y e ® Syder Women‘ Y %rg}am groups visit Women‘s With the Women‘s Institute : . motto of ‘For Home and Counâ€" ? & f try,‘ Sydenham Women‘s Instiâ€" I t I I l t g _ tute opened the fall and winter ns ltUte ee ln . series of meetings with a special y " community awareness program. Marilyn Votary from Sydenâ€" f Feat_ured were representatives sgslphasized'township council‘s ham Hol)i,ness Ch?x(rCh rem)i’nj:d | of various local organizations, grou“i ;0 achieve orderly housing the gathering of the church‘s 30â€" . who each reported on her ‘ board through the planning »yearâ€"old radio program Gospel ‘ group‘s community contribuâ€" arce é];"gllych oversees lot sever. | Tidings now heard every Sunday , tions. ‘ ications and build; at 7:30 am. over CFMK in Kingsâ€" °_ Lillian Huggard, the first pe'ï¬nl‘ts +8‘ ton. A midâ€"summer highlight ~ woman president of Branch 496 â€" Fe n; lian Gr Dolms said the cur. }| every yean is the 10,day Camp| || "of the Royal Canadien Legion &5 fundraising project of Meeting and the daily vacation / (Sydenham), reported that the Et enham Women‘s Institute is â€", yeible School ) \branch had made wideâ€"ranging t 5?51& $5,000 to furnish a toom Ieen Kemp of St. Paul‘s Angliâ€" contributions totalling almost Ef ary‘s of the Lake Hospital . ‘can\Church said the church had |©$25,000 last year. Upcoming: fom?nor of Dr..S. C. Ryback, a an active Anghcap Church Legion events include a steak "oyI Prdenham doctor and 4 « women n emun seruing church barbecue on Saturday, Oct. 1, the sale afpatl‘?“t there. An auction / peuppersiand specialunches | | poppy campaign Nov. 4â€"5 s o Wide range of articles June Compton, in appealing Remembrance Day services at | ;V ld be held Saturday, Oct. 1, in for articles for "The Triangle," a ) |â€"‘the Cenotaph Nov. 11, with the | ooo s o rtenechook Alteiay tss ts N4 j D; Canada‘s champi announced a current project was Remembrance Day dinner slated woma, j Tss Ili kbook: | \¢for Nov. 12, providing the hall Ber sen auctioneer, will donate E?e;,',’og,%?,‘;ms‘(’,i se t bs (and part of the funding for the â€" |going t?;ï¬:sï¬;wé_th Mig pro:_:eed; ) Program co-o}dinator J ‘‘senior citizens‘ Christmas dinner, NA wrE on I Clarke, in opening th y Dec. 1, New Year‘s Eve celebraâ€" D ighlight early in / ipaat d ty uB |mDecember every year since 1962,, | noted the roll call for the month . _ tions Dec. 31, the Levee on Jan. 1 in conjunction with the Legion, was "Bring a Friend," and sugâ€" U and a special 40th anniversary of in the Legion Hall, is tge :f!;?:r f fetfel 0_ 12c cche ol / the branch, Jan. 14, 1989, | | Citizens‘ Christmas dinher for gested these guests might want [ Connie Selle noted the ball | current and former residents of | to become WI members. | park improvement committee | | Loughborough Township who | Diane Brett.appealed for assisâ€") _ bad raised $10,000 toward | |are 70 years of age and oveg | tance in arranging the Federaâ€", Cimproving the diamond at | Patricia Grainger, representing | tion of Agriculture‘s display, Oct. | |\ Loughborough Park and is now St. Patrick‘s Church at nearby | L 213, 14, 15 at Cataraqui Town‘ â€" working toward raising $7,000 to . | Railton, announced an autumn | Centre, during Agri Food Week || 2 :’(':ggl : '}::pi:g{::;:fld:“:‘h- | highlight would be the official | _dMalure;n Bird;ellt.elérar:ch Py Wrooms. A was exâ€" NubP sident, who conducted the meetâ€" / tended to the local Legion . es memaeraen | ing, announced that Kingston| ‘ branch which raised the money / ‘s’ï¬ï¬wf ooiihgonev\vx;&a;xssh :c?gi f \« Area Women‘s Institutes annual ( to install lights for night ball | dediestion mase) se Patfjck‘s | |autumn convention would be) V games of Loughborough Park in | | parish is 156 years old and the e m Pyt [3 f $ 4 \apresent church has stood at the , | > y e ue n 0e |â€" Gouncillor Wilma Kenny corner of Sydenham and Murray , "Rural Women Today." | $y e / roads for 130 years. ] [ A special celebration will be | C it MV aitirantzatas Support is given to Third I held Saturday, Qct. 1, at Fva.ll'- | Pss World countries through Partâ€" e paA is s ners in Missions and the food uons t m dA 4@%%%& l Betty Foster of Grace United ghisal witl be wodnescos (Oct / h ï¬g{%“%&% 60 Church pointed out that the | wehe l dndl doppn ce ns {.f | ;v:;%%;“ & }1(30 | of a construction project, buildâ€" | Cmm l | ing an addition to the southwest | f %‘& - | corner and renovating the baseâ€" | | mng==raes f \ment. During renovations, Sunâ€" | _ _REG wHITTY ______ _ day School will be held in the | 1 e R | townbhall, as will the church baâ€" | Szaar on Nov, 19. L L __________ .