TDNYS CONET BV 6. t &“f‘;‘gfl [roaut . 7E risid Syas ;'\‘,}‘Vh & â€" io iom i t i o ae . " M Lfarc WOODVILLE NEWS ITEMS FROM LONG AGO «T ty May 22, 1862; This prosperous village is keeping full pace with the progress and improvement of the County. It is beautifully situated in the centre of a rich agriculture district and inhabited by a frugal and industrious people who are improving their favoured spot, year by year, as the wants of the people . increase. A subscription was gotten up lately to erect a sidewalk along Main Street. Fines were levied on the quarreling portions of the community, and the proceeds, together with the private subscriptions, were found sufficient to construct an excellent sidewalk, which was finished last week. 1878; NOTICE; All parties indebted to me are requested to call and receive their accounts and settle the same before the first of Nov. next. I wish it distinctly understood that unless accounts due me are settled by that date, they will be placed in the hands of a solicitor for collection. John Sidney, Woodville, Oct. 15, 1878 Feb. 6,1879; BAND CONCERT; The Band will give a Grand Valentine Distribution on Feb. 14. Every person will be presented with a Valentine. Admission .15 June 24, 1880; West Victoria School Convention; held in Woodville. The lecture in the evening by Mr.S.L. Hughes, M.A., Inspector of schools in Toronto, on the Kindergarten system of education was well worth the attention bestowed upon it. Mr. Hughes shows entire control of his subject. The system, although not at all likely to come into general use, in undoubtedly founded on the true natural principles of education, and, as the lecturer pointed out, much can be gained from it, which might with benefit, introduced into our school system. Aug. 1881; Mr. W.A. Sherwood, artist of Lindsay, was in town on Tues. last with some of his work, which require only to be seen to ensure a plentiful supply of orders. (This is the artist who painted the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. John Morison, which hang in the Town Hall). June 22. 1882; Burglars are in Woodville,; The village was thrown into an intense state of excitement on Wed. morning by the news that a burglary had been committed during the night at the residence of Dr. McKay. It seems that attempts were first made on the premises of J.C. Gilchrist, but being . unsuccessful in forcing an entry, attention was turned to Dr. McKay‘s. The robber entered through a ground window, which was propped open to secure a hasty retreat. After ransacking the lower part of the house, and disposing of the Dr‘s supper, which had been prepared for him, the upstairs was visited and, while rifling the drawers, the scoundrel was discovered by Mrs. McKay who gave the alarm ‘ causing him to decamp. The Dr. was absent at the time, but on his return Mr. Rod Campbell and the Dr. patrolled the streets but no sign of the party was discovered. A valuable gold brooch of Mrs. McKay‘s was missing. (Ken Lyon‘s House) May 1883; The "Independent" Lacrosse team of Woodville play their first game of the season with ‘ Lindsay, on May 11. s wWwOODpVILLE f f hre ~ Village in 1878 > F ade a Police Village in » isee U â€" C Pa» VSOOdVil]c boasted a ;npulatiun of i?’}é;f'?@@g‘@% \;:\ § 500 by 1881. Town Hall, grist mills, j ,;f,g,,ï¬%&% ’â€" ue cheese. factory, foundries, and three. hotels 4 *i/(&’,i//,"?/?i“ ; é. e e were just some of the amenities here. 'l‘oda;y it ;â€)%; 4]/’/". C 5 â€" in B is a thriving community with stores, churches, s : Z \\ ~~@ d _ i 7 {_ " a C(:;â€m"ï¬t)w sale h;rn and auction centre, ;:;; S:‘:\?\\‘ is | .__ s E. } | antique shops and an historic past. 3 :\\:“f:‘\k