a L000 00200 e aee P CCC ns 1 1 1 ane in A n P cmcmesit! fic Hedns frg® Ts Aér o aa : s 4 & :. (HiBaTlme Socargs Hurd cme rureoyedt by Retort Celt. js 1200 T1 ues resselule from the Cttews River « fr1 v ns \ M . whe Tez 2 n ts mus. «B Turcam e® Hasts 4 $rrowow adt . a . 3 ‘ (Pepomii‘s Lasling] to NTearg‘s Top, P MIef wost of Seapc. d‘utich inalgrense sutiled fls lond and r 3 utm sunde flre Duntuomme ent cell a + 4. nag se fhongest wdsue ; 13 vM8 boo Haurtasd sapply romte Tor Javherpon ond uol moop rinfppleg menieqp muly dMelert fivinges‘s cu. permoan 19 ona ; #45 Suune. #19 Souh. mewm cvan 4. dis 4%A Bupre, wapp sod Hodisnith, Srame the Firet cor avos t P 42. yÂ¥ : on sumen o ramrerarndn 9i muparat . L L MA s VLNIQITAMLTTT CBP xttcs 1 â€" n 4 der ‘ vey 4, 1882 m s T. s 2 tb +n" 7 Sean d mra Dobas Te 49 T s 1 t4. ma wil Twma®* 1Jsb ‘ Tug Froevey Johk Lotus Profluagn?1, SromiMeP®) Sabett Haiy, Milliss Horlty Wirerd Socrall ond Joln 14 i B.c4n Srllstes L he Sanetoi ‘L:L"b;l, U-!,L,,,k, #Pucp e0.09 °0L. , Th wea ssastuceS dhet Cns GieBved vounds be svanted Tor the dumorsvement of the a: Atug Pos BHoep sosoecd Thrt bao LGLSEE fouds be promtod for the Inproveucet of€ the sosd igading frcoe £s we wths M veas fon Docow TX n ar t Tnhoes diokd fnas = i sxut ues ds a 7 en i1 ut GHMego af Rufrey to Tassel‘s louMag,. Tin Houlop sofl, SfStagh nond saf ride lins Lefwsen } i tss s d > 4i £. 1 bur aP Cosima sw en cwea tDoum onnd Mss lt weco da n Bly® w% ‘ jate 10 aud 11 d Alle shfih Ne of Sestsne oï¬ ce mer iess molsos Copall sap deon sdvistule. ; [ m bod al cA aelse"aks Whrte Pus i d mb ty us 1UEWM1 k slas Hhon. AbarmuewS me | eesres d is Rateh onl sear e hNi Ealr*s Erhige on UAM HACK ts Memesion so rurrey ohe. i Son a T« m $ Eues Cish. onl "teit «Tncoli ap d eshane Uis af Prss dlos Feadt fan eB E=a e e m: Aichd Lome pedJiesl tert Trhoat Pedy fPough ond ravrego Vasoren® Priop ts Towrtl Séncssrich 5q "Muus fus h seue sn es s VA Per C1 e Cucces â€"anf aef 0 wget 4 Ha «04 42 esc oart 25 1~ on fant 4o ts ho the sns walhs Viiew Prt‘s en cad wid rarl o e o dote oA stin 333 deaes aatfeside SEraATM NT MiTlLs t d m n ‘ uocts o BBXE 40 Lessar â€" Propbaust uenc t uind Pronst* seidt 55 mm lent? . nnsegas : A. Iovtpcer in Lpsg fertads® "oooprem tumeil raifd N. es uoi ninly necoreryy [ a ‘ ho cenet t t# abT~o moe! A sb Sis LbLecs * won PRLEL vbe S 9t & e ol stespee ts ‘ ho ares n peronily ooslenmmnetiey Th Ti »AL Keir Mn JE 19 ul f1 d MX ts Vonrerencn ; B Whhs uC 159 goean w B PE muenslh. en : x# . Gbal A..% *4 ces a sas® Goctes 1 ad dn Bd Pihaing As â€" "Miki, Cack Ais PWaFKC #« it Ne cearips Sen nivoouap «f goss in the ciighan : s $u s w us : n4 + +028 n 4 Cog ; z | 2 odrhe AUGL"lint "ul ho isï¬ # PWILO hiQo®, Tus »l1 i2 MApFigN® #LL] OSXA a mt uie is $ 99# j Te es it ‘f, BaGAs l â€" â€" a © {w $ fp es mp poool en dherr ce t tes Dupefopt Ubet thetoreane ressceelond o j Itroy ho arpharis tanmimcpt 6 Zomship nf laovtan and i4 vee neasssery ts lov, thrce uslf j ; 7 5 se hal j Pud® l rokpracle peperigl ; Tawpare 4 +r/ 1 ifwans . 100. " â€" ti4 s "ran 4 < mc s t eaex? * Uacvn h4 4am K Sigks h : x s tw Tz : i dersicss â€" Diï¬ ut ctats Fr=SCusm",.fimise tt1, Letest Nolp aad museen [elnugts. | 1 Irpasuwre ff Fyrmas"® Pyik*s Morbatigcghearet Thopem "niuplly, sefairh Jefy and hilMp Sherferm. ‘ W ien Mexh sla ol o# booed . . dikk «uen as [nsegmas,. Assssene tor ~goodl pore tfires i i sa MuF roalns 8 "uftwrcentme aw T... i ut 4n Mess t e C Miews us â€" â€" â€" a ‘ iryre Arlariermy, Joves Telegafiy acd lams delarkon Thll‘s sooutop n"loskloar of Lsfes. | i TakE. Rrem â€" ud Asat= o npemast 22 song. mt TMilkmtrlars L6 ~s, SW oorh ant tï¬ Cl ‘ bay C 10( ( ty &, 4876 ty#A ts ftil is hrorp fln sgfom. C poften es dfe y Jsn Siticre oud cthere ASye tw eorpure of No 1Ming a fri"jo ssfocd tho Montret Mver dn atl 1 io the fourts Iopcession ; a M t o 7e~ al4 44 ie 0 Todiov Ts > <4 14e Ajed 5 sose T n 5o ts ds fucbr Dof s Trren Mess pmr uie cy tds PM fop botiing n bnige n Irt 16 In the stxth Segeessfon. Fovard Pareall gtvon Tovorn U!couss,. 1