s = # N 64 I be Barmer Magazine woâ€" May, 1936 | 1 J . 30M C omm f fr= â€" c l 1x > â€"~ â€"© k -g.’,%!‘,.'»»- . e mpanae 4& : + o e Reg y 5o m | 4 &. M e P e SR n Tye Toh @" . ;f;?] h & 2y To.~<â€" 3 Eoaih, | :a'.,»a,’"»ï¬?f..,%@-,%_, i 12e *» ’g-gl?e Je L es é "?F" freres" :' F es ; se ># g& s > * ts Ns '-:a‘&'ig:;’i‘ oohe f is k* ho 6.â€"â€" â€"â€"BKM yc *T +°~ erks, & . ~ i. > <ie 'â€',.g?‘\"': Merarsl Poo ap /o )T t ho > t yA n +tr / CC L. e 10 Cases ies ‘ s ht‘ > d & tae Reesy E3 3 Je . *~~ * 20 ie e ©3 " : i: 7 \Ege F79 x ( P l ~ . adl P c > _ Te ie s C3 f o dnc Mn & S : io o cmtnlnnale | A. _ en _ ured DWE |\ be~> Y p it â€"â€" omm Aeennarctte e 0 on d NE . . . S ae | / & s 3y »ape i _ 5 ~MA, s<at ie _ . n e k ty o3 & wl ) ho ol o. > D â€"F. MA s oo sys c c y #;’,,»-;;.’,- es ie ce . _ > > * ce o z i >z ym ~ 2 > E) $ e e . | uin s !«‘v!;{t i ds +t "£5 Sn on C â€"~â€"â€" cz . > LV 1 s . 8 CcB ; e #â€" ; oc (Ranr s 12. Buis~ â€" l falk > i ¢ 4 2;;" ? fls ut p ugh e l Ns 8 t â€" sc j Algp «o and AmiZ hh 52. 36e oi t e s ; AF, * C ,* hains PE oo F3 t â€i’;;& > Mares t 53. â€"* lsay, "se ’i «.‘.4-' 0 U Cnimatiins +~ o ~ P $A 4st V 9e m 3 x Some eb M unee Aeond meonkg â€" | i oo io ce e "\ Ianimnsiftitters is c o2 29e5 CR .n Alere ol en aAile. d 5 *z 2. i [A n oiA e 4 4 n + 7 # they are glad to see the green grass sister, who is six, will likely be a memâ€" The Robin Famil $ 3 Aunt l-_lelen_s,Mml Bag again." â€"James . Wilson,. McNamee, ber of your club later. She wants to > : f JÂ¥ "J WOULD like to join your club, £o0. NB ; write to you, but:cannot as she doesn‘t I h‘ke the robin family, My age is seven and of course I # 0+ a write yery. well."â€"Norma Boyce, R.R. 'l'ue always known them, too. attend school regularly. I like to zo "TPHIS is my first letter to your club No. 2, Harrowsmith. For I can talle to robins to school and I like my teacher. My and I am indeed in a great hurry *) k o Just Wike I talis to you. 3 pet cat will climb r,i’ght up to my to receive the lovely pin.. I also enjoy. "THIS is only my first letter but I am I like the father robins! f shoulder for candy,"â€"Buddy Phil reading the letters from the boys and going to write the other two right Their waistcoats and their mways: lips, Steenbure, Ont. girls every month. My pet colt L call _ away so that I can receive my memâ€" EHKethe mother ropins | ' w ow Lightning and my little cat, Spitfire. bership pin. My hobbies are skating In their dull browns and grays. ‘TVENS is my first letter to your page. She does not like to be played with and swimming and singing, Nor pets My birthday is on June 4th and and is very cranky. _I got a gold I have a dog, Buster, a pup, Buddy, And oh, the baby robins! " T am nine years old now. I go to medal as first prize in singing at our and a goat, Billy. I am eleyen and 9 UI:/ Dt;;;[cg;ggv;t]%:z r\:z:]lzlggs M School every day. I have an older 5 m ME | brother.. My. winter sports are sleighâ€" cce s c c _ l e To use their Hitle wings. widing, skiing, snowballing, and skatâ€" 1 Theth cheeril s es g f 7 : | y cheerâ€"up ing, in summer I like to play Wï¬th This month we have more smapsbots of our club members. We can still | Is such a preity songyâ€" my wagon, my Bittle kitten and t"at > use good clear snapshois and now when the weather is clearing you should _ || I wish that they would sing it, e fascinating game of hide and seek."â€" all be able to get out the cameras and take some interesting ones for our _ || And sing it all day long! Teone Hegarty, R.R. No. 2, Alma. Dage. So, see what you can do. At the top of the page and at the left _hand _ || i £ok % } side we see June Rowcliffe, R. R. No. ’1, Alton, sitting on the front doorâ€" | I like the robin family: | "FOW are you, Aunt Helen? I have | _ step, Next are May and. Edna Balkwill, R. R. No. 4, Coldwater. Mary I‘ve always known them, too; \ not written for such a very long | O‘Malley, of Wallacetown, is sitting among the field flowers and the boy || For I can tall to robins t meliltust mow Memiinithe midst of i with his pet dog is Marshall Jess, Box 202, Port Gredit. > Just like I taik to you. ) : my examinations and do hope I will The lower strip of snaps shows at the left Aileen Clark, R. R. No. 5, â€"Anne Altha Singleton. f)atis. I-%arel y;OIlI beeé-'l rece;vulg lI\IE[mny | Pa;bb;',ll. Dozis and Beatrice Burwell, R. R. No. 4, Tillsonburg, are next es etters Tately? got one from Mare / and then Catherime Irish, Wallowdale. The group is Elaine Malley, her | f aret Smith, also June Rowcliffe.. I | cousin, Doreen Palmer, and a chum, Mary McGlashan. If you look ;vlosely | The Club Post Oï¬ ie have been wishing for summer for so you will see that they have the pet rabbits with them. â€" And then at the t TTHE following members of our club long.â€" T will be able to go to school | extreme right is Johuny Thibanlt, Bonfield. = have asked that their names be 2 much more qplckly.. My age is nine. | published for correspondence: Geneâ€" Margaret Smith said she would send iz _iz aaaa_____nn2222 0 _ vieve Jachula, R.R. No. 3, Oshawa, 15 me aupicture of herself, so T am lookâ€" yrs.; Helen Dennis, RR. No. 1 1 it."â€"June Murdoch hi # : f T 4 i e hk a! ] ing forward to it. + school fair this year."â€"Alma Lamont, would like the members of the club to Walton, 11 yrs.; Pam Norrad, Boresâ€" 3t % x o% + Komoka. *>.. write to me."â€"Helen Deckert RR. town, N.B, 12 yrs.; Mary Graham, l No. 1, Linwood. RR. No. 2, Ravenna, 9 yis.; Evelyn . "[ RECEIVED my club pin. last "J[ AM so glad that you welcomed me es= Mitchell, R.R. No. 1, Pugwash, N.S, Thursday and I thought it very into your elub. This is my second & £ 12 yrs.; Louise Moore, R.R. No. 1, mice. I do thank you. We had terâ€" letter. I wish it were my third so that "PHIS is the first letter that I have Pugwash, N.S, 13 yrs.; Leola Bris: ; tikle floods in New Brunswick which I would be eligible for my. pin. A written to the club but T want to tow, R.R. No. 1, Nottawa, 13 yrs.; deprived many. of even their homes. short time ago a sleigh drive was orâ€" write a lot more so that I will receive EHdna Dunlop, RR. No, 2, Almonte, f | However, \from newspaper | reports, ganized by our Sundayâ€"School Class. a club pin. I quite often read your 13 yrs.; Viole Smith, RR. No. 1, f more damage was done in many other On _ one sleigh there were. twentyâ€"five interesting page and then T ask my Apple Hill, 11 yrs.; Evelyn Mackie, places as well. We have cight lambs so there was heaps of fun. We went brother the riddles which you publish, RR. No. 1, Grimsby; Marion Vosâ€" and two calves. One of the lambs is to a village about three miles away, I bave two pets, a dog, whose name is burg, RR. No. 1, Inwood; Glory j ‘fed irom a bottle which is fun. There then back to our place. We played Mickey and a cat, Sandy. My cat. is Fenwick, R.R, No. 1, Islington; Warâ€" j are three sets of twins among the games and had lunch and we ended yellow and the dog black with white, ren Steele, R.R. No. 1, Quyon, P.Q., ! lambs. My pets have a great time our festivities with old familiar songs. They are both very playful."â€"Elaine 9 yrs.; Phyllis Gardiner, Lawrence now. The deer are running about and Billy is my pet, Iamb.. My younger McBEwan, Harley. Sta., N.B., 12 yrs. 4 ‘ s . l o nmmmmrmmcmne vin nesencune ommmprommpmins Ns n d e uk «.: #8 37 7 N en e y â€" it ~ 0 c Ligec NK ; £" is “ § § : wiey j 5$ {+2t2:0 * fhar H se C _ 4 EP * s | * olsc aKi \ e ts | â€" omm _ J i xBz 7 Te & [ | n tm } : 3e {â€"> 2 > 4 d _ _ . SiP urâ€"bRE S ~â€"oIu pawu 0| ~~ | & se ' I e > P t BE F * . dlk T98 9 &K Mang! _ â€" j . 4 I P Â¥ ~Aet ‘ ; in Cottect P . YeaP B _ â€" o MBF 5o4 in i plstesne s P L es | ?\.‘:;, 20 ‘"â€"~ 3 â€" 1¢6 _ gkheare . _ j g e c *z | s Ayy ; wekb e ; JWV 4 n 9 o W e i Es E/ Ne 0 0) T‘;" ies IBs 6 P shies reven o â€" f n s e# Lo 5o A ; 3 me Allllaal o l BBE o 0 BP o C 0n 2 fl, 1.A / Swhn 5 S 0 @ : ~ / riases ... z* C aD .. h t iess . â€" o 0 o 5s .7 o M & 5s y MsaR ies n c on 0 old h U o okeuaual . e N: | l : f Vess eA 00 bo 00 g, flmm wl i( 0 . 0_ _ _ *A ta, e ol 0 beey * <â€"~!â€" â€" W is . e i;;;@ï¬ ww /.0 â€" ‘*‘5“2 w z. *z> " Rewos:> ~ * Mnb o) _ o cce "p yT o / maee cany 2 Mrectcwi@e 00 "road > â€" es * | poant opmcmmctamaiteA) CmmcA ia ‘E*m Leat wy e oi hz ?"x > s § < ie :n;’"' "-';v'»‘ fraad e ue nohs . * idaks é’:a a ’: . ;:‘:-; % m 3 ".:.’?:A/ y 3" J is 4 ;Zi 5 *'~<~‘" f ï¬,i:'u * C C manny. 1. * o actir e e on l s yoe > oi $ I memne Aeonl _ < c tnes Ame U io _ . Iiene Nn en aeiy Ne es on tE e s us P ue ons â€" T R oo C C us iss y‘ e nb â€" > fag | @â€". ky gpc s > M uesn ral geee" ‘ _ ol ul n pSbAsanan _ C > § «c _ lc 9 â€" ~â€" ie ic Pn . aiiaie vAWe s wcccciscl." en Saoaioion Reeman Sm j ~.