F46 5736 Couple celebrate 50th arm iversary A Queen's Line couple the prospective groom was Sudbury, Barclay of North Mrs. Oattes is a life i spent their 50th anniversary away at school, of course. Bay and Wayne and Helen member of the United l in their home quietly The Oattes' were married (Mrs. Murray Pettigrew) of Church Women of the _ l enjoying the cards and in Pembroke, and went to Ottawa._ They have 10 Queen's Line U.nited [ greetings they received. North Bay to visit Mr. grandchildren and 5 great- Church. Mr. Oattes is an ‘ Arnold and Doreen Oattes Oattes' sister for their grandchildren. honorary elder there. had been honoured by their v- honeymoon. _ - _ F. _ _ . _ . family last month. When they returned, they ' - . " , ‘ "r 3 . ' I " I 1-. settled on the farm where " _ . 't 3 - - 3 " i . if “It was a bitterly cold they still reside. Their ' . ' ' . l - 7 - " . v, day when we were married friends held a reception for " . - 2 3 ._ 5;" " , it' the»; January 29, 1936," says -them on February 4 at the ' . ' - . 5_. . BI . tl , " Mrs. Oattes. "The snow home of Mr. Oattes' . . - itt " " . 1.: " , was u over the fences. We brother, Jim. r ' . " a. . , , " . , Mi l 1t','/eelll'ef, with a' horse and They were married dur- * . ' _ we ' . $37,133:, ( cutter, of course." ing what survivors" of that .* . - . " Bt ., ', Iiltg,t era call the "dirty thirties". ' ' t , ' " ' . ' _ . IaE.,.R, Their three sons and one They operated a mixed . 1'i' at; t _ 'ttall.',"- daughter celebrated with farm, owning 100 acres, but . if"? " _ ‘ c" . 'li them in a reception in farming as much as 400 al . . 2513:: T December at the Cobden including rented land. irl'ca - . '-Z_"» Agriculutral Hall. The fam- . Mr, Oattes owned a 3 & j w. " w ‘ Ilikii ily decided it would be threshing mill, and travell- " l L' 3 ' i better to get together ed the Queen's Line from . ' ' ' [ before winter again set In one end to the other from . . - " 4 in earnest. August until Christmas, , I 1 Farmers would store the ' . ' - " 3 .Mr: Oattes was born and sheaves of grain in their ’ ’ . rr " 4 . raised on the Queen’s Line, barns until their turn came ' rr r ' about three miles from the to thresh, unlike today e . " ‘ ', t , farm where the couple has when combines do the job . . . . _ r spent their entire married in the Field. q _ . , life. Mrs. Oattes, the Electrical power came to , - -' r: , former Doreen White, was the Oattes farm in the early _ . MR, 'il all - . ' born in Beachburg. 40's. Soon a milking Ii22ltt - . “it? , i , machine was installed so . 'ititSl - ' ' The two met at a dance that the 13 to 15 cows . I' " ' ' at the Beachberg. Fair. A would no longer have to be . , . , , . year later . their paths milked by hand. And Mrs. _ I., 1..“ crossed again, and they Oattes got a washing . . . , rr were engaged SIX weeks machine to help her keep Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Oattes are still living m the later. aheaf ofp1e..laur1dry for her home on the Queen's Line where they came as . But a wedding was not grtpi.ngottntldris now 77: newlyweds fifty years ago. _ imminent. It was only six Mrs. Oattes will celebrate l A ...__.i.... _------- years tttr', ext-itetrd 1:3' her 76th birthday soon. = Aâ€"“i _--------- 3:325“ Q1rd1'll'Jr1i ecollegg They have three sons and at Kemptville and Mrs. one daughter; Jack of Oattes had spent some time . -----" working in Pembroke, that q wedding bells rang. Even though the horse- power for transportation came from horses, and _ Beachburg and the Queen's Line were a formidable distance apart, the young couple managed about one date a week, except when '