1757 hrs. Alustrom; lgggzutrd Digtrlct Uirectoxu LL', Hum, Co '_i. hrs- TI. I. to d5 Taa LlCCtEd as DClSQEtU tr, the Fedszatod ','ericna; Institute a: Canola Canvagtion in Ottawa. 1958 Laoting hPlC in .h: Glut. Uritld Church. ' Prcsidcnt: Mrs. H, ngey, Socrptary: :rs. H. Xacyhcrznn. . Tucsis: _is; 30.3 Jkae, U prrtlgut, Kym, to. ll, Plov. 'Dard Pirchor, and yrrs Elinor Knott Home Econom ct. â€rs. Doddr, :c_©;tcf on F. W. l. C. ConvenLion enjoyan the tells by Won. John Digfenbakcr Hrs. â€llen F:ircloudh, Ron. David Fulton and Fr. Lcstcr Esiraon Tccrcnt Nole Pgiz; winner. hrs. Blackburn yoported on Guzlgh Cougarancu. Largest LginVlturnl Tell 7: in Lh? British Ebgire, has had 3009 deleueten. Greetings can; from Yrs. KLith Wan&, Nova Scotia, National Prog;43nt, Mrs. F. Tlavis man: ij:, solo. inGL :crcrrlrrr .I; Er. Ale: Toglor slate linigtcs. u Nrg. Axh THIOTtTQ 1c':t;Lai.lr: Hooilcnn Utamy; available. . ‘NL..t A. J. .i. .'.’. C,tri1.f'urrcrrsccr 1x: "oc held In Bdin‘mroujn, The Salon ""clici' Jahd _uretirctcl $43.,874.00 T _ The Unititgxiun â€cxvicu 341 leQtLCS. Th; F. W. I. J. gccolvou 3,133.;3 for itnd. 3. I. an? and Saves: non availablp. Miss Ihott vcfortyd on L, H club VOLk. 'Circa', Ru:.c iOlL a: net csnrsee fa? Rocnl Lander Trrsicini; mid 2ler, t C,-, 11-3015. A LOU;QJ .xr 03.310d ta cr/ply Co: “thrict Tw‘edsagir Histo;; "lssicrcho-. Island Fall: W. I. dormant. _ 1955 H;.t;nv i l, 'r .lo “iv:rvi-“ Hall, “gaLu'. Prusiignt: L14. _"-. Trl lull, €;¢-<i:3y: __u'.d. l mgnvls. “12:.3: “il_ "". H.3tt, Hug; ‘.u"“llht, ‘:5. inc. Auk, 2-0v. -, 33d â€1;-ctsr. Fr. 2. ". WiillOLL. "Staturdng "4d r"nrycz,oyjyrrtr. L: amid LC had never fc.3;ctvn L. Lin;nesw shown ll. li, a ". I. 3-351†l, Al. ho;haud. Yrs. Joh;.3n vrut: quarflau "I Scrco1rrrCiy fund for AH. Girls. Yrs. Icy, “:Tt;“t fr,ct?nus frox F35, 1.cyr to “orthurn fri;ndu. Hrs. ELtn ids the fgrher Inna P, LLWiC “Ac .31; tldf "cnytlrrc, “T:b3r:li_ was 10w ’.,003; including the thirty caâ€:trlca :0: '", 2 cry 6,0CJ,OVJ. The A.Ji3 G. Cii,,_,-,ipy Scholarcxig JG; Vpaclcl it: ijucclvo. 12,390 cctsic, wgzc w.,rs_r-'. “r /':1c) T. I. at, Lhc Plouuhin: Watch. Th: Wigdbqoh to b: ¢Drrlnunm l: 1363. _ Ygg. AJE o;3:;â€3:l is: Lhrlk; 'co bk: briuCLOS fur th;ir co-trss-tion gurilu kg? tlrcc ycars l as Chgir Vang; â€l-VCLD.. l .:tlan La: sc-Cai-ct] to leide Llc 's"rC00C', 30 for in: AH CJ1u'oSchoLurciiup _rrlnd amen; the Bronchrs f... LEV 1clrri,c4c. 1363 “-cticj hul' " tr., ":xtn Cho' nlitj W'll. P.cccrfudc t: 72;. ". Tsuihull, l", c;etary: P24. A. Ci. Stilc‘. *ucctc: “ru. L. Lug;l-i:s, ':rarc.' “i;:utcr, N15: 1. Kictt, "an; Leono.fst. “all Qill - "952 Conatlsl irc 1h; Di trict. "cticci,cric1":vr;cr V. I. E.C';c d4? cynic iu:ing CF,c year. “r3. lounq :;;3'tlf C'., Curly, Con: IU:":CU. In izt’rcftiJ; jancl "L istio; "JC', :3: "21:2 'r'ccric i/ic. Womcâ€. Yrs. I". Z. 2036;, T.3. IVUALIBOF, W35 Ch; cr-c-rl: ,isnker. Ho 20:. ntrcd List 'r/C; cannot livg Tliwlgh : lav Tlthnut 1o;rsciri, sax thin“, ,nl.:a v; are in J". CC) XE". Aye:. Hur;3:u;u java an j.yn"csoc'rT'ciunt; v/port on Board Activitius. Via: ";Qtt e;_rc:::d glcnsuxe 1L the frugr.ds a: thc 4H Club to;&. l Lo;f:n ma; cnrriad to LLvu a Vote Ecgno ion Worksloy. TToiart,cLnr?v: .::; ulvc: Lily "ll: Tcsrld, “cfujass, “on t Jo; flood Tu? , fare; of Dimes, Care Crusads, Raciallo Hos less F"prrr, Fund, Ciic"tc, for the Ne: T's1e,y “Ld a "rioy Crcraeron.' . 195.31 NgctimH Emld at the 01mg; Hrll, COChl‘S.ZlC. ' Prcaidcnt: Ira. ?. L. Jahn:on 1st Vice Lreailing, Secsctnngz £33. I. 3. Stiles. “unst: Mics L. Evmfhri:3, Kiss Nora'CreJhe and Milt, k. Shovunck. ‘oll crll PVrV fTrccy, ’Jlatiog. Yrs. V5â€mhries r:;0:L:E got Â¥andbooh fileESL and work of T. U. I. o. “is: Shevcuucl talXQL a; T:ai;ln_ 3chcroLu. . ')r'. J. A. 100 o vvcst crlale: - chccc-- " Youth and Nuigitlcn". 13C2 Nuctin; half ah tic Orange Hall Cock. AC. Sluts Tostcstcn. Tr sflliriria.. .r;. D. p. Johnson, SucrgtSTy: L25. F. fannnrucn. "1.rrU'cr,:1t Lrs. S. J. Clcrtorre, alturnlt: 'ivcirv,'. _T:)j.rcts!czr, Vil; K“thlzan 005:1“, V“;c T3310 iii Mrs. Jahhuou yero:tcd 300k: f:3; Fr;rcicricri)nrrciuc and Tslsnl Falls wvrc t:“1:i in. 'cLvrccce:vc' . J.irbvvndrrd. Thc uh.rTC Winiow mgga t ant lad been _ joy: . N15. Young 1rcyo.rrrsd an the F. I. I. a. Canvuntiou in “ancuuvcr md thc T. T. I. F. Luncheon in Toronto.