f | (2) 0 | f i magnetically a distance of two chains more or less to the northerly : } limit of road in lieu of Town Line from Portâ€"ageâ€"duâ€"fort to Haley‘s l station, Again commencing at the above described starting point Thencb on a course North 71 degrees Rast magnetically a distance of fifty links,Thence South 82 degrees East four chains and twentyâ€"two links Thence North 83 degrees East Ten chains and sixty two links,Thence East magnetically a distance of Six chains and sixty links more or leg }_ ..._v [ m _ : L,to theywesterly limit of the Govarnxpent'_réad_""gl:_:_ng;the. Otchéwa river,, 1. f | >A said, road being forty feet in width;that is twénty feet wide on each i ; ‘side of center line, l :The Road is situate on Eot Number Twonty seven in the Eighth concesâ€" x ‘1sioh of the said Township of Hortén,and the same is hereby opened anf i ’ “estaï¬lished for public use as a Road and Public High way of and for \ ‘ the\said Township of Horton, Passed this Third day of October A.D.1910 _ \ Oertifid _ ; 20 | C o %/%MMW _ »bbbbbbiie Cle [ ~ . heeve \ _ E . ; : . | Cl ' | | I | . | . l | ; . | . . | | |