On November 16th Institute members catered and served a pot-luck lunch for 33persons attending a Beef Production Workshop at Mr. Andy Dodds' farm. . President, Mrs. Edith Moore was the Clute W.I. winner of the quilted table runner contest. _ Her entry was exhibited with hundreds of other Institute entries at the Royal Winter Fair at the end of November. This was the first such exhibit to be held. Throughout the year the Cochrane IP-H Lifeskills Clubs (the old Home-making Clubs) received the support of 01ute bl .I.. Amongst the leaders of these clubs are two Institute members, hrs. Donna Dodds and Mrs. Anne Dyas. On November 9th and 10th the Royal Canadian legion opened it's hall for the Annual Christmas Bazaar. Anyone could rent a table to sell their baking and/or crafts. W.I. members donated . sufficient baking and handicrafts that two Institute tables were busy for both days of the bazaar. (Ci) Christmas gifts were bought and presented to Clute seniors over 70 years of age; the large-print \‘ Reader's Digest subscription was renewed for Extendacare residents; and special gifts given to tim mentally or physically challenged young people iron C1ute. X)eaths. March 8th hrs. Mae Dumoulin. Daughter of hr. and Mrs. George Bentley. November 22nd. Mr. Bruce Campbell Flood. Son of the late Mr.lenard and hrs. Rachel Flood. , December 19th. Mr. John Rowan. December 24th. Mayne Chapman. Great-grandson of Mrs. Edith Stiles. (i)