. t T We... 2W Mon teith .. " holds F ebruaririiiis7iitirig ' A meeting of the Monteith 8. Now they have come up with Women's Institute was held on a sleigh ride for older students. February 8 at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Krlkken was to Chalk 0n Della Tinney and presided over the tiatty?nd. the ladies will by the president, Mrs. Ann make chill. The high school Krikken. It opened with the students will be supervised by singing of the Women's Institute adults. They could either dance ode and the repeating of the or have games to end their Mary Stewart Collect. Secre- night. . tary treasurer. The ladies also discussed their card parties and the Tweedsmuir History. As the hostess, Mrs. Tinney is the history curator, she had the ‘Mrs. Jenny Mitchell read the books out on d1§p1§y. . minutes of the January meeting Roll call was $1115, a picture and the correspondence. A ofayounger yeti, whieh proved thank you card from Mrs. to be interesting. Everyone Miller was received, also a guessed who was .who, The .l letter from South Centennial motto was: A ehild 18 someone Manor, (Mrs. Arnold Boyd,) who Basses through your life thanking the group for all they and disappears into an adult. had donein the past and asking White elephant, donated by if they would take the May l1?stes.sMryy.'ri.nneyeas won by Manor Birthday party, This MrslAnn Krlkken.The next W. was discussed and Mrs. Krill: I. meeting IS to be held at the ken is to check with principal home of Mrs. v. Page on March of Montelth Public School Mrs. 8. J. Wells about entertainment for this night. It was also agreed to send a donation to the Monteith Shil- ' lington Fall Fair Association The Monteith Women's Insti- and to send money to the tute held a card night on principal of Monteith Public February 16 at Monteith Public Sehool for two trophies, for School. highest in grade ii, The members played erib- The ladies also discussed bage and canasta and wrapped entertainment for the high qptheeveningwithaluneh. The schoolstudents of Monteith, The door prize was won by Mrs. Monteith W. I, holds card Kate Hoffman. parties for adults and game Next car night is March 2 at nights for kindergarten to grade the school.