\ Page 3 5# 55186.15 was realized from a sale at the Pembroke Ma_ll: Mes, Carl Price.had two copies T our Tweedsmulr History photostated, one to be placgd in the B}egchburg Library, and one aefi_l with the seeretary to be used for r»efer\enc':e‘. D:.s’sr,lcfo 'l?ras-xdent_ Mns. Ellard Green, tï¬ invited guest, outlined the procedure of wrltl{lg ~a r.resol‘ut-q.;on and its followâ€"up from 3 ¢_ Branch to the Provincial level. Our membershlp_w?:S“W paid members. he f 5 § _in 1979, an informative talk on A,.C.W.W., its origin, membership, work and Ponnies for 1’lendship was given by Mrs. Owen Kidd. Mrs. Carl Price and MNrs. Kidd both were members Of the A.C.W.W. Mr. Keith Johnson had a plant party and sale in the Hall., He gave muck valuable informabion on plants and answered questions asked by members.\ An Adelaide Hoodless! rose was planted at the Hal . â€" ° Mr. & Mrs. Ken Eamer and family entertained at our grandmother‘s meeting with singing, P _ taP-(il&anj_ng, violin and accordian music, much enjoyed by all present. Mrs. James Derouin, . delegate to the National GConyentLon in Saskatoon, was presented with a rose and a money donation by Laurentian View W. T. members. Mrs. Derowin gave a very interesting repor t of ‘the conventlion at a later mecting.. We catered at Miss Donng McelLaughJin‘s wedding. Mrs. J oe McLaughlin was delegate at the Area Convention.. ’ s . Mr._~Anton Spelt, suest speaker, shpwed siides taken in France while he was a. studen‘t there. Queen‘s Line W. L. members were guests at this dinner meseting. Germanicus W. I. entertained Lbauremtian View members to a mest enjoy@ble evening. Mr. Walter VanderKamp, manager of North Renfrew Telephone Company, guest speaker, gave a very interesting talk â€" on the telephone company. Mrs. Joe Melanghlin, hostess for the Christmas meeting, demonâ€" Stiated donut making. Children‘s beoks were placed in the library at Beachburg in . celebration on International Year of the Child. . In 1980, Mrs. Carl Price displayed the Tweedsnmuir History and told of new material 3 received. Mrs. John Kennedy gave a very inmveresting and informative paper on the work of a public relations officer. "New movhers" in the community were presented with a rose and new babies were given one dollar tbo start a bank account. A very educational movie Ic;n the highlights of each province of Ganada was shown by Mrs. Joe Arkell, with Mrs. John ennedy the commentator. . ' % . ; A piecsic meeting was held at the W. I. Hall., Although the seven children attending had a good time, we were disappointed when only a few nomâ€"member guestbs came. In comâ€" memorating the "Year of W.L.!, more books, including "Thke Institube Story" were placed in the Beachbursg Public Library by Laurentian View W. L.« Gifts were. presented to Mrs. M. McLaughlin and to Mrg. John Kenmedy on the occassion of 25th Wedding Amniversaries. Loceksleyâ€"Rankin W. I. meubers were guests at our September meeting. Mrs. Jean Maves who works with exceptional children, spoke about the techniques and methods used in teachâ€" ing and understanding these children. Mrs. Owver Kidd reported on the Area Convention. Our Ohristmas mneeting follwed a smorgasbord supper, held at the home of Mrs. John Kennedy. In 1981, Mes. Cliff Briscoe gave our W. L. an electric stove for the Hall kitcheon. Nrs. Marvina Melaughlin showed slides. on New Zeland, depicting beef and dairy programs,lamb and mutton production, the wool indugtry, the hot springs and gysers. Mrs. James Derouin gave advice on how to lodge complaints Lor inferior merchandise, while Mrs., J. Kennedy chose "The Constitution! as her topic for disenssion. . F W. I. personalized stationery was purchaged. Lauremtian View W. I. received first prize. Lov‘ our ITweedsmu*r HUistory, getting the Davis Cup for one year.. Members enjoyed a tour of Consolidated Bathurst, Portageâ€"du Hort, Quebec. (With Mr. Ezic Stevenson as guide, we. were shown the making of paper from the log. Following this, the group enjoyed a potâ€" Tuck supper at the cottage of Mr. & Nrs. Hric Stevensons»â€" Mrs. Delmar Covnan had arranged this enjoyable outing. . 7 < The Beachburg Horticultural Socioty held their Flower Show and Tea in Laurentian View Hall. Beachburg W. L. members were guests at our supper meeting in September. Miss, Trudy PDesjarding, Area Supervisor for Dairy Herd Improvement in Lanark County, was guest speaker explaining the programs services.to the 3500 farms she vasits. Mrs. Owen Kidd was preâ€" 3 sented with a lLife membership eertificate and badge in acknowledgement for her thirty ‘ years of s"{e;rxff.icet;zo thgoiaurentian View W. L. Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Cotnam were presenved ith a gif oc thesr h Wedding. Anniversary. & : S e In 1982, Mrg,. Joe Mclaughlin appliqued a-ggilt block for the Erland Lee Home quilt. Guest speaker, MF. Hardl Barry fron the Ministry of Natural Resources spoke on Woodland Tmprovement". He explained the types of trees to be planted etc. Slides informed of 1logeing systems, pulpwood. operations _ and trucking in Northern Ontario. A profit of $371 .95 was r'eal\ized" for catering at Mrs. Briscoe‘s auction sale, Renovations were made s to the kitchen in the HaTL, | Thanks to Mes. J. MelLaughlin, Wendall Mcelaughlin and Bob prisson. Several members attended Queen‘s Line W. I. 75th Anniversary. Leurentian View W. L. members again catercd to the Beachburgâ€"Westmeath teachers! panguet held in our W. I. hall. Vrs. Carl Price reported on the Waterloo Convention. P . R. 0. displays were set up at the loeal fairs and at the District Annual by Mrs. Owen § giad. District President, MrS. Fegegy MclLeed spoke to WL 1. â€"oubers on uhe L.R.1.C. Conference that she had avtended in Eredericton, New Brunswick. Mrs. Iszett MceBride,