l " C I / n _ F ' / , " T - . ._,J , t / r- V [/1 ( /, r (, _. i _ / I (/9 c; "' Jk Nth» l, .- ’/U’ ‘ ' _, *A’JL/g Csc-d x _ . Ti/ttlent. money ' i _ 7 _u' _ . mlJ'wMonteith W I _ l,, ' / I I I it i, ' grow for _ . ') My, 'rNi* _ â€at Manor W- l y , . l ' IMO" tel t _ . . , On Wednesday evening, May Garnet Cottingham, Lori Pee W“, 1 12 mettlibetrf tof Montesths 2t ver, Edvdvard Hollingshead l l , . . ' .. men's us i u e wen 0 ou These stu en were from ra, l' I!†first meeting of the For yy "eai.l each .mtm.trtriGiiGa Manor in Iroquois desone and 'le, and ',J2lUlt “(won of the Monteith Women s donated Jam, Jelly, find Ir9hViiars' to present the month of the direction of Mrs. Jean Kent. , , Ftitute was held September 16 for South Centennial Mai-log. May birthday party for the A group of tumblers also i tit the m d Mm. Margaret The ladies have been do!“ Mresidents there. Ladies attend- performed. They included Joe "?htm.r,ne.r. Mn. Aline Knkhen every September meeting {Wing were Mrs. Anna Simon, Penny, Darlene Cline, Janet [ ptis.ided,..syit? the _meeting _several years. ‘ [ _ Mrs. K. Hoffman, Mrs, Violet Montague, Sherri Michaud, '“P‘ang with the institute ode , ' Page, Miss Hazel Demrah and Anita Lefebvre, Laura Tritton, " the Mary Stewart collect. . . . _MrscAnneKrikken,presidentur Colette Gelinas, Linda Clark, C utes were read by 'e.? . Followmg the business "1% the W. I. Raymond Lefebvre Tom Mes #ttstyctrta'sur.er Mrs. Jenny Mit. mg an itrie,','tie half human; To help with the entertain- , Gee, Jim Montague: Colin Cot- when, who also read correspon- spent when t e Jf/g/fra; ment were students from the tingharn, Shawn Doey, Karen thence, _ _ geagrerf,‘ Mrs. glide e WMOiiteith Public School. One Van Luven, Cora Bridgeman, l _ '//fll a]: L2'h5l2lrLfir _ group of studenm did square Gisele Lefebvre. These students l shietter concerning the Bailey ' the talent men: each ti; dancing. This included Audrey were from grades three, four, ibridge on the Shillington road Branch had receizled earlier 'tii??rery. Danny Clarke, Debbie and five, and were under the Explained a new bridge would the ear Mrs Mary Vanden-J Lefebvre, Patrick Hethermg- direction of teacher Mr. Hans bebuilt at some future date, but bosch had iGGi and teddied ton, Melissa Doey, Shane poey, Lamens: it wasn't considered to be an the" garden Pl Heather Doey, Joe Tritton, Monteith ladies served lunch emergency at the present time. _ - . i Pauline Turgeon, Milie Monta- and refreshments and present- The Program for the three4 gue, lEllen 2i','.di,it2,iitdit2: 'if, tf, manor rams?“ whohad It was reported that Mrs. institutes, Matheson, Shilling- Heidi Krikken, To en, Ir ays m May with gifts, Denise Purdy and Mrs. Celine ton .and Monteith, for the lesson! attended the recent 4H coming year were distributed tr Club training coursein Iroquois the members in the form of 2 Falls. The club project for this booklet. They Will enable on it will be 'Dressing Up . members to know the district 'ilet,iills,s,l?h,' Monteith W. I. Efflsers attiidl the hvarlou: V3111) i " sorofthis on . rams,an 350W eneac ._. i" ‘the Bprln or. . gr- p has its meetings. . September topic of the W. I. Following the meeting the ,js Family and Consumer- hostess served lunch and a 1;! ' f“ LN31 glt,t, 2ttiltt _ socialhnur rgtrgt'rliPgg, w, t%ttt it. u . on F were†“minus! _ a; ,' Jaliilliirtiaiil it 7 .. .. visitor rlllrutlllltt8',1, . l