L Ucsrct W: ‘; "- _ (.1 C , 7- "Cr q / y r , t'_d:t'_,/ _", ',,r w'-'? rs,"rr,__i',_c_ur-r:-r wr Us» J/'s::-rs-/, , -r" "t _ _ U ’ , _ a I / J) n f, e JL ‘.' I r'" “l .5 fd c-cud/p Viz. .4. ieV F f J , t , '71 5 .., it w.' [We /A Cr, '_? __" _ _ ,4 Cs,, J 3; ', 3y /", LL17) (.1 a“: i, (/11: his. If-tis-cc C L / ""'"-"i .» eiieirRANEaROQU0m FALLS 4. 'r'" ' ‘c :4be " BOARD OF EDUCATION L,t7 1. KL," J-- a: / L, ,1 "7 it""" /7"7 C A W. Jaw/m 1f M Use of. (f , / '-,irvtv, _. .e" - -- ----- . ( ,,-" Schools Policy 't-rri,: "v-vc-r-rv', It is the intent of this school board to make the buildings and f al, grounds under their jurisdiction available to the public for use _ . by responsible groups providing that this use does not interfere with school programs. R E G U LAT IO N S l, Use of facilities will be considered by the Director upon l submission of application form P-1 to the principal of school at ' least two weeks prior to the date of the requested use. 2. The Use of Schools during school vacations or weekends when normal caretaking staff is not on duty will be considered under the following conditions: _ a) The availability of the regular caretaking staff for the time _ specified. _ I b) Any charges for extra caretaking hours shall be refunded to I the Board by the organization at the regular overtime rate. l Ir. Any group's request for the sehool's use will be considered providing the general public is in some way involved in the activities, and these activities are of a non-profit nature. 4. The Board will not be responsible for personal injury or damage or for the loss or theft of articles of. the applicant or any attending on the invitation of the applicant. _ J, The applicant shall be responsible for the conduct and _ supervision of all persons admitted to the school buildings and grounds and shall see that all regulations contained in this » . V _ permit are i,1rett,tgtrpifs 6'. The exits must kept free from obstructions in case of fire. 7. The applicant must pay all damages arising from the use of school property. a. The Board will provide light and heat. The applicant must "pay such fees for extra work by caretakers, etc. as the Board may determine. 9. Smoking in any part of the building is strictly forbidden . except in desigélhated aliens. 10. ames o ance, ottery, or gamblin in an form are strictly forbidden. g y tl. Use of liquor will not be permitted and proper conduct will be expected. _ 12. Thegeneral term of permits shall be from the beginning of ' the school year in September to the end of the school year in tune. Special arrangements must be made for holidays during l e school year an the summer holidays, 13. It will be the responsibility of the Weâ€! to see that all ' persons admitted to the function being d, have vacated the school buildings and t,i,rtirg,"g'gi'p,tt,1g on the time specified on the permit an that the time any permit shall notbe later than _ 12:00 midnight unless by special permission of the Board. 14. After each occasion of the use of a school by a group it will'be required that rooms, furniture, and facilities are left as found, ready for normal school use. 15. The Director may refuse any application tor use of facilities if he considers; such use in any way conflicts with the general educational function of the school or is in any other way undesirable. Use may be terminated at any time with or without notice. , Amended June 23, 1970 e s.