MHe!! C Sss a ï¬ Feai=l 0 ' P s I p2â€" BYâ€"LAW NO /75 A.5.1907 l * BYâ€"LAW to constitute and establish a road upon part of the North ‘- Eo East half of Lot Number Five in the Ninth concession of the Townâ€" i Eo . j =ship of Horton in the County of Renfrew, “ Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the Townshipp of Horton |{ THAT whereas this Council has determined and agreed to constitute “ and establish a road on part of the North half of Lot Number Five in the Ninth concession of the said Township of Horton,as hereinâ€" l } â€"after set forth and described, AND whereas this Council has caused all notices to be given as reâ€"| â€"quired by the Revised Statutes of Ontario of their Intention of †j the Council to Constitute and establish said road, i : AND whereas Catherine Neil the owperiof the said part of North half ; of said Lot Number Five in the Ef§$g§9concession of Horton has con« | â€"sented and agreed to give the roat in exchange for a part of the ; [ road allowance between lots Numbers Five and Six in the Ninth conâ€" | ~. soll â€"cession forsaid road through her land, â€" * } EFHEREFORE it is enacted by the Municipal Corporation of the Township j of Horton that all and singular that certain parcel or tract of F 4 Land and premises lying and being in the Township of Horton in the || 1 County of Renfrew ,being composed of part of Lot Number Five in thed | Ninth Concession of the said Township of Horton and may be described as follows Viz" Commencing at a point on the Nortliern boundary of %% the Government Road distant 177 feet from the Point of Intersection of the.North Western boundarg of said Lot with the said Northern | boundary of said Road Allowance,measured Easterly along said Norâ€" h â€"thern boundary Thence Easterly along the said Northern bounrdary of said Road Allowance Sixty five feet more or less to the waters edg% of the Bonnechere river Thence Northerly and down the stream along:[ | . said waters edge 25 feet ,Thence southexi%y Westerly 65 feet more ofl less to the place of beginning and containing 750 Square feet morel; | or less,be and the same is hereby established and constituted for | j Public use as and for a Road â€"and Public Highway of and for the said| l E- Township of Horton, â€" ;! 3 F*. : Passed this Seventh day of October A.D.1907 \ ; t Certified . fl z P P . ‘ Ia oC 4/7/ %/Mfl%y& * Clerk . Reeve C fl | : _ I O j # 1 | . 1 t «o . : | f i I | 10 i i â€" ‘ ]i | e | §oo _ 4 | d «€ . i ‘ t :z | Te ! fl _