Ip Rach branch was asked for 7 pounds of woolens to make blankets, to sell tickets on to meet delegates expenses. Alf1 detegates brought jam sanrd jelly to be donated to the Lady Minto Hospital. C _ Sedar Chest purchased to sell tickets on. 1954 Meeting held in Clute United Church. President: Hirse. H. Macphorson, Secretary: Mrs. J. Burkholder, duests: Mrs.H. MacDonald, Board Directos, New Liskeard. 2 Miss. J. Armour, Department of Agriculture and Home Economics Service. Hre.Macpherson told in her address of the Branch Presidents Conference at Guelph and the Associated Country Women of the World visit to Timmins, the pouring of a silver brick worth €375.00 had been donated to the Lady Minto Hospital Fund by the Cochrane North District. Mrs. MacDonald ursed the branches to send more delegates to the District Annuals and Area Conventions. The Womers Institute had raised $5,317.13 for aid to Korea. . Mrs. MacDonald spoke of the Flag in 1867. The red ensign was accepted as the official fla_. 192h recognized outside Canada and in 1945 came into general use in Canada. Sho urged that it be displayed at mectings. Miss Armour. encouraged the use of the Lloan library. Besolution: Island Fallis: Asking for emergency transportation for North O.N.R. pesidents, This transportation was the means of saving the life of the member who worked hard for 4t and was the first to use it. 1955 Meeting held in Biverview Hall, Brower. President: lirs. Macpherson, Secretary: Mro. J. Burkholder, duest: MNrs. H. MacDonald, Board Director and Miss Isobel Leslie from the Department and 7 Miss. Lily Petty Home Economist. Roll sallâ€" donation to District Funds. Mrs. MacDonald spoke on the Guelph Conference Scholarships, the W.I. holiday and the W.L. Booth at the Winter Fair. §18.000.00 hadâ€"been raised for the Celon project. An emersgency resolution had been sent in for the Dental care in the North. Miss Leslie suggested study your funds carefully give locally or sond delegates to conventions. Miss Petty reported on the 4 H. club work. & donation was given to the hurricane releif fund. Rresolutions: i Gochraneâ€" Reduced fare for student nurses, 3 Bunning = Road to Quebec and Brower Bridge. 3 Frederickhouse â€" Health Nursge for rural areas. 1956 Meeting held in the Hunta Comâ€"unity Hall. President: lre. H. Empey, Secretary: lirs. C. Blackwell. Roll call â€" articles for Chinese Auction. & sinutes silence was observed for four departed members â€" Mrs. 8. Marwick, Mrs. L.S. Burkholder, Mrs. Jas. Waller, and Nrs. 8. Churcher. Guesits: Mrs. H. MceDonald, Poard Director, Miss Mary Porteous, Depariment. Guest Speaker Drihane of Timmins, Director of Health, Address on T.B, Â¥rs. MacDonald reported on the increase in W. I. membsrship also the sucess of Womens institute Booths at the Plouching Match and the Royal Winter Fair. The Tyesedsmulr Cup Competition and pP.W. I. O.â€"blens to attend the Al C. W. W. GConvention in Celon. Mrs.YYTounsg *?;ov‘:†on "Salsds the Year Round", course, Dental car, and Secretarys Conference at Gueiph. Miss Portsous broucht greetings from the Department and Miss MeKercher. Bunning reportedâ€"a resolution asking for teloephone service. â€" lrs. Jas. â€hu;:;ty, Napanes, was the choice ofâ€" the meeting for Provincial President to foltow Mrs« Mcphatter of Owen Sound. 4A Chinese Auction was held at the close of the meeting. 1957 â€" Meeting held in the Presbyterian Church, Cochrane, Ppesident: Mra. H. Empey, Secrotary: Mre. H.â€"Macpherson. . Guests: Mrs. Ceo. Ash, Provincial Board Director and Mrse. E. Arnstrong, Guest Spesker Department of Agriculture and Miss Elinor Knott, Home Economist. Boll call < Donatiion to the District. Nrs. Armstrong defined theâ€"executive of Branch and District. Mrs. Empey reported on Ambulance Car for the Korth Lins and that Cochranse Branch had entertained & all the Eranches in the District at an Anniversary Party in February. wes. Ash reported on F._W. L. 0. notivities.C Ortétingé from Mrs. Haggerty and Mre, UeKercher gho stated that Mrs. Maynard Prov. Secretary requested notification of the death of Life Members and that trading stamps raise prices Th â€" Reverend Father Adams was guest dinner speaker. Miss Enott reported on 4 H Club work. Mps. Ash presented the prizes in the Sploeda Tea Contest on Layettes. P tst prize Clute and prize Cochrane. Elankets donated C. A. C. ' ponations to the Lily Potty Fund, Siok Childrens Hospital and Kental Health. Resolution: Dunning read to Lorraine. : \ \