( OFFICERS :23 1961-1962 Past President Mrs. G. B. Armstrong President Mrs. Elwood Walker 1st "toe-President Mrs. Horner Walker 2nd Vice President Mrs. Len Case Secretary Mrs. Morley Bain Assistant Secretary Mrs. Cecil Harrison Treasurer Mrs. Rene Pierre Publicity Mrs. James Galbraith District Director Mrs. Clarence Pickering Alternate District Director Miss Lulu Crosby Pianist Mrs. Clarence Pickering Assistant Pianist Mrs. G. B. Armstrong Sunshine Convenor Mrs. John Galbraith Directors Mrs. 0. Arnold Mrs. E. Howse Mrs. W. Shaw STANDING COMMITTEES Agriculture Mrs. M. Rynard Citizenship and Education Mrs. O. Gilhooly Canadian Industries Mrs. Chas Oldham Historical Research Mrs. G. B. Armstrong Home Economics Mrs. Chas Lunney Public Relations Rep. Mrs. Ron Kester Auditors Mrs. S. Lunney Mrs. H. Snowden DISTRICT OFFICERS Past President Mrs, R, Morrison, Beaverton 2 President Mrs. W. Carruthers, Uxbridge 1 let Ties-President Mrs. S. Jewell, Sunderland 2nd Fi.ee-.Preaident Mrs. E, Walker, Zephyr 3rd Vice-President Mrs. W. Barton, Uxbridge 2 Sec. Treasurer Mrs. A. Cook, Atherley 2 Federation Rep. Mrs. H. Westcott, Beaverton Alternate Rep. Mrs. A. Cook, Atherley 2 Nominating Committee Mrs. C. Dudenhoffer, Beaverton Resolutions Mrs. R. Morrison, Beaverton 2 District Rep. Mrs. S. Jewell, Sunderland Alternate Rep. Mrs. W. Carruthers, Uxbridge 1 Ag. & Can. Industry Mrs, E. Paradine, Uxbridge 2 Home Ea. & Health Mrs. D, Robinson, Sunderland Citizenship & Education Mrs. J. Corrigan, Udney Historical Research Mrs. R. Pierre, Zephyr Public Relations Mrs. E. A. Cookson, Atherley Asst. Public Relations Mrs. P. Judd, Atherley Con. of Jr. Activities Miss Betty Noble, Uxbridge 5 Fed. of Ag. Mrs. Ross Shier, Sunderland f