\ 3 Wr. C.B. Heeks lived for many years in Woodville. He and Mrs. Weeks and their threse children lived in the house known as Dr. Clarke House. Mr. NWeeks was V{\rell . recusinte? with all conditions in Woodville and was a good friend of the cltlz?ns. He was a member of the school board for a number of years and he gav? a V?I‘y fine address at the opening of the present school on March 12th, 1923. His children were pupils of the old school, Clarence, George and Amy. Clarence was killed in the Great War of 191h â€" 1918. George lived in Lorneville for some time and Amy = Mrs. Carew in Lindsay. Mrs. Neeks was a Miss Edwards of Cannington. The War YMemorial at the Town Hall has the name Clarence Weeks engraved on plaque on Flag Pole. Mr. Weeks was heai of the committee to plan the opening of the Torn Hall Christmas Week 1903. This committee included Mr. Weeks, Ryan Switzer, A.D. Carmichael, Dr. John Grant, Dan Jamieson, Murray Wilson, Will Grant and Alister Ferguson. Yr. Weeks and Mr. Fred ®wards had the first bank in Woodville. It was in the home now owned by Mrs. Roscoe McKague and Alister Ferguson was on the bank staff. Mr. Weeks was leader of the choir in the Methodist Church, a worker in the Sunday School. He had the faculty of getting the children to do a good part of the work while not sparing himself. Those were the balmy days of cantatas and Christmas trees and concerts. The Sunday School prospered and grew. Mr. Weeks was also a member of the Woodville Band a very »ctive band at that time.Mr. Weeks served the community faithfully and well for twenty years and then moved to ILindsay where he still served this community and a larger area as manager of the Victoria Trust and Saving Company. He retired on account of ill health and died September 6th, 1956.