i . \ l ; ‘ Cc ‘syh., 2. e * $X | : e m e 331L | ; x9k y ol e tds . . > m aeval se hss «. $ Cte d in We( o e on an. . j :;e‘igï¬â€˜_i t C etirien. .C _:_,':;;‘;f.fiâ€"\ \4» . ty 1t eR ie eieger on o oi se on oi . *J hoa es s oA l n l Th o somant . $ + onl ymR S oo l resl c 2s pencn T2 e -3,.551 Fress, ,;t%%,-'_::;,/f‘i;*{ig*fl«;%f;;;’,,gm}?&s%& mss es l s «es pemes o on & oL ;%x_;:)_*v.""s?x’ d 2 Bt9 ... kil y %. . Rea t § #g: *A o2E i nsm mt t i c n epveamenee i u2e Séf. hoi oo n +. it As 1, mpeetac O+ es e e se n N 00 T Arlo o. : s e t s e erenene en n Pioceh . . 0) * P i S Say . es 1 e ~pal e o es e i s wBE coslld o o / C SAE bag T j nwp}’»‘f@{ Ee pars es e e en s _ it _ ~mar ds C en c qh aulf folk e ce e ablfer a~â€"â€"men ol\ " nefqeanm y t . gee chG %gï¬ i ‘ o ie uon BAE L i {cx’fg;@\‘f‘.«;’?«l}; “"‘«3__;335%%31\-3'\'“ © BPE : on M P emecennmirn t rpoctr A C Adnamerier tA C ce S 0( filn | eaiptesfuee inss io . 0n '[43’â€â€˜Â§ï¬â€™k;ï¬â€˜-ï¬2$§§$;T¢f' ;f»ééz%?ï¬Ã©ï¬amsf'“%ak‘\n?%%§§§$§§é5é25;§§§§éï¬Â§mn5:~ en en m raimitea l l oerince e o y tute un lt oortenetiact e sc aiten ce 0 tss ie oo LCs l sapa ty on o tA (a t e n sRAT ._ELaAL1" amuan>.. 1 j o tabaiieas pmnesis 2 e oytteet O e n P e .A Niacet e es n ied con. o opaii ranet _i On the wall in their Cobden home, Mr. and Mrs. Derwood Bennett have this charcoal sketch of their old Homestead on the Queen,s Line. ; f It was done by Mrs. Bing Ross and presented on the 50th Wedding Anniversary.