. , """+I- “My, 5%... Ja /y s) was T . did . _By Dennis Poif crossroads students will encounter gigging: "li/slfytsye1eisttbJig1,eri I it W21Assistant News Editor, thyugpoyrtheir adult lives. Renfrew and District University recognitis mainly an Opportunlty for In deciding which road to take, Women's Club award for highest _ Opeon on . and celebration, but Brent said.lhelp IS available. standing in grade 12 French. week 7eo,dlgr,h School students last "We either choose: our own Stewart Felskie and Wendy awards ccived challenges as wtll as course...or allow God to pilot our Kauffcldt received scholarships from WC} . at the school':; 17th lives." the Eganville Legion for merit in EBA-â€anon ceremony. . The result of letting God take technical and business education. , 1811 school graduation is often charge, he said, would be a more Wendy also won the Cobden Masonic considered the most clearly-defined fulfilled, happier existence. Lodge award for highest combined step Into the world of adulthood, And Agneta Linhed, an exchange marks in Math and English. close to 150 OHS students took that student from Sweden, on stage to steBp Thursday, accept. the Gallery Frame Award for Jack Buelow was given the ut nobody told them it would be prof1drenp in grade 13 art, took the Principal's award for outstanding easy. . opportunity to thank teachers, fellow participation as well as the Music _ '/)frarr,v problems abound in our students and friends who made her _ award for outstanding contribution in society, said board of education year-long visit to Opeongo a thatactivity. 2ylirpetycrn Barbara Hinsperger. "wondcrful experience." Agneta also ‘ The Connelly award for: best girl We. ask you as adults to play your won a proficiency in art award from citizen went to Kathleen O'Grady. part in .their solution." the Catholic Women's League of Jeff Bernard won the Golden Lake Principal Don Whillans also spoke Douglas. Band Council award for top of a troublcd'society. If'you watched Among the most prestigious graduating Indian student. The the news tonight, he said,you know awards OHS can present are the Indian Enrichment Fund award for .what kind of world you are gomg Opeongo Proficiency awards. This proficient by an Indian graduate into . . year's Winners were Sylvia Gould, in went to Margaret Ann Benoit. Be yourself and. believe. in the news recently as a result of an The Cobden Women’s Institute yourself. the principal advised ath.letic scholarship to an Illinois award for improvement in physical graduates, 'You know what you university, and Terry Kubiseski. education was won by Cathy haye to do, now go and do it." Sylvia received the M. Sullivan Madi an - in his farewell address on behalfof trophy, while Terry won the Di. King] Martin was presented with the graduating class, Brent Faught Griffin award. the Geography award as top grade 13 reminded students they have. a Sylvia also won the Grant Price†student Kim also won the University choice between positive and negative Memorial Scholarship. Terry's other Women's Club award for highest attitudes toward life. That choice, he awards were the Tremblay Memorial standin in four art subjects and the said. affects not only the individual for exemplary performance and one A nes gLavigueui‘ award for top making it, but others he encounters of two Student Council Citizenship . cogmbined marks in grade 13 English. :hrough his life. ' awards for contributing most to Teresa Shecdy earned the Killaloe The valedictorian said high school school life. The other went to Patricia ch scholarshi for proficiency in graduation presents the first of many Verch. rade 13 histor;J Brent Faught got i _ Renfrew County Scholars this year tghe Cobden Royal Canadian Legion - are Andrew Procher, Michelle scholarship, while the Cobden Legion Kenny, Rodney Neitzel, Carolyn Ladies' Auxiliary award went to Dittburner and Constance Madigan. Laurie Lee Troutman. Opeongo Hyih's.s Ontario Scholars The MacKillican and Associates for 1985 are Marion Breen, Pamela Accounting and Proficiency award p " Downey, Terry Kubiseski. Constance ', was won by Bryan Dittburner. _s" Madigan, Kim -Martin, Valerie Jo-Ann McMahon received the H.D. E McKibbon and Ernie Schroeder. Adcock Memorial Scholarship. Sim k, ', Other 1rylividual Awards . Other Renfrew and District "p" " V - Leanne Enright won the Eganville University Women's Club awards r?:. i , - , Legion Ladies Auxiliary award as top went to Connie Madigan. highest 5, l I... " A, grade .12 student in mathematics, standing in four math and science , , - wm IN . continuing education. Leanne also subjects; Valerie McKibbon. second- a " T as" p, - won an. Eganville Rotary Club highest standing in four math and . t T. is“- t scholarsh.ip for outstanding perfor- science subjects, and Sheila Jessup l , .' If}. ' mance m grade 12, continumg second-highest standing in four art Mi "si. si's' ' - subjects. l . . it»? "fi) 1 Shelley Lambert won the Family _ "2 ' Studies award for grade 13 ‘ f , proficiency in that subject. The jQ - Stewart H.J. Lavigueur award for - ", , highest standing in grade 12 law was ? 3 presented to Elizabeth Fletcher. - . 'r' iii , r.’ s .;-.."- , Hf. , fee, “"7 . ' ' drfa" lc, gt.» _ 2si, ; 35>! 'r,:iiAil C f "sg."! , l . . . git-ii? 'M,r,1 Ikrjii Ni: " if: " ' ., I. , g » tug, " l â€at i: ' i. f','," '. l ' . _ . C..E (rfli'ii'rv; ',4, i, :32." .t "ii 3‘ Cr i _ ', _ , . ' W l; ' l, '4 {at .4 ',, taxi _ J'.,: . . ' , _',',, vig: t 91, i L, am 'f:RMrii ,FA-gzi . "i I - _ _ . _ - ’ _ .4 ": te. " " I _ J, . , r ser v- , , - cr of?" l I f rw l? if gi ‘3 ', ." i ", i l M; - t Let,"',;,",, TT 53-“, :3- , ' .1.\ f l, i-? 'till * - - 1l.,s'tcj,ess')) i g" a . i, f _ i, Mictorian Brent Faught ad- 2â€â€œ . Mr-, ti - 9d a positive, God-directed r " Bll Lt £3: ' tude toward life. , - , 'SA' , ','. s .. , _ ' _ , - are ' H ce ' " I in , , . The Eganville Legion awards for merit in technical and business , education went to Wendy Kauteldt and Stewart Felskie. The presentation was made by Branch 353 presidentLes Perkins. "-'--"-""--'--t,