OFFICERS Egg 1965-1964 Past President Mrs. G. B. Armstrong President Mrs. Elwood Walker let Vice-President Mrs. Horner Walker 2nd Tiee-President Mrs, C. Oldham Secretary Mrs. Morley Bain Assistant Secretary Mrs. R. Pierre Treasurer Mrs. Cecil Harrison Publicity Mrs. James Galbraith District Director Mrs. Clarence Pickering Alternate District Director Miss Lulu Crosby Pianist Mrs. Clarence Pickering Assistant Pianist Mrs. G. B. Armstrong Sunshine Convener Mrs. John Galbraith Directors Mrs. M. McNelly, Mrs. Howse, Mrs. R. Shaw STANDING COMMITTEES Agriculture Mrs. Risebrough Citizenship & Education Mrs. Long Canadian Industries Mrs. Lovely Historical Research Mrs. R, Heller Home Economics and Health Mrs. R. Thompson Public Relations Mrs. R. Kester Auditors Mrs. R. Doble, Mrs. G. Kester DISTRICT OFFICERS Past President Mrs. Walter Carrithers, Ux. 1 President Mrs. S. Jewel, Sunderland lat Ttee-president Mrs. Elwood Walker, Zephyr 2nd Irit3e-Preaident Mrs, W. Barton, Uxbridge 2 5rd Vice-President Mrs. Bert Newman, Udney Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Anne Cooke, Orillia 6 Fed. Rep, Mrs. W. Warruthers, Uxbridge 1 Alternate Mrs. Elwood Walker, Zephyr District Delegate Mrs. S. Jewel, Sunderland Alternate Mrs. E. Noble, Uxbridge 2 Nominating Con. Mrs. R, Morrison, Beaverton Assistant Mrs. W. Carruthers, Uxbridge l STAND IN G o OMMI T’I'EES Resolutions-~Mrs. A. Gilispie Ag. & Can Inti.--lfat. N. Smalley Cit. & Ed. --Mrs. Corrigan Hist. Research--Mrs. R. Pierre Home Ea. --Mrs. Ashenhurst rub. Relations-yes. L. Howard Fed. of Ag.--Mrs. R. Shier O. N. Schol. Com.--Mrs. Noble --Mrs. Jewel Curator, Tweedsmuir History--- Miss Laura McBain