Sydenham group's Heritage Day tour I I T l The WHlCrSTANDARD, Wednesday, June 27, we shows off h Istorlc houses w “df High on the hill “egéi-‘tiï¬ie Buildings visited on overlooiéing the vii- ‘l/ï¬r :, the tour started with lage an cemetery gï¬8iremmï¬â€˜t a, stone home, origi- stored Old home of still stands St. Paul's 72°ï¬<~w33 nally built as a Conv master woodworker Anglican Church rec- ‘ l W ' mercial building, serv- Sydney Payepr was tory - now a private rii:iii,r'a""t'aa "j:Fi:k'iesiii:ii)iC's'd% "k'ii)jijli'ii'i':; ing last in this “We. seen in its lakeside home, once owned by _?':ji'; ‘ t > _ii'iiA" sc5i':,l'i' . "iii'ii:c'ij', ity as a milk-process- setlll'lg- The decor at. Maurice Shillington, a _i:'fi V - ";i1?i'i,'ir:, ;"i'ii;,ij, W . . 'iii';)':', sing and bottling ing trim here has been colorful local dover. "i. ici" -, go - 'iii' plant. The stately duplicate) on gables, The original church REG WHlTTY three-storey frame eaves Bug Verandahs built there in 1837 was home next door was on other omes m the moved to a more cen- --.--.-t-----t---. built by the Woo- village, all perhaps the tral location in the Vil- druffs, longtime oper- work 0f the master lage in 1912. Other ators of the once- craftsman, .wh.o churches viewedwere flourishing grain and achleVef1 perfection m lumber mill at the everything he did. Grace United, built by ' outlet ot Sydenham His only failure the Episcopal Memo. (formerly Sloat's) may have Pet? 1n dists in 1861, the Holi- The Women's lnsti- Lake into Millhaven never marrying. Pt ness Church, built in tute, that enduring Creek. Known as ever, he 1chieved t.iis- 1897 with timber from rural organization McGregor's Mills in tinction 1n carrying local farms. with its motto: "For the beginning, opera- on for a? 60 years The Royal Cana: Home and Country" tors in the ensuing a t.lour.iPtg Tyr dian Legion Hall was not only promotes years with lung te, ship with an eligible built in 1862 as a better home life for a n ures including Simmer - Clara RO- Primitive Methodist stronger country, but George Yarker (1836- berts, also an expert Church. For many also an appreciation 1871): Woodruffs in her field of dress- years' it was known as of the hard work of (1871-1921) and Frank making, Clara’s love Wesley Hall - named the pioneers in earlier Anglia (1921-t9ti9). and devotion for her in honor of John Wes, times. Sydenham Wo, Mr. Auglin also speci- Sydney, no doubt ley, the world-re. men's Institute's re- alized in producing equalled or maybe ex- nowned evangelist cent Heritage Day veneer cheese boxes, celled that received who founded the was a prime example much in demand by by many_ husbands Methodist Church. of respect for the f the y1fe-t1ourishirfg from their spouseS- With Bertrand community's herit- ' small cheese factories John Switzen's hotel, (Bert) Sills as superin- age. overawide area. in nowahome, was seen tendent, it was Those in atten- his late years he con- at the corner of IPrt- packed Sunday after- dance gatheredat the centrated on making land AYe- and Simmer noons for Sunday Town Hall for afwalk- huge round veneer St. This early hotel school for well over a ing tour of the village, boxes, used by the was an important quarter of a century. covering some 25 sites well-known Black Di-- stopover on the stage- The distinctive stage of special interest, At amend Cheese Co. of coach Cute, P Bar is still intact and from i the hall they saw a Belleville for export rowsriiith. which had where leading pom- magnificent display of cheese in 500-pound to climb the rather cians over the years heirloom quilts, art- _ lots. steep hill behind the have spoken, includ. tique ttyals and uten- i Joseph Woodruff hotel.. The township ing Ontario Premiers sils, old magazines was reeve of Lough- councitfirst mtthere. Mitchell Hepburn and and newspapers (in- borough Township The nearby y?pos- Harry Nixon, Earl cluding the Syden- from 1888 to 1891 and ins tto.n.5 'etlderyee Rowe, Progressive I ham New's of 1902), was warden of From was PM" by Squire Conservative leader pictures of earlier tenac County in 1890. William Holditch, and later the pro- ' ' times, plus a display Tlitp.tautifully re- who proposed the Vince's It-Governor Women's liberation , by the "Happy Hook- _ d . name of Sydenham in Judge William J Hen: promoters today ers" - hooked rugs ' 1841 for the settle. derson who lived in would surely have that is. ment known until iifiiiii'hiiii' for six Ieer.t..thrilled to hear then as West Lough- years as a be later the fiery oratory de- borough. It was later becoming a {Awyer livered in the hall by _ i . owned for manyyears and MP (194-94958) Agnes McPhail, ca. atF by three generations for Kingston and the nada's first woman of Ameys-Nicholas, Islands climaxing his member of parliament Adam and Clarence. public-service career (1g21-1940), After her - - . defeat fade " as a Judge of the On- ra y, she tario Supreme Court. "rm""-----