G f M ith WI uest o ante: ' 'ttVs' , 1/ . tell hi t "“" s IS cry o caro S _t The Monteith Women's Insti- weeks. The ladies who were to .p.m. A lunch would be served. tute held its annual Christmas help get the Christmas baskets Posters are to be put out in Party at the home of Mrs. Mary together were to be at the home close-by communities. Vandenbosch with Mrs. Arm of Mrs. Ann Krikken on Decent- _ . Krikken presiding. The meeting her let. The baskets are for . , opened with the Women's Insti- Monteith citizens who are over The meeting s guest was Mrs. tute ode and the Mary Stewart J. Hutchenson, We of the Collect. 70 years of age le tjg1gteit!lt/t'lriyn ($353303; £333: 1931:3335 $13,; It was decided that December the favourite Christmas carols. previous meeting but a few 22 would It the evening when This proved tube very interes- things were dischssed which the town children were to sing ting. Ladies enjoyed solos on the will take lace in the next few Christmas carols, and w. I. piano from the three Vanden- p members would go with them. bosch children, Monique, Vera They were to meet at the Gospel and Edward. _ Hall. When finished the children The members exchanged _ would be served hot chocolate gifts, and enjoyed a pot luck and donuts. supper and a social. President It was also mentioned that Mrs. Krikken thanked the guest therewould be,aspeqia)nlgh.t.?t speaker and gave her a gift, the gym at Monteith Public There were 15 members and one 7 School on January 5 to start at? guest in attendance.