May,1936 The Farmer Magazine ff? L" PLAY WITH THEM P R E S E N T I N G _ - Ci, 31's (Continued from page 47) 8% il8MRtt that in the privacy of their own " _ " are}: homes, the greatest of the. great. are 'ft:irri 1iC'rr'. T%s often the most simple and human, the (Afr-Ego)" El l. Fl, v" ",% . most happily gifted with understand- cr/fi' "r'" Wt-sts/r, _ ' = ing hearts that retain something of new. r g, "ii, te, the beauty of ghildliker1ess. They are £33.35 _ . FW"" 'i) ' 47 also big and broad egouih to recog. ‘5 CT 8f. ", _ t‘ nize the playrights o l. e youngest . . by†.1; V ih' " 5 f Ttrn in their midst. A great manstoops Youth speaks out m this newest {.1 l = " g, “V 'is," 3 C2ii; Sis-?," ' "rr" C l to grow 11110“? Stdailglh'tt â€Lilli“; 001n- of Tudor Plate designs . . ' and 'ii-rr:):-?': _ , , At Cey1 _. .at f. quering 'ime an a 1 s , W on re ' . _ 'rr. w, _ .7 Jst' , LT"' arg I _ i _ q T ‘ drops the cares of the day like an so lovely a thing can _ expected s, - ri., A' 7- 23‘ '. . m 5 E‘s» _ 'C'; out-worn garment, and takes a little to arouse the admiration of fo- ?ci'rr1 5'3†"c,-st." [l I e T, 1'"hi'lr'/, _ a child upon his shoulders. day's smart moderns, Slender and 'cl" Be ' a'ie T _ “ NV C 'r,' I am not advocating fl'ivolity, Child. bewitchin li htf f, _ " i " Tp" it sas AND 'ir Jihts / ishness, nor foolishness on the part . g ."E-l .' t lg ully femi 1:» .5 .. . Woo 'uitlldlfyS' “I of mature persons who ought,“ know nine . . . aloe has all the charm Mr V Fcihi..e A' "Ts-, 31‘8"}! better. Neitjher do the tadmlmttwly and grare of the season's debutante, Fi 'll', t, j "cud nor kittenis ways a. are ll ery . , . issP,/-,crlri,'tiift2Fi. 3\l:leed ntt ' out of place for grown people. But I Mo.dcstly priced and offered .at unusual Crtii'),j,,i,,i"i-czii/2sT'v'd A. r EB" . /, am all for "the merry hgart that doeth savings (thanks to the Quantity-Discount l a? g 31-) a; good like. a medi.einerr-?,ne of the Plan) it is yours to inspect at your nearest ' _ _'eii,'i'r,'i : _ ','. "v,)' sanest, wisest sayings 111 the best of il d l , ' " g V 'vjrir,? tislet; TNRS books. 1 advocate the cultivation of SI verware ea ers. ) ic:i,iimir,i:ra0' cnc Cr _ 'frm a glorious sense of humor, the inr1r1ite i '5-1’5 satitCPTy ./ T s E /rs"n capacity for seeing fun, and making . i k (lr I â€55k ' y / _ ",' l r own when there isn't any 'i, §£tÂ¥rr9 1 Mg ' .' *I A JU . "t â€L333 “in if "ii'asc,irfs, , "Mother is always too tired to _ FREE 'fee' In, so" (h J . C _ 'l"'s/, laugh." Don't let that be true of any " . TIN :5: . ' " got work " daughter of Eve. Let's learn to laugh "; ' ,, (r - C L, E: 'rj,] easily, readily. It makes wrinkles 5, _ 1 ' \nmnsnl 'yifs as around the eyes and mouth, to be if. "T5"- " 'd' ' . sure, but they are merry wrinkles, " " {if '1' . . M A with whimsical, up-tilted curves. BIN A31 t:1 4, of? KE THIS TEST Much nicer to look at, a lot better to &T Mg, W. , ' '* . . r . he kind that worry plows. h' Itiil we ' f’ m 2 RE Gen um oFO-Ceclar Self-Polishing Wax own than t . ' nmE Biil* M? - WV, _ t%'d,'3f,"Jlat'xita' FREEtin. lfnotsatisiied 1rggT,'ll1/'r, 1m/',yif airing 5:32:23: $2; Mt Illl , I 'l r ' that O-Cedar is the best you've ever tried, er 71 an 1 11d h 1d T, W, 0 W:' It FA' " ', BR " retumthe unusedqortirrryourmoney back. “PM. 0 ave a 0 re . arm, h" " 1irg CM? '33; " a; clinging (:onfidenee of her children, 1giltt Nt at; " MS" nor to occupy a very spacious spot in - Mit' tS. Irie ‘ iM the inner sanctum of their private ,iiSlll Ilt? _ j " - lives. We instinctively love pleasant B, ts, IIB. Bg , ', {Tag " I e ar people who are sincerely interested in tiliia , _ IIE if: " _ l us and our little ways. Well, so do MIN tiili K, lh " ' " chi] d ren. )1 tg ll lig, {if " " POLISH " MOPS " WAX I WENT calling on a certain woman Miiitili IB, , q 'ml D it-r.", just the other day. It was a be- Mtl t© IN " E , .lNtkk"g - HOUSEHOLD FAVOURITES FOR 28 YEARS guiling spring morning, and she was may», 2.231;; li , swag:- --------- out-of-doors when I arrived, but she Wail 'rr, _ E y - ‘ came in later, laughingly explaining m..MIr E fill IE F . 'IMI " I " what she had been about. MER, We, - he. 5,? , a, soy; c on a " It “32!"? - , - Y. ma g y "Maybe you’ll think me silly," she a - h" === .4 r: > , " IE, Shallow Well Pressure Syslems smiled, "but I Fas out helping the 'll' "li' """,‘jr; 2: ' _ " '1}! At La . E He ed girls to get their play-house started. EMmig m 5;? I frccu? ME â€it: w'""'"':""' r You see we couldn’t afford to buy 'gltitEir, y), c" 3:37:93 .-""_ them a set of doll's dishes this year, 'aimw: , ’ , _ - ‘ - "AWll,T-,"g= as we had planned. So I cleared out MtiMllBit, ! , _ m, _ . , _ q - 'tetal my summer kitchen cupboard of all 'allies, ', J _ , Eeit& / l i I, 'tim ' the things I'd been hoarding for 35,.{2'ï¬ï¬‚ V i s'r. _ . ' Ei , , . , a 63) " tN years, and the children have gone off â€â€˜11-? lrlNlNi,, . ) f , , " . 'll Mi Mg, a. with the old broken-nosed tea-pots iE& "lh'LLs, i si- , r , 'ttlet' Mllr,,I P "r P I} that belonged to two generations, the igg m. ’ ' - -eTr'i"H - * These new Holler} I Fo, Pri?? " salt and pepper shakers that wont E i ' B, he: _ B. , 15:1} I shake, cups without handles, plates Illt1 *TO INTRODUCB "lg secfey, are ideal al ‘ I, , ", -f with "bites" out of them, and cracked 5ileral "N, I " tgal for bridge tear and 5' I 33"»; saucers that will still hold a mud pie. “it; A ll ll " bufet suprerrs (ns well alll , 'j 5. .1 3:33;; 1%:ldorilgfd 'igl/,Y Haggai: 1:10; ("3.33 Your Silverware Dealer offers is Mi f', reg/lard fable. my) , I _ 4 51% A . . _ aggirlit IM . or J ma rug farm, il .7 ‘ ,""'3:."" right piano for a house. He put a Mtlih" 4 HUSTESS SPREADERS 'i.itlll1 jellies, checrse or ber , . . r "cf r. _ window in one end and a door on the :f‘v, 1 o mun-13;» ter. Early 12/ a, ianr Bl , ' ':~,' front to go in and out, and talk about ' . tt came; szzrtly boxed. I k .x:,"," " fun! The girls are playing at house- Regular Value $235 . El, I rr-.? f" e keeping out there under the Mani- u . - Fr": ti toba maple, just as it they had all 1.1; . - _-" c- l the riches in the world!" "ii T125 " I told my friend that I considered _ . """r.'- her children rich, indeed, to have ' Fics-fig picked such parents, and I went out _ Mg-lg _--.: " myself to see and admire the happy mr, l! - i, 3. home-making in the piano-box house Fine Silverplate by Oneida Ltd. $ilt " > I. = ." I under the good, green tree. It was a F , W; . . ' 'it' _ . beguiling spring morning, and a robin s----------'- c, [WSW " "_,' Iltt was telling the world about it, from rd, " ) lt " _ ap' the top of the wire fence. But he was . " " Il - L "gtsiiMlt carolling no more cheerily than two-’1'- _ ' ' . I IIINSla small children busily "pouring tea." l " ' Br, M 'N ‘ i 7 QI T have never heard a mother talk u I - __ y t - ‘ EC, Pam about the subject yet, but she bewailed l til GGESTIONS for PARTIES Z - i tii " , the fact that she did not take or make I k I " Bt . r- time to enjoy life with her children tt " . . , i , 1.9.5? when they were my Young. There l Group Games for Home, Church and Club IS the title I " " " 'za. _ was always too much to do. Quite . . " lip . true. There always seems to be. But of a pamphlet published by THE FARMER MAGA ‘ " children do not stay with us, as . . . . S l children, for very long. TOO may ( ZINE. It IS crammed full of detailed suggestions for all. CAPACITIES-250 and 540 y, ' a " per amazingly soon, they are up, and out, WEI-sSf?&zn§“§lim§33§35'§’pii§233 and away, and our chance is oven ', sorts of games and fun makers. -suitable on Suction Lifts up to M ft. Ten to one your little girl Will not _ . J? McDougallGuaranteenn Every System remember fitteery years from now, I Have you obtained your copy yet. Makers of Pumps f; AlloSsrvllce! for " Years whether you mapped the kitchen ( P C C Writ, " irtrtt ary. floor, and waxed the dining-room , RI E 10 ENTS, THE R. 'pAef,"lfW/ro"o' LTO. linoleum on Wednesday or Thursday i ' (Continued on page 65) l _ UU,'