. T?e decision was made to build the church in Noelville. Mr. Monette, not satisfied with this decision, packed his family and personal belongings and moved west, twenty miles from Princeâ€"Albert, Saskatchewan. In 1911, the only Monettes remaining in Monetville were the Alfred Monette family. Charles Gauthier and Joseph Guerin also stayed on with their families. Monetville still ‘a number of Monette descendants in the region. This completes the first group of settlers in Monetville. Even though these were the original founders, we have heard of an earlier trapper, Alex Marshall who lived on the lake named after him. We could not get the exact date but it would have been in the 1870‘s. In the early 1900‘s the first English settlers started coming in. â€" There were Mallorys who opened a store, Garrisons, Pratts, Hamels, Villeneuves and Weatherups. One who left traces of his presence was Captain Charles Britton. With the help of a Mr. McKee he owned and operated a saw mill. It was owned later by Noe Page. He also provided boat transportation from Monetville to Sturgeon Falls for the convenience of the "homesteaders." One of the boats, most settlers will remember was the Elgin C. Lewis which transported many newcomers. Mr. Britton was also responsible for making the cuts which permitted the boats to land in the heart of Monetville in Shanty Lake (in 1909). Later, new families came in every other year. Here is a chronological list of all new settlers and the year of their arrival. in 1905 Weatherup 1907 William Douglas 1910 Cardinal 1912 Arthur Mercer ‘ George Mercer James Mercer Charles Mercer Rolland Zeitz 1913 Orson Mercer 1914 Michael Purcell Fred Richer Joe and Jack Colquhoun j Jos Pilon 1919 Fred Cameron ' Edwin Weeks x 1923 Tom Grieve Carl Linden John Gorrill 1924 Oscar Morley Alexis Coulombe Valentin Coulombe 1926 Hubert Lawrence Sr. 1929 Jay L. Fryer The early thirties were the hard days of the "Depression." This brought many settlers from Essex County. A new settlement was created and therefore a new road was built in 1932. It is still called the Settlement Road, today! List of Settlement Road Settlers: ‘ 1929 Emile Frank 1930 Ted Bishop ; * Vanderberg 1931 Ed Cline George Green Walter Rounding Dean