S Four s Family Herald and Weekly Star, December 4, 1935 01\‘{ ; THREE BREEDS VIEâ€"FOR Cfâ€" A/\/\PIONSH|P By Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture: for Ontario f HEREB WAS A LARGER NUMBER of Fraleigh of Forest was in 2n4; FyG. Todd f Lucknow, 3rd, and Howard i ; entries in almost every class of marâ€" z. . M se â€" ‘;&I Son 0? Ma.lvloé Qu’e w’\’s 4th 4 ; y s e y 1 7 Esc : ket cattle at the Royal this year. In wl o5 0h u’rr):zysumme; yearling class was topped fact it was a very fine showing of fat 4 f * Ne 4 e . by. Thomas Henqcx'sor;‘ of. Lacmpl})}e, who wille, sad the mumbers in the sxaites ant j . Nes o e ‘;d& made a very nice showing with three â€" 4 s ol es Seghlo Wt > Ahast Asx, Sa wmg fin, ts toite o gos L : , bs N shemie, aimanat S â€" ctossâ€"ureds aod Geeu greatiy incrersed * * Cik . Coaer | a strong class. X\Q\\:‘Mi\\“ta\n\g\ ot Fovest f because of the new regulation this year A" 5 & C# Pss won 2nd place. The G, P. R,. Natural that outside of the thamptons in each of f whre ts M _ Mc 2s Resources, of Calgary, $rd, and the Uniâ€" these classes, the carcasses of these steers 4 ies "I : 5 T. "= R versi(}y of &A\gherta.( G&\l}h\ . Then "LJ\- P‘.1 ‘ d % ; + ' Henderson & Son o elph won Tth an shu\xld‘ be passed upon aiter they were i $ : Lloyd Mack of Rockwood 8th, These were slaughtered and prizes should be awarded & i woees R 4 a good bunch of. steers. Thomas ; for the carcasses. ’,A; Je Henderson‘s first prize steer was a very There has been a i ll 3 i ae : j f deep sided beast, perhaps a bit of waste e y 5 2 about him, but he was the Kind of steer 0o many 0. e cattle fiited for fat stock o F that you had to put at the top of the class < shows have been yery wasteful after being hn sn ; l or else look around a good deal for where killed because of the abundance of tallow Fsck > M h # ... you would finally land him. in their carcasses. Consequently, there ol d e ~Ce y§ 4 The senior calf class in the Aberdeenâ€" has been some agitation fo}" a class ,of catâ€" <ae a 0 }o F9 ° $A ie Angus steers brought out the grand chamâ€" tle that might be called ‘"less fat" than prre C ~'_,_,~’./" S mm mmz ampen en im ean d \" BBE .. ... sn slsc > pion of the show. This steer was bred by some of the tops that are shown, _:'T_E;;'",;_-,'x fm*"* n _ _ 122 inss .. ~omey wat C is F. G. Todd & Son of Lucknow, Ont., and This is a pretty difficult matter to deterâ€" [ 0/) &2, soa)0 +. .. 2 t l l 00y qCirecte to i pel us as the judge, Mr. Lowe had something to mine because it is rather impossible for ,'?.ï¬xj»;,c"- o cna at ;n\;*'&m,";»';M"’;;}“::"\,"l_.&iz'?%“%\E;‘."’;,"."(."'},;;‘ftr;\"?f;x do with breeding him, he placed all the the judge to have anything like an accuâ€" }3&\ se e 3y 4 4 l wap Ne o taatrenss ie other steers in the class, and then asked rate knowledge of how much consists of g«,,â€";‘ s ts i ts “\;N.';?’;“;,f;‘â€{ es e ies ’“é}j;c s Mr. Noel Gibson to put Todd‘s steers in gle_sh a;ndhhov; much consists of fat in an «Bwa k o CA Tc orRerhcb ies «40 eeqredes o To CmyA cauts o the proper position. Noel compared him nimal when he is judging it alive. + ; : with a steer then standing at the top of We all, however, know this, that for _ "(C Angus steer, grand champion over all breeds for F. C. Fodd: e ammelownediby the University of Manâ€" . beef to have a good flavor it must be cut Lucknow, Ontario, sold at auction for 75 cents per pound to Eaton‘s. itoba, and with vyery little hesitation %:"}tzuof 2 leatst n men mnos in § ordered Todd‘s steer to first place in the e we waste something in roasting, and ; class. It was a popular decision and a ga a Aoraotineouiecas not earelten, eéting the result of which has made the Royal Todd & Son of Lucknow, Ontario, 3rd. C. proper one. He is a very tidy steer, would fat, we lose something of the meat‘s conâ€" Winter Fair, from its very inception, a _ R. Daniel of Lethbridge 4th, and 5th. have yery little weight, was well covered, tents, but that is in a great part made up ELZ‘!:EE wltlgrehpe;)ple went to see Christmas 5 The baby }:eevf class brought out @ MICC and jater Mr. Gibson made him Grand by the flavor of the lean meat which comes â€" ‘"C °% !"° 09/ incâ€"up of twelve steers, This group WAS . GChampion of the show, and the ringside from the carcass of a fat beast. Most peoâ€" The first class of market cattle brought _ {OPPed py Maurice Robson of Denf_leld, boys, to show their approval of his choice, | ple are, therefore, willing to pay for fat OUt 46 entries which was one of the largâ€" Ont., with a Shorthorn bred steer, nicely carried Mr. Todd shoulder high through that perhaps they do not cat because they °5t, if not the very largest, class ever fiDished, an October senior calf, and he not the ring to celebrate the victory.. recognize that they will have a better ShOWA at the Royal Winter Fair. This only topped the baby beef contest, but he Next to the champion in this class stood flavored roast of meat, even though there Cl@S§ was open to a steer or heifer under WO the championship among the grades the University of Manitoba‘s steer, auite is some waste to it in this manner. 800 pounds. It contained quite a few and cr.oss»bgeds, and the reserve grand a creditable beast. In 3rd place, Wim. E. The opinion, however, having got faitly thin animals, Most of them were Chaumn;’-th of the show. This was a _ Scripps, Lake Orion. Mich., had a yery nice abroad that leaner animals might show _ CAlved in 1985, and it is always a bit diffic YSY creditable record indeed for this boy, black steer, and ‘the C. P. R. Natural better carcasses when killed than some of CUIt to have junior calves well enough whom we are very pleased to say is enterâ€" Resources of Calgary were 4th. J. P. the overâ€"fat ones, brought out quite a fitted to look well in a fat stock show, ing the Ontario Agricultural College as a Henderson of Guelph, 5th; E. S. McDonald number of lean steers in the single classes but the tops in thig class were quite good. student and o_ughc to be one of the comnâ€" of _ Brookdale, Man., 6th, of the grades and crossâ€"breds; some of t was headediby Eather € udwarhs of tenders there in the live stock judging conâ€" â€" The junior calf class was headed by J. them far too lean. In fact, many of them â€" Watford, Ontario, with a black polled ‘CSb , PATticularly among beef cattle _ P. Henderson & Son of Guelph, Ont., with would have stood 60 days good feeding. heifer that was smooth and full of flesh A*2OML Robinson of St. Marys, Ont, â€" an Aberlour bred steer. The University : The breeders and feeders, however, will and very altractive. The second place was N28 204 wWith a Shorthorn bred steer. Of Alberta was in second with a steer bred find this out as years go by, when they see won by J.â€"J. and G. A. Parkinson, Guelph, â€"NCLO®4 Gardhouse, Weston, Ont., was bY Black Quality Marshall, Hioward the results of their steers being judged alive Ontario, with a steer by Middlebrook third with a Shorthorn bred steer. Reford . Fraleigh of Forest was 3rd, J. P. Henderson and the carcasses being judged afterwards, â€" Prince 33rd. McKenzie Hall of Ayr, Ont., . !. the fourth generation of Gardhouses to & Son of Guelph 4th, E. S. McDonald of and the change has sound educational was in third with a grade Shorth:)rn nf’ ie radle at‘Torouto. Clifford Black . Brookdale, Mfln"- fls . and . Bertwin value, and will improve the market classes ‘Browndale blood. Parker & Edwards of 0~f Caledon was fourth with a yery attracâ€" Bl:’l‘ckburn plkbneso Onlsifthâ€" at the Royal Winter Fair. One of the Watford, who breed some steers of all Wive Hereford steer. Donald Roth of The Hereford classes were fairly strong, important purposes for which this Show breeds, won fourth place with a â€" grade 'Pe(m-'Sburg' Oe n ts _Cordou 1. en e etntan damn auver hoeen "s was organized was that it might be the Shorthorn heifer, also of Browndale blood Mcé(mnon of Hillsburg, Ont., was 6th with Strong at the Royal Winter Fair as either dhet Stoot sShow.: of the: betimion of | and.famen Aston.of Cundermiend, wen fifth _ â€"iohl wmaoine tr ue o. P e uk is ! Canada. place, while J. J. and G. A. Parkinson of The judging of the pure bred steers was _ Were no entries in the junior yearling ; From the very start this show has been Guelp’h wére- i;a slxth- >1.;1ace %?]r;e [1?}’ :heIJudgest[or oo m rends. fll-lassuat[ ol veuraiy e Nok f ; see. irst classes to come out were the e University of Alberta was first with a good market show and not only a good In the class for steer or heifer, between â€" Aberdecnâ€"Angus, and they were judged by 2 Yery mice, deep fleshed Hereford st | one but a quite representative one, because : i i 3 j melut i Seo NA ‘ jene becs 801 and 900 pounds, the University of John Lowe of Elora, Ont. In the first Straight in his lines, though he could many of the awards, from time to time p j # 1 o 2 : es, though he cou + Alberta won 1st with a very smooth, well Class of junior yearlings, the C. P. R. Scarcely be called a t . "This s vas c have gone to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and No 5 esn e m‘ ho. emicomans ,has s s f fleshed heifer sired by a black bull and atural 1'{esources, of Calgary, won with afterwards made the pure bred Hereford T52 ev.al"ything ol ad to SttUEE!® out of a Shorthorn dam. This was one of ;1 x;zré' nice steer, well finished, and he Champion of that market division. In this ,' â€" 2 â€" i i ooke at ' ; ; 4 Neither the Maritime Provinces or g’;:t&:g:;tgeszï¬Ã©n:lfa B’;ly“fafé"“&;mlzgi wn%“) ‘ Quebec have been devoted to cattle feed~ piace with a grade Hereford, and J. J. and s * | ing to any great extent, and British 2 § T mt I f / zs , G. A. Patkinson of Guelph were 3rd with < Columbia might be placed in the same â€"a ghorthorn grade. Parker & Edwards of : P * â€" & f class, but the competition has been exceedâ€" watford, Ontario, were 4th and Tth with o & f ingly keen among the other four Provinces} _ two steers sired by the black bull ‘Blackâ€" $ € ;'r’ eA ; &: ©® bird Bandolier of Page." Howard Fraleigh J/X*P‘ l o a Packace or 50 $ â€" of Forest, was in 5th place with a black @""p . "= "Heeabcedt Gituerre siue staoes ‘ s s steer, and Duncan Campbell of Moffat, o ?fé'v’ok._ Smsce ent . # F § Ontari6, had a red Shorthorn grade in 6th. [ $2 & "-’;‘y â€" ons e ; , In the class for steers from 901 to 1000 34 a x Q?\? . â€"“'ï¬ h ,X.‘;Es\\ & to lbs., Howard Fraleigh of Forest, Ontario, ul m L. y t e E> 1 one of the good exhibitors over a number Cuobnnts.. ~~ [¢ = m‘@"\wm‘e\‘\'\ fam. $ TIMES of years won a first place with a steer 2 ibanl 7. * râ€"Aag Ctoeel ,,. $ § sired by an Aberdeenâ€"Angus bull. Parker 4 " es ts â€"""":’M- e %}*‘- Aeime i & Edwards came 2nd with another son of . ' 8 .. ~ â€"~MAnant o2 g MORE QUICK LY ‘‘Blackbird Bandolier of, Page"â€"a ‘bull sÂ¥\ o es ~ 70 ',"31/?'â€" #. & J DIGESTED THA which made a record with the steers he 2 Jark/s n i _ onl N sired in the prize list of this Royal Winter \ JS 2e &_m hy en $ COD LIVER o 1L Fair. Third place was won by C. F. Lean, ,/; & S < Mss //A Cf f of Cobourg, Ontario, with a steer sired by ¢ tsz ~ qHee Cl “ Science has discovered why a Shorthorn bu?l "Blythwaod 'Stamp 2nd. ] Cc ~< j%; 1 Scolt‘s® Emuision ‘of Cod Fourth was won by George Tait & Son, 5th \{†§ s fl*fl t ' Liver Oil is so much more and 11th places were won by C. R. Daniel . lieneï¬cial than plain. Cod of Lethbridge, Alberta, with Hereford bred goe iver Oil.. All plain oils are steers, and the C.P.R. Natural Resources ? hard to digest; they must be Department of Calgary, Alta., were in 611: Gi‘t w. & %rozfxulsiï¬e;i'f;',n hv_he lstomnch. with a black steer. Seventh place was won he ll Appreelam 1 e emulsify the oil in our hy E. Robson & Son of Ilderton, Ontario '_M C }gboaflï¬?);:esi;i:;i;ttésdricggsy s successful breeders over a perlod of }’eam‘. * OM,IB Of HaPRy Shave‘ K Non Snd sestallation, , The class for steer or heifer, gr poere® "B » « similation crossâ€"bred, between 1001 Doungd:dea:g Tender "‘Hrf‘le Bladeï¬, esl)ecmlb made for | sesent 3 weigh:ing â€" not more <than 1200 pounds, esns Phil. are the first choice of men vm%té?f’ : Parker & Edwards of Watford, were first price of this: ere is no gift at anything like the 3 £ 0 glth _a. Shorthorn bred steer. â€" Howard Blades" is attractive package of 50 Gillette ‘‘Blue [ a&, \B z;glelgh of Forest with "Ink Spot" was ades" that will give him so much pleasure and f@ g:\ a : E ION 2nd. J J. & G A. Parkinson of Gueiph comfort. Men say it‘s the ideal gift. Eliminate M 45 § , efung. axé(illé)th. The C.P.R. Natural guesswork â€"put Gillette "‘Blue Blades‘ on . #1 i $ r THE DIGESTIBLE COD Liver and l1th. C gR’Y’Dï¬tï¬t‘. V;ere 4th, 6th your shopping list. Ask your dealer for the special â€" $%89%5% 2 OIL WITH THE PLUS vALUES Alta. was 5th. . Pss Pades Christmas carton of Gillette "Blue Blades." Weuieeap ( Fot sale by YOUR DRUGGIST x For steer or heifer over 1200 pounds, J. 1 essa and G. A. Parkinson 1 f Ratural Aesources of o. were first, C.P.R, l DES s 0. Ca.lgflry’ 2nd. F, G. ooo en o omm nemmmmmmsnmmmremmmmorâ€"rrmmmemeren ; 2 : : * F + 7 ‘“} &