. . Reader defends South Africa From page 4 . . ient to ju.dg,? it seek work We everybody else and Cohtinent which have not et f.. 33.7423â€? VTEif‘gcii with preludiced leave of the": oyn “which 2;: f0u1 of Russian 'g"r'22"-"yeyte! Hillel: mind and, apply one's riyic./g"t1vee/i, yer: (flees 1'l0ptpsyuiu,1ke,migtity, the is getting therewith Tester, help. ideas to it. One hes mlâ€; eret ff/l, (hr Swork in th , cities (they . South Africa is rich 1n minerals, with an open mind-- o n? 'l,!,',",;' w o cts lasti e m eat and agriculture and industry. lt's include those whose purpose IS sig contra! f . ng a yH and f1",1stl.ines. are vital to the worlds i revolution-to be fair, and to may renew it or It pays we ), Shipping lanes. When South Africa ' discover in the process that the the Feasorild isdhhat theye are falls to ixy?ynut.t.i.srbacked black '; error lies wholly in Westemllyalues handling go an 1amon or . is: theâ€? WA†be ham South being forced by Western a ies on U . the North American erica is area y a s ambles by i alargely tribal people. di/ef who were designated ttfr/trage",',!,? in: "ltf, (pi . . . a y The Cape Peninsula wy trg,earlvLtrs1tentatiPausthoriAgfirntg W... ruled, North America sparsely populated by nomadic found but the townshi s are i would be surrounded by commun- black tribes in the 17th Century mi t ‘e of trib S and thepdreadful 1sm. Perhaps Ronald Reagan and when the Dutch first settled there. fa 1tlf, it ht ewhich take lace Margaret Thatcher are painfully Almost 200 years later, the British 'sl? lon tl g bst een them heave aware of these facts. settlers arrived and claimed the iNrfiul'llil,rymd"ita'r1"a', ean d ro e rt Two incidences which I cannot land their's in the name of their d escr The Sguth pAfgicar); help but relate, the First is of a sovereign ruler. The seeds of o',"J,'rSiient e aveo them the white Anglican Bishop (none are resentment were sown from that govern it g d . . t a d ever South African born), booted time on between the Dutch and op.p.orthm y to in mints er JI out of South Africa years ago for the English. police themselves ll the township.s inciting the blacks to riot. He now Compare in Canada the French (t a 1t:1,nlcstvaltiv,evlii'te, 13:33:11; resides in Canada and appeared on and the English. Compare the mas “th S st s Mrs television nineteen years ago to different Indian and Inuit tribes to We dapak be“. y em as . t.ell. of the "Horrors" of South the various African tribes, each oo coc e leves. Africa. I resided there at the time with their own tribal loves, dress, If the blacks cannot maintain of his '.'expteriecy.Y They were ', lifestyles, and superstitions. They law and order amongst their own, half-truths. Two isolated inciden- cannot abide each other, than or how on earth could their be power ces of. the type which often take now. Genocide of the black tribes sharing on a multi-racial level? place In the States, but mildly so by the white population has never Have any of Mrs. Woodcock’s m these two cases and he taken place in South Africa, hence black hosts informed her of the conveniently does not mention the the consistently large black cannibalism which occurs during severe punishment meted out for majority filtering into developed rioting. Have they explained the the assaults. lwas shocked! When white areas from the various tribal rioters' method of attack?-Child- a _man of the cloth tells half-truths lands. The Western world has no ten in the forefront armed with with the'sole purpose of incensing idea of the black situation there stones, then women with babies on the public, it is certainly not for except what they know of the cruel their backs armed with stones and the glory of God but for man! slavery practised in North America heavy sticks the men behind them The second incident IS of a in the past and the Klu Klux Klan armed with‘ Russian-made weap- young black journalist exiled from i of the present, and unjustly ons. The peaceful and innocent South Africa years ago when the applying it to the South African who refuse to fight and stay away first black uprisings began, He situation. from their jobs, are killed as white chore to go to England, found the collaborators. prejudice there worse than he had [ No one yet has had the presence ever experienced in South Africa. of mind to question Desmond Tutu Their townships are not walled He decided to settle in the U.S.A. on whether blacks are bought and compounds, by any means, but and found the prejudice there of sold, chained, starved and there are wire fences to keep equal intensity. whipped into slavery. As a man of outsiders out. These areas are off A few months later, before he the cloth he will honestly have to limits to whites too and any found committed suicide, he wrote to admit that it has never taken place there, whatever the circumstances, Rand Daily Mail (the newspaper in South Africa. He pleads to the are committing an offence and he used to work for), to say that world to help save his people from liable to be charged according to Britain and the States boasted no being killed, playing artfully on the law-so it goes both ways, not racial oppression, but he found it the North America's history of merely for the blacks. to be an intense undercurrent of slaver , and deftl fails to ex lain A prejudice. lncidently. he also 3 that they are killinyg each otherPand M] canWt see the reasoning of discovered at the time that Canada I i always have. rs. . oodcock s P"" that accepted no black immigrants. His , commuting South African blacks final sentence was, "South Africa , 1 Mrs, Woodcock feels the blacks' by bit-15:0 and. homObWQh‘ lalmohst was honest. At least I knew where _ education is inferior because of the 'di? "hr" a highw- th “0g: y,dsiac I stood there. . . _ apartheid system. I agree. that it Indians a thtgiu ht thatethe tgglivb1 If the yfAc, Britain .and was so when South Africa was on the ut k'rtg fC ly, iti Canada feel justified thet things under British rule and then no one d .0115 1 sl,' ana {an Cl 1;†have Since changed, believe me, l cried "Foul!" However, no one an wit 6'0 us. serv1cels or they have not solved the problem, l, today has wondered about the transport. ommuting emp oyees but merely scratched the surface. . to and from Ottawa and Cobden, ll l w rider what i 1Pp.arent, excellent education of C bd /Ch lk Ri C bd / But I sha aways, 0 Bishop Tuto, a fluent orator, of P0 en a C iver, o en the reaction of Canadians would be Mandela-a lawyer, of Winnie embrolre,3rb obden/Renfrew age if Desmond Tul. or Nelson Mandela-a social worker. There Ite, Emile by Mrs. Woodcock s Mandela came to this coun.try, to are doctors, nurses, teachers, ‘il’e o t um ‘because we do not arouse the Indians into rey?lutio.r.1, lawyers, social workers, car we near our 9 aces of employ. to claim the land that is rightfully dealers, and a handful of Too often the error is made by theirs, to overthrow the Canadian millionaires and many labourers. assuming the African black to be government. And what Jf the They have a large university, an the same as the North American World Council of Churches jumped enormous hospital, medical cen- black-an impossible assumption, Into the fray to.. join them. i tres, radio stations, elementary since the North American black demandmg. .an Indian or _lnult and high schools and recreation has no language of his own, no Pr'me. Mjnifter? What if a __ centers. These buildings are tribe, no tribal dress and tribal Canadian Indian chose an uru.ie..r- l consistently destroyed as examples folklore and lifestyle. To insist that grhuhd movement to bomb public of 1white influence", by the there is no difference is to compel buildings and to.try to oust all terrorists groups when rioting the African black to deny his tribal whites from this country., as takes place amongst them, not by heritage. Mandela and the ANC are dmngin the police or the South African Sou.th Africa, backed by a Marxist government. Their idea is for the Also, when passes were first regime]. . . . world to lay blame at South handed out to blacks in Mrs. Canadian Indians and Inuit Wish I Africa's door. I see nothing wrong Woodcock’s father's time, South to control and govern land of their with black teachers teaching black Africa was very much a part of own. The S.outh African govern- children nor the black doctors and the British Commonwealth and the ment has give? tht people each l nurses healing black patients be- administration of law and order black tribe their original land P cause_communication either way is leaned heavily toward British govern, Fo as to preserve theh‘ _ in their own tribal language. it1fluence and oppression. To cite tribal heritage and to vote for the“ l the British each time as being the own administrators. and in doing All the good things in South original perpetrators does not so was o,rm.dernned by the Westerh Africa have' been scoffed at by make me anti-British. I am merely world. It IS a case of damned if people: like Lowell Greene, telling it as it is. they do and damned if they don t. ex-mohleraor of the United R ial Riots are occurring Afsoawechaihearghde Attic JI Sigh c , ' . , i. act . . . ric om w 5:2? 1'dlluw1'g11;cthhea9rir,ii regularly in Britainz in the U.S.A., defunct FLQ in Canada, the Dutch national media, all inadvertently in FranceHand in the Airfiijger and the Anglish, the French and furthering the Marxist cause which Canadian cities, but Sonth . r1c5, the, English, the various minorities is no longer mere South African with T. incomparable Situation. ts in b.oth countries, and the different '.. world,. African tribes com ared with the paranold- the whipping boy of the F . p . . Why]: AAf bloodbath nhahds'e'd 5st tftfTint2,"lag,/s,'dt tuit, tribfs. . Sout rica's "apa el - u as e i e e s us br et ou't2gtsbectkhetttvieh,ivr:,i.e $2833; tem? No,'a bloodbath caused by those without sin, cast the first h the tribal bla . rated Western countries too blind to see stone." l w en.". cks mW to s h Africa d Israel are Ph IlisA Del i the cities to work. They are not that out r tEm in the vast Chbd . 0 port l rounded up or recruited. They the only two coun ries en, Marlo ----------------------- ----