. . A WI C entennial C elehration The Women's Institute . & F WI C Convention '97 1897. 1997 From June [7-22, 1997, the city of peal to all, The first two theme speakers (to , Hamilton, Ontario, will be ovcsr0owing he announced when confirmed) will speak "' with guests from across Canada and around on "lrulcbtcd to the Past," the last two will ANNNERSARY the world fora WI Centennial Celebration &, take a look into the next century discussing FWIC Convention '97. "Committcd to the Future," Interspersed For Home and Country Two busloads of visitors from England are with speakers ye Tweedsmuir Competition , _ _ already booked co attend. Requests are com- awnrds. historical displays. entertainment. take part in tours ot the Hamilton area. Self- ing from as far away as Australia to join in an interlaitli service and a roof top picnic. guided tours ofthe RoyalBotanical Gardens, the celebration of the formation of the first Alsoincludedin the programareinformation Dundum Castle or the Canadian Football Women's Institute in Stoney Creek in 1897. SCssions on the work of the Wlomen'; lnstid- Halli ngamet Willi bel availljablé. Ir; It,? i , , C T ' , ' , . tutes in various provinces, the Fe erate inclu e rantfoi' 'sAexan er raiain e 'x, fog: again/$323837 i,c:l,r/eeglerrl'sulls' Women’s Institutes ofCanada and the Asso- Homestead and St, Jacob's Farmers Market . now available from your provincial office, elated Country Women oi the World. and Stockyards, among others. , Early birds who register before October 3l, For those who are unable to attend the full Registrations will be received on a first, 1996, will receive a reduced rate and are Convention, special packages are available. come, first served basis, until quotas are eligible for a special draw. The number of Ontario Day will feature tours of the filled, or until February 28, I997. Don’tdel registration forms per province is limited by Adelaide Huoulless Homestead. the Iirland lay; order your registration form lrom the the FWIC quota system. which means that Lee (Museum) Home and end with a barbe- provincial office today. Be eligible for the' the forms for the full convention may not be cue and a bhthday party. Celebration Day early bird draw! photocopied. includes a fashion show, an historic pageant , The Convention '97 Climmittee has and an International dinner and program. Mun Jy,'t',,is'/,l,"'/1'C,1','Cf f'uhhc/s'el)rvis/rpr the planned an exciting program which will ap- Spouses accompanying WI members may Crmrentwn h “WWW, CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE UPDATE I , . The Women's Institute \By Katherine Garwood [I.SkE 1991 ' TH Excxtement is building throughout . . ., Ontario for the super celebration of the a"ffllft'2i 100th Anniversary in Hamilton in 1997. Ar- "' C . eas across the Province have stimulated - ANNWERSARr Branches with outstanding projects, and Fo H-mire-ind-count , All Institutes held their meetings on the same day, F there seems to be no end to them! " r ry February 19,1997 to recognize the origin of W.I . The TeaTowelCompiuition wasjudgsd CHI Women's Institute members, their friends ' and to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of W.I . March M. The winning entry, designed by and family - 1,900in total - came to Tryrouto N PROGRAM _ tJ:ir1f,),1ellearss, ff, [he tt',iti,uc,"ri Branch in ly, bushlndgiardto theBlIue Jays Game on May ' '1 _ N l egex ast lstrtct,w1 c rintc ontea att e . 'y ome."ie emotion was over- Opening Ooe Mary 1retyf, Co11asce I - . towels to be released for sale athWIO Con- whelming M' Marg Mclnroy, 3 WOan'5 _ Motto :Celebrate the pasc,Chalienge toe :uture ference'96 atRidgetown on July 12. Institute member from the Walton WI in Roll call :liflaat have. I Ef??y?1ished with 3 Many Branches and Districts are initiating Huron East. sang the National Anthems. . WOWEHS Tnsel tute llEeSiflll? plans for Fashion Shows next Spring, with The Centennial Logo appears on many me- CEtlrENNTAL SONG vthe Fashion Show Booklet presented by mentoe items produced by Branches, Minutes 1Read the first meeting of the Womens Northern Area as their guide. This Booklet Districts and Areas throughout the Province Institute held in Stoney Creek on February 19, l 897. has been a resounding success. Branchcs MC 'dh' fund raisers, The Centennial Quilt Gun be PROGRAM encouraged to buy extra copies to present to scan on your visit to the Headquarters. The ‘ "As we begin our program we will light a candle in their local schools and libraries. These are Centennial Song has been a hit with many" _ Celebration of 100 years of Womens Institute,sharing .ahahathetlhrlopgh addressesgiven atthe back Erinohes. In i997, It manna travelfrom sea ' . t _ -", ' o e .00 e . SU"dl _ this ceremony with all memoers thrmaghout Ontario." The Centennial 15mm have travsllcd The Women'slustitue has been meeting _ DO YOU KNOW? worldwide, and many have been given to the needs of women and their communities , ' R , friends overseas. For visitors to the Erland forthe past [00ysars_This is 'dn outstanding ' Spec1al Collection(for Heac quarters Fund) Lee (Museum) Home in the summer, a View record, which could only be achieved by the . " Grace of the Women's Institute Rose in Cull bloom Emily dcdicgted volunteer hours contributed T, f . _ 5 ' . I a _ ’ NW will be a special treat. Unfortunately, many y tts mem ers, Apart from the worthwhile , LUNCH-BfeL (j-eff-tleur)])?'-'?,,,? watercress and C33 Branches had to be disappointed this year. assistance to thosein need. the books to local f sandsi1c'nres .Eut _"etrrrl-1-f tea b1 SCUits WI th strawberry due to lack of supply. Information about the schools, the upkeep ol'local halls, the friend- T 7 jam.Sugar cookies Johnny cake With maple syrup. V full release of these roses will be sent to an ships made and the goals met, there has been A Gingerbread wi th whide cream. Branchesthisrall. lots ot' fun along the way enjoyed by all " Hostess ;J0an Derouin Branches have now received details of members... And, you haven't seen fun yet! T Centennial Awards to be given to 100 out- To help you rememberthis milcstoue,Cen- _ " standing Women's Institute members at the tennial Plates, T-Shirts, Tea Towels and Branch level. Please copy the orignal form if Rulers are available from Helen Dumeti your Branch wishes to nominate more than Centennial Committee, PAD, Box 29038, 55‘ onemember.Thisisanopportunitytohonour Windham St. N., Guelph ON NIH 7T8 that member who has been there for her Phone: (519)763-8984. , Branch over and above the call of duty! Please send the nomination form to Etta Submitted by Kmhmim (howl/mi, Serretarv _ Skene at Box 424, Dryden ON PEN ZZZ. by Chaim/uni Cunt/mum "' October I 1996. , , _ T _ . /\ _