-********t***:***w**t****ttt****t*xnr*a:***************t*****#*‘********#***********4\‘: x Lo % Sunday school in & log church which was later moved away. J « % T In 1901 Jack, his brother George, Jim Low, Fred Ledsworth and Wes Smith E # * 3 all joined the Orange Lodge 278, Haley‘s, and went to the July 12th celebration E E at Eganville catching the train at Henderson‘s Junction. In 1907 Jack transâ€" T x â€"o%# ‘ * ferred his certificate to L.O.L. 480, Cobden, where he is still an active membera 4 x La ~ 3 Jack has seen many changes around the muskrat Lake since he first came 3 # % E to live beside it in 1906. In those winter days as he travelled with a team $ x * * and sleigh down the lake to Cobden he might see another teamster with a load of T # % * wood going to Cobden or somebody taking home a sleigh load of ice for his iceâ€" E 4# % 2 house. Today the people go by in cars on the snowâ€"ploughed roads. As he watchâ€" L La # es out the window he sees fishermen coming up the lake by car, jeep, and skiâ€"doo i * % i to the fish huts that are in little clusters here and there on the lake. On a 7 * # E Summer afternoon as he sits on the porch where he once listened to the sound of E # E a wagon or buggy coming up the winding, treeâ€"shaded road, he now looks down a j % % * wide, straight, blackâ€"topped road and watches the cars and trailers turning into { * % & a tent and trailer park a half mile or more away or perhaps some cottager T # #% E driving past to his cottage along the Muskrat for the weekâ€"end. The lake itsâ€" E * * % self is a hum of activity with fishermen in motor boats, water skiers behind $ # % * speed boats. There are many wells of drinking water in the district that he 7 % * @ "switched" or devined. * * % E He has one grandson, Jack McLaren of Cobden and four greatâ€"grandchildren:% # # * Donald, Wayne, Lyall and Judith. * & * « % % % % LJ % # # # # % % * * La * * # % # % f . * % Lo * * # * % * # * # * % % *# % % # % % % % # % * La % * # % * * # % % * ::ï¬****#*t*****t******************************t:k***********************************\: