South Macaulay WI Tweedsmuir Community History, Volume 4, [1984] - [1992], p. 6

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"_.--" _ A _ 472,-... ra' a l “an" en‘s" __ . ' _ , l w-vii-iff/ce-ters NW“ fg _ _ . i " - . , . f , u- "trt'.."'" 1ltt. sturts "f Women s Institute conference 1984, ' . MINER Wednesday May 28, f ff 'trt'-- 12 THE BRACEBRIDGE EXA , , or o ICE. .'ts held at Waterloo 1 Ce I e b rate t h e M r By “[5er E. secrelltv-tivosmrcrs that: presented to the Province l CUNNINMMM two for members-at-large by the Federated Women's 4 4 H way Special toThe Packet extenged throughout the Institutes of Ontario _- l I "Nothing great was ever secon day. Next morning destined to hen in the . . ' achieved without en- "Workshops in Review" main 't1gi1'diavhl'i1d'C _ Till winter 4-H members Lenders Plaque with engra- thusiasm" was the theme summarized and em- at Queen's Park across it s be Febru- ved name plated. These new nfthe 35th AnnualUtficers plliuiirsN all important mm the Fathers of Con- were able to It any. plaques replace the tradition- Conference at the pomls by means of posters federation. ary blues by being “”9le al 4-ff teaspoon The plaque Federated Women's Iry andaskit. Ken Knox, Director, in a 4-H craft club. Quilting will serve as a visual record stitutes of Ontario at the t,',1 adéire'ss Iv, Dlr. Rural Organizations and b erit craft that was - University of Waterloo Ceylon WI zer. lepu y Services Branch, stressed i,y,2gfrd'rr'l'ld't"fglt of all the clubs that t.he during the first week of Minister, Ontario Ministry the need to provide pr (3 ther early sett- leaders will teach, beginning May, Mrs. Charlotte of Agriculture and Food prgrams that would mothersin‘l o in 1984. New reject labels Johnson, resident, provided some interesting educate the young people bout the past P p . . _ 1.srs. LeanimEB be . will be available upon corri- enlarged upon this theme information. Six Ontario (future consumers) regur- IE a great way t,o . gm lotion ofeach GH club Now in her address to the bicentennial farms hove dingftrod production. celebrating Ontario 5 Bicen- p l d d rnbers assembled delegates. To been recognized as being Ant-let history of the 4-H tennialin1984.Tcdr1y's you- t4ght,1tyrufr1'surt': rl be a successful organiza- operated by the same Clubs was presented by bout can p came " tion, there must be on- family sincellll4. Joe O'Neil who urged con Hi tet, can 12:11}: see Mrs. Campbell “M that le thusiasm: determination More women are er1ter- tinned support oi these . this tr.? tion , ed . to a two leaders were celebrating " to follow creative new ing post secondary Clubs because "the youth how it has evo V m . rs' anni 33. ideas and of course always A riculturalprogroms and we lead have Illerflllurni-n __ f b ‘c art form special leade ver ' i r ti Negati 1 log t 1/3 of degree course than ha l , _ ' a " . . I . . " COUPE? 3 Ion. l . Ive a ’ a all i . 'a b ur I - _ _ ' ""-' All '4-H Quilting meth- t,tsat,'if,'l1err 1Jrt,1,lt','r' " times dim the image we graduates arewolmen. ' -r-srux MISSIONARY here tget twain-£33: for 10 years. Mrs. Edam]. , aging”? teei,t Sign” t,,AgaietighuJ2,'dl 23:33: M23319 fella?” y '1',1f1i,yi//1fi't,fs1 tachm - ring , . . . . _ . ' . White has been involv m " fur-table but are necessary Grade 9 Scrunce field that att a omen s ns 1 ll I) was 59F}??? 1?“ We gh :13: club leadership for 5 years. J to keep an organizanon in will stress "Foud Systems £21313 rt' t'/gg2fgy Pig "stitc 159 .Beguur ” . B work to ether Tt step with the changing andEnergy". l r c ge, Dil le plated one small quilted art- These ladle f th 'll',',',-'),'),. , ‘ needs and concerns of the ' _ _ first yt?esdy: Eleven mem- . t Cam bell Rural ssco-leaders or a e " community I'he family $itfr? W111 hers and two visitors had an en- 11:18. ' . p 'ali'st f r Club, just south of Parry M Over 500' delegates at- persist because it IS oft r- joyable and interesting afternoon . Sir,',',!',,',',?,,',',?') Spam, 33d Sound. Leadership certifi- {:3 tended thisannual training “gen“ ','iftig,ig,is,eJ,t,r2,r/, Rev. Stanley Williams, an Indian Niifmsing, m dates were presented to both I program. During the three t CE‘W'FO‘WC" , i5ev)eer minister from Manitoulin Island Muskoka, commented that these ladies Hats off to " A ' " . -T we did not good Yrm uf sudal fl'fle' who is with Northern Canada 'many rmsrs.r.her.s made .pot these volunteers who have 5;; “W“, i, " tk and Wish. '/gteoi,tigeliijijy G the Evangelical Missions, was the holders, quilted “new Mm so much time to the 24 g: fi 553 to iretruet y. _ Speaker. His church is at West bags and cushion covers.i Ell-I club in? g 'li E's 4,' "refill at? OllthugP /ie El 19:1:in Edy on the island but he travels as ea- " . Cr. ' t,?T?, 1 . wa _ an in; _pic in n- a 1 . yrs: 0559mm: at? the Although there were no . .: ri:':-'::?:' = at; iops for tario's diversity will bi i1n/i2terilep trigm"."r,1i5ige "dwiththequ y . 3 ial 4-H members' aw- ' iiLer'_rsv. . ', . -. h d work even the begin- pee . » I 53-: being to teach them Christianity. :5 did well She said, "A ards at this 693mm!» Amy rg 2035 E- He speaks to them in their native n dirgi, outing stitch Campbell congratulated all t 'r-f, g : 'di, Ojibway. Mostindians speak Eng- sell an ith Clam E il. 4-H members for their hard , . 3 ti 31351:: lish states the Rev. Stanley Wil- t1lt,tT/rti1ff, wicijcthudhe work. Mrs. Campbell mm: its PE is N g F. rc' llams, but he finds he gets the ing is 8 cr ' m the members to get involv g: g_“5 5;“ c, . message across moresettsetively tee, Engine makes per- in the next fall proied-FiV il' g 25!; g ifii.'ii' . r1rl1ti!J,ehetttgtsutt tg, in that; ls e. . F . " iv:?,'.);'),)?-, . . E PO The Linings iil,iife,"ititf, '""l'd','li,ea, will take a look r' >, = M Qt qr - 11iihs2g'l,osightb11ty, ofthelr badie thesrq mg . - . semis d.'2x;gpgcntctcr. 1: _ . , an li51rpovehy- do 1 p g mile at Ray- at the" PT food habits J c. 5-235 3 ii'rstiiii. 5,irp: [stfi',-ti'. , stricken extstence, most of them aampGBSan mun start with brBakNst and . 5:... e - /ggsgie:'g' " L " , d 00 unit Centre on Ing . _ CU :1. W" = E any g s a 0- - being on welfare.“ hentheylearn PN m") ha 4 AS ending with snacks. Fad :'i' s"' ESE 'i',")',-',:::;?, tiiri'r' E S EE , Christianity they make an effort a',?,",.")',.,:',?:'),","]),"?, . we diets are OUT. lnstend, learn , CD = (d: -25, gig 5'.iit//si,sj?r. £5 to improve their way of life, the out thiny- ve "h p ds some sensible techniques for L... 'iht m' 5.": 82 E. t a .e ,_, E a: vi! minlsler has found. their parents and .en weight control. Find out how i a) g; tg. E 'vrs, ea 3%: Ln‘ H There is l need for clothingne gathered for this as:hieve- fit you are and Ieam how to ' 335:" , E g3 give-3; 3-1;: 5:3 told his listeners, the greatest ment Prograni. Pule. from take your heart rate at we l > a We": sis-g iit; st .g' 'ge,' need being for children’s cloth- Beatrice, Chums, Wmtlijir- and play, . i .-- E15133 a E;- tct [fi' L f: a 53253 gt Before tgee tdhht,.111i-, aurre,rtydetndl'?rteli. g . “as low hst,high [ C Jicrrait,"r'9y' E. ?ri5/-it'Tsii'f isms wasgvensever muons . _ NutriUo , . - 0., artici ated in this quilting . [ a Fira' a e g E 8 R - m 8 z ._ >2 5 of used clothing which the melt- P . p fibre mellow sugar “wipes C .caj.'sr5s?5h"erCiip.t-i.uv-?v,i,icraite tut t T -projea.Eachc1ubpresentrd will tempt you to have ' ';2raTu,%U 5riiStzWod5.r2lLF, , ttltidlrtii."Rhd2r'i,ejiifi),1age ' . . ' . ___ . . , u it: e- either tl skit or on rm: well-belanCed daily food pl- (U TI " ' Met a a pc.? ,1 I a) a EU 0 E a 'f-. lalions Officer of the institute about. some tupAt o ' an To learn about fitness, "t?.u'5 - El: G :5 a: E E a s .3: - t,' :2 ”CE-98 for details of the meeting. Mrs ing, A.dis?lay, of quilted gift (06d and exercise, join the E f ic:' SE "ii. .5 F/ie, :2 g": ..,iiciL' i.'- "sc-",? s Meeusen, of the in, who knell; ideas inspired many to start next 4..H unit. For further - iiz,a, F, " g g m. Ili tl:,?. ”GE-BEE 52 Eng ' _, w 0% s, Rev, Williams at Lake Wilcox, making holiday preeenls 981' information. please content uo "ii. lg Cg SEE r3127, 2 ,5 '5 m 3 Tn iii €- ?.)'4 g E E g E _ gntrodutled him. 4 lyl Boo3s and quilt pattery Amy Campbell at her head. 'EE'E' '.s.yrs2cxjsr,tiA'j';ji'. 'l5cii'ds,'.ii: 'icyrrsgs'iVsf: l were th1sstlisyed.ahong with quarters at. the Ministry of a) 322:6. 2'jir5'.iiiit1,s? midi j:.]'..::',;,':-'):'?'.)'?,,"":"'. [ the. saw equipment that Agriculture and Faxi, 222 ess""“s:s.§§;5€s3% t 'ttrr-,-,".:] :2”: l ' CIN". 'a " Td Cr = _ . ' qu2g',,1',",'vc,,,rd, for both 13mm; 1trgaly_'li/h, l L u 'sy,tsii,jijtiti"je.Tj, t. s.iiHl; 8 E5427; 'ii:it(.ytj:5/-1ij: l oor 0 ' us 5 avl','u'rryrrcrgSt'.tre5,Ei',i.,)zcg.ii,,c 0:935: l 4-H leaders, were presented ' lr? u2tru"o'tS, o .- are “372'; :12} c e v= . . tel.474-3050, "UEtz-a "EW?: E’"‘Y.:‘:.U)l>!ll g o.EE ED . at ER . E ct Ew.E.e~°'mr _ E“ - with the new Bicentetmi qt a) EQEEEEEEEOESL‘EngiéE'g‘é ' ftiggg “r L l '- tD “£39:_“£“Uzs° 3.22:5:st ' _ _ new“? vs‘ees saga 5:68?! c: u S _Q r'r;'"sL'iti, i-s/fs-ii-ies"'))?,., ss,1ir,iie4,.',it','s ti as Essa" s " __..' -' y,uaa,sT.'risCi'i1g'diia 5fi,1'x"rr,i'/svyhoitii'iiti'rst' ic er" F --N'r'. / rc;,; .1: RV.. masségseneeufiemcssssew . 4 . L m " C) in: a a u: a F U) .... '5 O. k 1 . _ E , G ct a © is a u m f: y' . C. C L _ y- O 3?? EE§§Es"‘”24223=’anseesefl<~cWe E l,/3-L-/ _ " ..__ a.) "I E 'li2 "re,,, :w:35m‘530 Rott 3:33 is _ F l~. nedfieneesg'fiefi°=§£bsss35§cfiisg 3 , in 5...), c-se-f'" q E fyii.'ifrk',ii,riuis5,etgr,r',',i?, ’ o" -i' r _r" _,-" 2325315 ?iitE,t."iir. ict.:, Sto' w m CCC? _ "rt-K, n, Cut, L . ttt -- essgésiesfig‘a‘é‘éi 逧§§*%5353§33§eg . ' _ - . /, 71.: a smashes: 253:: 1's1irrsiiis'rrsihi'iutiii'9i't25t?,' t c-rr" A' _ .m/ 7 "A. 21'" _ ..", .. '.-'.(';L')Lit£t-/ sl 'i,,r'c,1i5rd,rias,,ii “m2“3,m‘:um-:r mp -- _-1.a2tg7t; , tlic, sf' C, ' lu sli'.iirfiy::.':,,t/i-l,i §~“‘n:5gEEg: 'ii-ii-ji'",":;:,'"')?. Ct";.?!), e __ - we, _ J. - 'r,r-'-'4.i'tsRRjir2s' 5 ',i.i,8Fg,iif,1x,ltg ggEe-g G Z__‘" "_,'5,'igrs _,-" / j/ / if. /37("/ ' O (U .'r.f5iirti:iji/ir.: sgssiaEe-sgsiwfi 'trss'),";?;',";-,-,,;),.'):-,'?):',",-:',':,',,,:, 6 -(/ti‘ ./ rrpd. " 0 ".t/lrgig15fyoy'is'iii amghg’“:§5§‘§fi.§zo §%;Eggg5_355§ 5 ' . - ' ... c . “ W -- " ui _ _ _ l- 0 an .sszss steiijse5-,'riiiii'.?, .er, s g e std assesses nrl'-ly'sla' 5: sig' ‘ f / __-_/ t Ct') I LI. 2 O iiitetiTHii,?rC. :engasgfiwEâ€"Eéggesflgefigw: 5231’ .: . dcs-c-/" 7 Ib-c-ir-C _ r,h-?til,riiiirfhscicj gasses»? fiefie'sҤsaeeg:a “2392533 "am , , :4 Q Ll i'i":/ti/c'/riilg..ii"': u .rsssgaeg‘jeggsesewgmegiwgs C': _ . ' .. .4. ...’~_: 5.: 2 -~ :i...i u r.', we""" 4/5,». ”4. At: sememgemeeeéussfiio g-§£.=a§‘;53e;sm.2§E"“3§a-m _ _ , / on“: '“ V 't5 ”SeEEAE"%GLg5;EEEeEE5E§“g§55"?»E§h§§e§s§§ ' "-- yr.?.',', "o7y,i,hiHiregtc.'ss'.ii: a 4:» E E the a“ "z',.5rF,Tizlra' t' ' f Ai. Ja 'Evie?EggégfiésssngE-EEEEEs-‘Egsséses sizes , (l-d, [x L/ _ ij 7 t

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