,I‘\ / / I , J/J'i; Axe). C. , - / S . t . I __ acne p ans vc-ri" F Y 1,(/n), Student Ci l . _ I " l l , _ ac we year decline The first meeting of Iroquois mg; social Convener, Rolly Falls and District Horticultural Brophy; Christmas, Chris Reil- . . . . . . DirectorsfortheNeWYearwas 1y; and Strawberry Social, Declining birth rates will:. held at the home of Mr, and Ethel Gijggs and Helen Boyd. pyyit m 0ntar.io's. sehool popu- Mrs. Arnold Vandenbosch of "Miinor Christmas Tree, Ar- lotion decreasing by more than Monteith. . hold Boyd; Mini Park, Louie 200,000 m the .ne.x.t 10 years. The meeting was conducted Fortier; membership chair- T?elyestMipistry. enrolment V by the new officers for 1976. man, Harry Ross; phoning medians released last week They. are as follows: past Convener, Mrs, Mildred Bean, t2.yydu.ea.t.ion. Munster Thomas president, AWE yegslpv iunior convener, Mrs. Evelyn Wells, indicate that tt1.errystttary boschg. ITe?idenf, Lumen Ber- Belhumeur. Revising the prize T school tnr.olmyit will drop by nier; tieviFe.presider.1t., Harry book will be Mrs. Helen Cash- '105,000durring the next 10 years. _ . Ross;secondv1cepre51dent, Ed more. _ The elementary school popu- Proyost; acting seeretary,Mrs . . _ lotion Will drop from the Joisie Mongeon; treasurer,, The 60th Anniversary chair- 1,389,478 of last year to alow of Louie Fortier. man is Mr. Arnold Yonden; 1,353,321 In 1981 and rise to Directors appointed for two bosch. The" SofieTy will be 1,283,829 in 1985. helf,'l include J); Boyd}; Josie frrTaratingits 60th Anniversary ' . - ongeon, He en Cas more, in 1977. Plans have already. - . Et?y.Mgiggiand _Rolly Brophy. started for this special year. segggdgi 'llLT'l,e,rJ'ge,f Directors appointed for one Anyone with suggestions ,or will decrease b 106.000 '//fl', year are Dorothy Palmer, ideas for this celebration are th 1975 total 3" 605166 to . Evelyn I.relfriufe.ir, MyMrysd asked to teotttact Arnold Van- eje ted 499 138 in i985 Tha Bean, Chris Reilly, Ealitre denbosch in Monteith or presi- pro Cd 'G ol e ii, e Lariviere and Helen Boyd. dent Lou Bernier, 3:130“ 'lk", 5:1? 198 1'ih"',1,'ilt, Auditors are Jack Hummer A general meeting of the d a,“ d3 li ' nex year and Eugene Ber.nitr. . Society will be held at Trinity 'eh en {ac mid li th The Society ‘is looking fory United Church on February 2at F el e in“) the: lie ml" 'h e ward to an active year, Presi. 8 pm. Slides will be shown by f f'lnlr/ll/1i"1're' evil.“ be dentuuBerniertofd members. Mr. Fred Gold and refresh- e 0t ll', I; at', "3 imd He Appointed the lollowmg mentsserved. , V 3993?; li' "Ill t 'I', NOE?- commi tees: sicir committee, Next directors meeting will. 1tli'ol's"'tlg e f mt 91%;“ Mrs. Ealme Lariviere; publr be held at the home of Mr. and b $84574 fennzhmen WI 10“). lr. Helen Boyd; posters for Mrs. R. Belhumeur on Feb. 1fll'f, trom e 1975 tota fl special meetings, Dorothy Pal- ruary 9. _ iterate some; Wilma? "f ( _ a , ", A , willdrop by 29,175 from the total _ __' i ' :r .w/u; Le IL A ,4 7m ,2 :- of427,8530flast year to 398,678 CCL-tas 7 / a“) \tU‘a/i/il/ ft k ‘H disk 'M’Lé _ m 1985. - Mr. Wells said the projections have been sent to school board officials across the province to assist them in their long range planning. . Official figures on the number of children registered in local ',Tiit,rhti,ll, be ' e at the and when 3355’771