MRS. FLORENCE DIXON . T was born in 1902, near Manilla, and moved with my parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Oke and sister Evelyn to the lith concession of Mariposa in 1907. I received my education at Grant‘s School, which was on the North Sest corner of our farm» & The Department of Agriculture held short courses in cooking and sewing in Woodville in 1925, and I attended them, A Junior Institute was organized following the course, I was president in 1928, and Auring the year we presented a three act play in Woodville, and some surrounding places. The Junior Farmers coâ€"operated with us for this,. Ne also contributed a large variety of articles for the Lindsay Pair Exhibit. I married Harvey Dixon in 1928. We had four children, Clifford, Doris, Gordon and Lorne. We have resided in this community ever since and I have participated in Instituts Work most of the time. hn @ | \