Raise More Funds For Third World The North Renfrew WaitewhileKenneth Fink District Women's In- had most points in arts stitute project is to and crafts. He was top' publicize the work of the winner in horticulture Associated Country being awarded most poin- Women of the World who ts in cut flowers, floral with their Pennies for arrangement and potted Friendship work towards plants, providing water Shane Mackay had sanitation for all in third most points in Class 38 in world countries. Mrs. junior fair; Ian James Demuin, PRO for McGonegal, first in class the District, was in 39 and Nicole Tyson in charge of the stall at class40. Beachburg Fair assisted byMrs.CarlPrice. There was a decided up' swing in the interest and I givings " compared with the two, ptrr'evious years. Visitorswi querieswere , . u from 143 to so this W I bb ygar and contributions omen S nstitutes to lo y rose trom $27 in 1984 to , . . $100 this ear. Themon f f ll d f will be foyrwarded at one; or u In eXIn O penSlonS to the district and direc- . . tedtotheACWWheadaf- LONDON, Ont. (CP) "The power for the times to include iiceinLondon,England. -- The Federated change is in the num- modern programs like There, were .Seven Women's Institutes, bers," said recently eomputers, women's mix? at 13:52:33†one of the oldest elected president Bea- pensions and wills," Fair with Foresters F/g, women's groups in trice Reeves, adding Marcie Johnston, pro- taking most oints; Canada, has found a that she will work to vincial Secretary of Queen’s Line, Ll, West- new cause to test its make the organization the organization's Ore meath, 31d; Laurentian strength as a lobby amore powerful force tario' branch, said at $12 lt/ zefttt, group - the partial in Ottawa, where its the time. 5&1;chth "dl. me, de-indexing of old age head office is located. "They don't keep Harry iiiai'j'G won the security pensions. "The Women's Ir1sti- current and haven’t trothyagainthisyearfor One-third of its tute should not play been Ilr0.grfss1ve most points in grains, 45,000 members are as low a profile as it enough to invite new seeds and com Kenneth over age 65, and at is doing. It should be- programs and mem- tFii,i1k2e'set',tg11nti'2sr their annual meeting come better known." bers." . and vegetables and Mrs last week, delegates Last month, it was Started in 1879 as a LowellMcClelland taking passed an emergency reported that several Elude for the educa- ‘the ladies' prize in that resolution calling on Women's Institutes tion and sup-PO“ of class. She also took the the federal govern- branches in southern rural women 1n Cana- 1gt,isir, 1tf, 9013‘?" ment "to reverse the Ontario were disband- da, Women's Institutes 'ltr/hiring,',; Dim: budget decision and ing because they were has only recently be- went to Mm. Gerald restore full indexing unable to attract gun to branch_out and 7 of old age security." younger women. form resolutions on The resolution was "Certain branches national and interna- passed in response to have not changed with tional ISSUESA Finance Minister Mi- I chael Wilson's propo- sal in the May 23 bud- get to partially de-im dex old age pensions beginning next Jan. L pas J?)