Wo e , Institut b ches cord village history l C d . their Tweedsmuir Books South Macaulay Women's So it is that the South It is not surprising that the . Institute was established in Macaulay Tweedsmuir South Macaulay History has 1900 just three years after History, examined with in- had to so Into two volumes. I -- ' “can, 7-}: Adelaide Bundles began this terest at the home of Curator The first is m a maple leaf I, f --ar': _ f; remarkable program for Mabel Merritt by Institute adorned scrap byok; but the C- '“ -, J" h' ___, women at Stoney Creek. It members from that andother second. following as m- '53sâ€... 71'Cs"Pi if“ 'rr, still flourishes, and the proof branches, by Macaulay formation from headquarters L' " r “in“ L' h - of its vitality is to be friends, and others who share suggesting more technical , , t, i E} , #3 discovered in the Need an interest in local history, improvements, IS in itself an q _ ii "y: " smuir History that the told the visitors something of inttresting..piee_e of lucal ’ ; ,iiz curators, May Sterritt and that community. its pioneer craftsmanship, The strong t Q E: _lWabe1 Peacock, displayed families and outstanding wooden covers, put t.ogt.ethyr . ' I, G! last Wednesday at a special personalities, its community to allow fur convenient in- ' __ h q t . our? Institute Open House. buildings and gathered serrtlon of lease leaf page, i, ca Krai2, This challenging project, of groups, its celebrations and and for .easy handling m " ., gm; e-E l compiling and maintaining its tragedies. It also carries a examination, are the work of , - if " "village histories" was given subtle but clear message of a .a,1oea1.nen, Carl Whalen and , to the Canadian Women’s rural community, not the painting 'thet decorates r Institutes by the late Lord specified as a municipal or the cover, including the WI. P, " , Tweedsmuir, Governor- geographical unit, yet bound crest. IS by another, Laurel MB. Generator Canada. He died in together in a shared Hough. . BEB. . E office in 1940 and his memory inheritance. It is one that has The Macaulay women like -, '515B is fittingly honored and his been a leader in Muskoka many others have shown how " do 4 name perpetutated in the deveiaprnent--witneG the valuablecanbea local record "ul, _ 1- . l Wang,â€- Branch "Tweedsmuir first Women's Intitute and how, once started, the Mr d Mrs T B Histories" across Canada. Branch in 1900, and the first W.I. can produce a truly ' an '50 . i His pridein the country which event to open its History to professional looking volume. ROSEWEIF‘B were year became his by adoption, as the public in 1976. Close to The country acknowledges marriedin 1936. _ well as his prestige as a Bracebridge through the their labour of love with - . Q . " - - writer (beforehis peerage, he years, and now a part of the gratitude. if - _ hug. - Bll8 - was known to r aders Area Municipality; it has not ,, _ . " B, e " everywhere simply is John lost its identity, and the i! Buchani make this a notable Tweedsmir History proves n ' at . i'; ' project. this. h r 5 M -,. Lady Tweedsrr sir, in Includedinthe hookarethe IN _ v. _ f requesting the we Jen who written stories of the families IN â€I _ il " . " were the Institute members who were early settlers 'A'fB, _ , " R, It-Mitt in 1940 commence this task, (along with pictures) and the ' "l 7 . _ ' . gage??? said it would be a satisiac- story of the beginning and the ' T . " , ' , ‘ Re tion, as well as a duty, for progress of the Women's ' , “‘ Richard Zimmerman was them to record the story of Institute. " Gil e _ Councillor or Reeve of the people and events of their There are records of the - ' . , Macaulay for 45 years. own community, so that schools, with their classes - j, . p "nothing of value should be and teachers shown in pic- , . "e ©. E2ill lost or forgotten." tures, and the Township , - - . .. 'tttS, Inthe intervening years the school which was opened in V P", a p, "w Institute Branches have had t1960-.T.herte or e the names or Members of the a . practical help, sometimes municipal figures, reeves, Nicholson family first , ,- workshops, in the main- Councillors and trustees ttled near The Pines in _ tenance of their history through the years.The names 33 ' books, to assure that the orthosewhtnosttheir1ivesirr INN, â€at" .. , ' 4. regard shouldbekepcth as fully the wars are remernberled. Yi? . T-. -dit " an in as good con ition as There are newspaper Cip- 'I+ . Itil, ' ' ' 'il . possible. This included pings of special events, a ‘3} . . 7 Edward Zimmerman Thru8 suggestions on the material golden weddings to show the " 'lt .r ' bornin Macaulay, member .thatmightbeineluded, on the happy times and celebrate . I li- . of a family which came best type of materials to use, good lives; accidents that . . ' Is 'r herain1370. even the best paste. The in- recall tragic events and g. , r -- strtm1ionselso_providethat, if mourn lost members. . _ ’ ‘ , bl _ any Branch is discontinued, The unique blend of per , r" .,3, i- C , the History goes tn Wt ar- sonal and historical facts is a . 'tk' a 'd chives, happy refleetitm of the life- ,._ -* ttlt But, while helpful direc- style of Macaulay south.- id my r = tions are available, the style doubtless this image is l 'r and content of the book is portrayed, with im!ividu.al , " individually that of the variations, everywhere in j .', ' i branch. In this way the rural Canada. It is a ‘ PN [ Tweedsmuir History is not beautiful tribute to the [2 only a compilation of facts dedicatetiand careful work of it, , - . and pietures,hutaretleetion the women who have un- c . ', ' on the life style of the war dertaken to be curators, and I 611198 Clark was munity it records. In this way to the cooperation of other ostmaste r at Monsell and there is being gathered for members in the project.. DM uhs Councillor posterity a unique and a son y . valuable compendium of the history which may not make it to the trig books, but is of vital importance to the story l, l of Canada during the 20th - --.-, century, and net-ham humid