I . . , I t it 78th Annual District Meeting for omen s ns I ute I 1 l Submitted by i - , _ _ . , _ . , in le y Bessie Pr President Mrs. Sara E. McNiven of Bon- well as various articles on President, Mary Stewart Fair Tea, Donations to 1 '! cages ondent Campbell presided over ncchere Valley; Mrs, J. sale. A sing song was held Collect proceeded with the Save the Children Local it p the meeting which com- Stringer of Burnstown; with intermission follow- hymn of all nations. Hospitals, Invitation to I The 78th m meneed with registration, Mrs. E. Humphries of ing, with alovelyluncheon The next speaker was Host the 1992 Annual Bus 1 District Meeting of Ren- opening ode and welcome Castleford; Mrs. S. Shaw Catered by Leona Mary Ellen Kocunth who to the Area convention in t frew South Women's In- by Marjorie Conleyot'the of Gesken; Mrs. M Mayhew. . spoke on the topic of Kemptvilleon October22. 1 _ stitute was held at the Combermere Women's McGregor and Mrs. R. The afternoon 56551011 “Women Feed, the Comments followed by i Radcliffe Community Institute. Storie of Lockwinnoch. continued with Mrs, Lyle worldH‘ Reports 10119W' Peggy McLeod. j Centre on Tuesday, May Roll Call was answered Tweedsmuir History Larone presiding. Mrs. ed with new business being The Annual Meeting l 14, 1991. and minutes ofthelastan- Books were on display as Larone is the lst Vice discussed... The now concluded with the singing ‘ The Combermere nual meeting were read. - - WNW†{“91“de 'x- of 0 Canada and God Women 's Institute hosted Greetings were given to all change Visits, Renfrew Save the Queen. 1 the occasion with 96 visitors in attendance. l members of the Renfrew A moment of silcnfe _ 1 south Women 's Institute was kept in mcmoriam tor l in attendance. Mr. M. Hodgins and Mrs. wetter“ TC Ver' _ _ . . _ ' l '; twat? #5 ' g _ 1 "i" ci" 712““?»;~Z\,.‘rÂ¥':{§,7’., .rt _ .. l ' . __' ’â€a§§>t‘;¥§%§i§rï¬ ':ys' ' 1tt,ets, l "iQ 1 'ri-iii::';" ï¬ftimfï¬i‘twgué’ti -carj,i,()'v')',l,i.':ij,',ri,i',_,:, I), ' 1 F'1,', isisir,r,ifl,rl""ir'fisi'ii- _i'is':/i/c',- far 7 I" V ,d a? t.Chii' ’ 1 y/rr' 'f 3‘ 'lt if§»“5§§%iy F s C "i'i,r-r,i,li' ' s?" y l ', o, ’1’ r, f T 1 7 . on: t 1 2;): 'j')r?ifir'r:ri N "fltrit, .? . V as s :w " J _ srCv"lcrs"c've, ri,,,'" 3.; r. '", 'r, T; _ I scrCjiis c:,r,_ji:,)irrir,ii, _ ci-rr)"?)',':?,))',-,, m"', , _ 8 'r)1i',rCjg "r," C, . CjCrfih [ Cy" " a_'_',d"iissi's2c's'_'t(s-'jls,, g A ;?g»:v’t;,: f C _ . y _ t " l "cus,oedN'tpr, Guest speaker Alva Fitzgerald.