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"f L new!“ A; /‘;‘,L“37,I 7., "' . m A F ".br.'_"s b/Hs4,. __ , $19314!†-1. x. AC,crt _ _ sat . l _ pr J:' . 'ci". a; " aVrtcvv-rvurc, ‘ Lir. Viv/l y, P d , or" If? r If; A e â€- TL., 544/ . M44, tie/WWET - ir-i, Ac -19 J? f F J Trr-' A ll dlstri t executive meets at! r -‘ I P) The districtéécum available, bum" now cost to be daughters of Wi and afternoon sessions of . Simone North Women's In. $15. Branches are being members, as it was in the the 1iEtri?t annual meeting ' stitute held a meeting isrgedtoetrntritoqte..to WI past. atTqillst1a1tth!,i,1.yT f I recently at Goldwater projects. Le., contributions Mrs. Ruth Lee, the area _0|flces to be filler‘ MI the Wo n s In tif council chambers/with the toward purchasing a Tweedsmuir History district executive are third s I Ute president, Mrs. Gordon micIiIrotilm machiIlI-ie forthe 'iuJ,aNoJ.; mIadc the Sugges- vie.e 1t pgeside£t; Citiz . . Whiston.presiding. arc ives at Mid rust; the ion t at or bicentennial egriuu pre an Cane ran to lie egrhill, was the paper on International Mrs, Linda -Caldweli, clean water projest (make yeareaoth branch would industries: citizenship and p . e ct. 2 Year of the Youth, lord of the rural services sure you earmark your make a history or the world affairs; family and meeting held at the themes were: Peace Committee was in atten- cheque [or clean water); vi1lage,seqtiort, area.etc., consumer affairs and home of Mrs. Wesley Participation anci dance and told of the Headless Home; the Lee wherein the branch is education and cultural ac- Baker with an anew Develo m t seminars of fund raising Home and the W.[. located. and that these be thIltleS. WI members are dance of Se J h p en . Mrs. that she had been holding Museum at Milton, etc. put ina booklet tobesoid being asked to consider m be ven H0 P. Doley read thrtyt1ghautthearey The contributing member- at the am curwertaninthe these offices that are va- . em rs. The open- Citizenship and Open houses for 4-H ship to ACWW is due April Call. - cant. If you are ineerested mg was The Ode and Legislation" a speech Clubs are at Huronia 1, and Slushould be sent to This was accepted, and please call the nominating Collect. Motto: The given by Ber . Public School, Elmvale. mo before then for the theme for the district committee, Mrs. Ruth family is the founda- Noblitt t nice April to. and Twin Lakes renewal or new member- annual for North Simcoe Hoyle 685-7969. or Karleen tion oiCi ili . T a Interna- School, Urillia, Arpil as. ships. There is no increase was chosen as "Out of the Galbraith silo-7255, or . WI ization and tional Convention on bothat'Ipm. iiii)nmembershipfees. past, the future (yyysyi3. Volunteers will teachingrespect, good 'Women's Unlimited siimoe'Nrrrthdistcictan: NEWBRANCIIES bruws"/rher0lrcar1to be make it easier for the manners, as well as Potential." A contest nual will be May 29 at Four new branches have answered by the branch nominatingcommitttee. good examples set b followed d Hillsdnle Presbyterian been organized throughout curator is "o one minute Branches are again arems th , S hi . an won by Church. and branches are the province and with a resume - tell somthing oi reminded to have all their 11 were emam y il Dick. asked to have their pro- drive on for new members interest of your WI Bran- reports in early. responses to the roll Th . grams for 1934-65 to the there is approximately an Ch's local community, ------, - call "How can we help Jlr"p/ihtl#, closed district secretary, Mrs. average l on; new have history ready ioi- 'r,TT;:7,sicts-aipTi"fi7u1'i e nol'All Norman Trupp, RR. 3, mem rper ram: .There area convention, and Pen- ' FUCe e', youth of today Nations" 12'l hmeh Goldwater. LOK IEO, by are 1166 WI branches in t1ieiforFelmwtihsp", t By Miss Nora . Fame†better was served b th April 15, Branch conveners Ontario, with a member- Plans were made for the " - cmzens? h t . y e 'i;lusoaskedtiostm6tl1eir ihipurisji23mtmbeey1,d agenda tor the morning )S Some 65 persons. Minutes fi . 1 os esse8: Helen reports to the respective 3,747 Life Members. Girls sl . . h f , manna T . _ ' representing nine branc eso re ort T Stevens and Mrs. district covener early so attending high school, tak- W , Institute _D , C0 _ Murray Stewart. that these canbe compiled log family studies, are the oTerti.s ' 1 respondence and and typed up before the eligible to apply For the WI attended the district annua business were dealt November meeting District ' Annual. All t2iibgrant,iriddonothave meeting oiiitoruiay,May fry with and a reporter will be at the home of 1,ap,t1J,1i,eti1rst,r 3.32%: I It was an all-day (ft,' the area convention Mrs. Wilbert White on mud meeting fur the beginning between 3.00m; was given by delegate Nov, 6 and hostesses ratification or the district 9:30 a.m. The: l' gulf Mrs. Murray Stewart. will be: Mrs, Oscar 'iiiiiiiis/eirtgpr1pil [brunt Iglewesroeu Mrsa Jerrgi tl . Convener, Mrs. Leeder and Mrs. John tv2'i'l'e"ts'rTifiiiiirikiii, 8:31;“ Doris Daley. Sybil k Wesley Baker, gave a Do ey. Minute books are again Dick and Marian Button. l e, , n Gravenhurst .