t" _ . " ‘ y t _ a _ 'N l . _ 'tsir,, pe l l _ * V i, v",'yi"se . . S i . e A , l: . 'u'iil, , , ~ s" _", z i: . ' ' Ff; “L " , 1, a; i'h' : e, p, __ cr s's a... W45 " . '_ _ r, X w' f . ' I - , " - _ T _', 'IM" l - 'hr' 'sl .3 _ g c, P a...» , gli/j, , IN' (c/i:': ff __,,e,l, ' , r _-2'tii'i"iirttt l T A , *1. h , aerate. " " Mu...†"U" ‘ gm. VVVV Frr _ _ c,,',. TT c"; _ a _ ‘ , ,_' I " ‘V-asp i""~- - " . , hi d ht Soldier s poem to IS aug er , Written Nov. 10, 1916 by Pte. William And get cleaned up for next parade, or D J. Skillitcr who enlisted 1915 -Weyburn, else it's Orderly Room. Saskatchewan (later Acting Sergeant in . _ . . Army of Occupation 1918-19) to his Week in, week out, from morn till night, daughter Alice. He returned in 1919 too with full pack and a rifle . . ' late for 20 year old Alice s funeral. Like Jack and Jill, you climb hills, ol Submitted by' Olive (Skilliter) course. that's just a trifle Henderson. Slope arms -fix bayonets -then present - There's anisolated, desolated spot I'dlike 2g fairly puttyou thrfugh it h t tl to mention n as you s agger 0 your u, 1e Where all you hear is Stand atEase-Slope Sergeant shouts "Jump to it". Arms -Quick March Attention. ' . F It's miles away from anywhere. by gad, WI'thklmmct‘ 2,tscrnd putties on, you it's a rum 'un, quC y ge e 1a it A chap lived here for fifty years and never Jg gall.op up abrli)d down the hills, just like saw a woman. a coming ra it. Heads backward bend -arms upward There's lots of little huts, all dotted here SliretCh. heels raise, then ranks change and there . p aces For those who have to liveinside, I've of- And later on. they make you put your fered many a prayer. kneecaps where your face is. ‘ Inside the huts there's rats as big as any Wh thi . d nanny goat en is war is over, an we've cap- Last nighta soldier saw one trying on his firms: “Kaiser Bully; b if l d b overcoat. OS 00 im wou e merc1 u , an a - solutcly silly, It's sludge right up to the eyebrows, you ie,',) send liimudozn lto Sgorleham Camp, get it in your ears ere among e II' an c ay ' But into it, you’ve got to go, without a sign fad it won't be long before he droops and of fear. a es away Andwhen you‘ve hada bath of sludge, you And I'll bet. just set out to groom But we're not downhearted yet.