----"-" _ 5. Prayer of Thanksgiving (In unison). (b) Gracious God, \Vho has: opened n door of love into le Presence. hear new, we , _ bcrccch Thee our ioterccssiorvs for all our brethre l1 IV “r her or Thr TL It is very meet, rivlu. and our hounden duty, that we should at ull times and in all , ' i, V,“ TN Cl ' T C 1-. _ u. _ (Ll- (:t,fucly,'f/, Vt “5 l places give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God, who art :Prilliirfé†1“‘i};,1“:§_“gizht{“lleh‘nï¬wl‘fol’lgi o) [hC.Bl“:15h '-'"piittyr:,'re"s)so, King over all, and who in thcmultitUdéofThy Mercies hasrbroughtvsto thisday. We 7., A y"C, 4) 7 t [l", b A}. 'j, “PML lil ever/tNI-If, rvgy""lt'ne,ssw I i _ -.' , - _ . Mali: us equal to our high tiu:lsi ciiscip1incd in the use Ul ircedoni Just in the thank Fliee for all Thy goodness and lowing kindness, for the gracious Providence that cxcrcisc of OWCF and Generate in 1 N ..,- , f L? _ k Kb de lv guided and sustained us in the dark days of the \Var, am: for the defence Thou didst raise iliis's' Th" irvwntsmuuf Kir, :15 b‘L‘ErOtWEQ†fl ti)?, “in l' f hunRentyI up for us in our necessity: we give Thce thanks and praise. For the Lrruce that upheld us ‘ y l' .‘ v. y/f -ctl _ Llu'ell, an EC'Y Mlell1 et o t e Dya _ , C -. h , House. Inspire the statesmen rhrout'hout the tiupirc that they may seek through the years of peril and sorrow, and mu the (lslixernnCe Thou chdst vouchsafe to Thy Kirwdoin 'iud make COlll'll’li ab“ ith 111 l “l l _ trivi a f us ; we bless and praise Thy Holy Name. \Ve cried unto Thee in trouble, end Thou didst 1 ye _ , C _ _ A .. o C 1sf “i†Cs â€a“? W m “18 , 1iur18 or _ , . _ 1 "ghteoustness and UEoCe. and for the cstoblishuwtr of night: and freedom for hear Us. we put our trust in Thee, and were not confounded, Grant. C) Lorduwe humbly m co les both -rcac and snail rhrnuah l _ I Christ L d l beseech Thee, that we, being mindful of Thy great goodnessnnay yield ourselves in new ' P P NT g . ' _ I _ a Jcsui. “Ln our or ' _ men. obedience to Thy holy will, and live as those who are not their own, but are bought with _ a price; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lirrth and reigneth and is worshipped and 7. Scripture lib-sons. _ ' glorified with Thee, 0 Father, and the Holy Spirit. one God for ei'crmorc.“ Amen. f _ l 40 1 Ir y?itrtrt _ : ___ . Revelation El: i--'?. 6. Prayers. 8. The Chaplain shall offer a Pruyor of Remembr:mcc. (a) A Litany of Intercession which, if preftrrcd, may he used as an Intcvccssory Prayer " God of all worlds, who by the Resurrection of our Saviour Christ hast caused the I T Leader: Almighty God. who has taught us to make supplieations, prayers, and inter lit-’11; 0i elf-,mlal'gilfe t0 511â€}? ,11/,r0sn,trc, worli, WC rcmember, j? our prayer before Thee, cessions for all men, we pray this day for all those who are hungry and without bread; for ell t Oar " l aif downdt if)' 1gb OI 014% 51 ES. bytfvho‘sc fde)ity we have been preserved those made homeless by war's desolation; for :yi,.s,,ciy,ytt,ili,c',h For-hall the bereafvcd; for Engaged axili‘ensaeeiynagw rd A1oiT;1cerll1c1 r',v/l' tlill'llL l'ihh?,tr", grad grateful 1gisri, we _ . _ P ' _ F s d . any wa' unrer t z scourge 0 war; F i - is _ 1e esse assurance t at on, orphaned children and for all who haw uffcre m P y o lord, redecmest the souls of Thy servants and that none who trust in Thee shall be ' Congregation I We buscech Thcc tu hear IIS, good Lord, igllwhmh Keepolurllovc for ourfhchro‘icdd‘cad _unwn:ted in (Ill: midst of the years, and so _ _ T arts wit tic memory 0 t Elf evotion t at we ago. bcin faithf l d h "v , 7 C l v en of our armed forces at home and Ihrrryghroyt.the 1 out ft _ . _ _ _ r , , g i J? unto eat , wod,eidytireF'sc'/clc11iic1e,gu"c'nndivic,',".1rehne hospitals; for doctor», nurses and all who minister; may rceenc with them thr: crown of Wc: through JESUS Christ our Lord. Amen. to the sick and suLfevinir,; and for those who “5 prisoners onar; T A short period of silence may be observed in memory of those who made the l Congregation l We beseech Thee to hear us, good Lord. , FUNDING sacrifice, Leader: For our beloved nation and those whom we have placed in authority; for Let us pray for the bereaved. our homes that they may be Christ?“ for our “hook and ,t/pr,,te,,:h/ie of our children; Lord Jesus, we beseech Thee; by the loneliness of Thy sullering on the Cross, be and for all institutions and organizations that serve our countrys Ive are; “car unmf all lthiila11, that Ir,' gasoline and‘beieaged. For the widow and the fatherless _ _ I ' ech Thee to hear us, good Lord. we pray, or a parents w 10 are ost their on ren, tor all whose loved ones have been Congregation _ NN e bug Y ' l , ld: f . . taken from them, Reveal Thyself to each and all, and gather them into fellowship with Leader ", For the church of Jesus Christ our Lord throughout the \vor ,_or ministers Thyself, that they may iind in Thee comfort m thrir sorrow. and the sure ho e of the who serve in His name; for missionaries at home and abroad; (for chaplains in the armed life that is to come. Amen. p forces); for those who‘havc suffered for their Christian faith; ' l Congregation : 1Vc beseech 'I‘hec to hear us, good Lord. 9. Hymn. Leader: For the uprooting of all Causes of war; for the ending of prejudices of race For all the saints who from their labours rest, C) blesi communion l fellowship devine 1 and nation ; for the confounding of those who delight in war and the strengthening of all ", Whof The: by faith before the world eon- We fecbly struggle, they in glory shine; peace makers; essed, Yet all are one in Thee for all are Thi , Cons gation . Hear us and u'e us rtood Lord Thy Namziilllol JEISUS, be for ever blast. Allelil'xl l C . lint. Harte. . " C b -= _ coin. IRI. Leader: For the triumph of justice in every human relationship; for the liberation _ . _ of the oppressed and for the lasting freedom of all Thy children; Thou “of": their rock, their fortress, and their But lo l there breaks .1. yet more glorious day; _ mig t; The saints triumphant rise in hri ht arra V Congregation ", Hear us and use us, good Lord, Thou, Lord, their Captain in the well-fought The Kin" of glory P1593 on Hi: “on, y; Leader: For the coming of that day when all men shall know the Lord and the fig.ht; _ Alleliiia' cc)- kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of Jesus Christ; for the coming of Thou,.iy the darkness drear their one true ' _ the time when nation shall not lift up sword against nation nor learn war any more; hghr‘An 1 ' , C HLI r Congregation: Hear us and use us, good Lord. F h' d b d f . "V T _ _ , y t V ct 'E'l S w " Cull _ rom Ocean Leader: C) merciful Father, we beseech Thcc so to send forth Thy bpirit_into [by romlat:l"‘)|£<t coaslr c s, s world that Fill-lenders of men everywhere, the ruler-sand spokesmen of the nations, may Through gates of’pearl streams in the counte [ be instructed in the ways of peace, kept free from pride and evil ambitions, and so guided less host. F in all their doings that they may make ‘Thy ways known upon the earth, Thy saying Smgjng to Father, Son and Holy Ghost, health among all nations; through Jews Christ our Lord. Amen. Alleluia! ’ . C z r l . r l ' t etursf tl 0% s Sch/arm Lu LL) 2