "--rre cemetery t Cadmus . be-', 'riiiiiiiiittnrilir?iiiti),'-rrivire,if, , mlmng and ce of . Union . icg'm'1'i,t, 'itert1ise-/-:1d-,t,er),rarrj, l' prospecting PanaLhaek (iTii,icir,=ii,'ifii,i',e'ii' _ _. v _ er ermiat _ rl'ii'ilii',fv)1'nrp,/r,tr,:'?,rriir',,) Ham; rnenre‘mr-y 2 at 2 p "fWY on Friday desi Pine Gmy}! spring inter- Per“‘1 a denano emetery. If . Hosry 'cl,',',',',')"]),",',', to the Part ty plied Building F Y Memorial a of your ch . Undoracharl ppreciated. Dice would be. L '," 7'] r, I a I I ---" tr t _ L 1 .c't ' f

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