l 'r'rUHMrhrrAvP_re,iB' " " a“ . L , ' . "r newness ' . - , ' rr - ‘ w“ , 7 ,1, . F, - " T T1MMINS -lqyHighway 101 M.. " ' M P, , ' . . Ill . "7 / thas ciaimedmorevictims. . . I - , - ’ , ' . . But witnesses' were as- 1 , . . - 1t ‘ ‘ . 1 , R ‘ _ tounded Tuesday afternoon ' r' F, iN & . _ - h 3i r . , ' _ Bill- e ._ .T ', when five people involved in a ‘ " a . ,1: A... " l r' , I a , l "' IM8 t ' .. gruesome-looking head-on coi- ' q " 2 - 'l _ f , f sd ' . IM ea' liEt; . heion on the increasingly dam . ‘ Pull , I " . " w, p A . . t f = , " gel-nus stretch ofhighway sur. . " Fa - - . FP, al , ' “‘ Ba? - . ' . . B eredoniyminorinjuries. M' Fr " “a . cN 'l K, , tl "g. i. I _ E Amazingly. the most serious ' ‘ r a N i i , . _ . tt - . ., _ . " injury in the 80 kilometre-per- » F . 9 rr J ' a ' , ' p ' f 1 ' u hour accidentwasabrokeri an- ‘ e ' MK' - _ . * , iS ' Wd " - " . r kle suffered by David Sassev- d" I: - . - i - iM " $S I. . " g , T . me. 25. of Timmins. who was . ' . ' x - .. '"r ' _. , my 5 drivis1gwithLucil1eugaylt, 20, ' . El . . f . r ... 5 r of Timmins. Legault sufrered a _ .. r ' in a T' it " -. , , brokennose. _ ' ' " 'PF. " _ " ur, ' " - .__I The as ers in the other 'r'. _ , ttB 9;. "iii’u- Eilit Witt . ','i"alN itlME r, E11liil5iii-dtek'-2-5trt1iftsa-t-s: TEe-na-ut 45 ' . 'tXi',"' . .*~" ‘2- liiia a K4 My" q g,» . LureilleTtiettautt, 42. an Caro- ‘ . .. m. '. 'Ct," , / my}; .- ' , p T""", W :, = " " E A5Miycr'iie Montei _s , 'avairiety r ' ' vi:. a '39:;ng l t, 12:“va " _‘ " 1.21;} M . minor iripmms'ertgtyg dimn T = . ' "35“"? tfr,' _ 7 ", _ = _ .. . a. 'g -. ' .- EY, FAR'. ‘W' " .4“; ' cutsttsbruttresai4eaitutsimis, ' ge- c' _ £13,, :.\ C ' C' ' it; it? "ie,', . a L-ul, _ '. T! ' in. e'" All the vietimswere taken to , ." _ . . 7 w. . Ji' . 'i " _ _ ' ___ Timmins Distict Hospital for road conditions. _ ", _ sponded quickly to the emer- On Monday, Roilande Ray of road conditions were certainly treatment . _ "One of the cars loatncontrol geney cail.which they received Cochrane was killed and two to blame for these accidents, l The accident took place and crossed into the centre about4:30 pan. passengers injured when their people have to adjusttheir driv- about 10 .idlometrm east of lane, head-on into the other F1rethptprs had to use the carwasin collision with an on- mg in extreme weather condi- Highway 67. y car," he said. "i don't think Jaws of Life to free the victims cominlg tractor-trailer just out- dons. "It is incredible no one was there was excessive speed in, fmmtheir mangled vehicles. Sideo South Porcupine. injured more seriously," said valved. The damage looks con- Tho ambulances rushed the On Jan. 17, Franciscus Van m has been very. very cold OPP Const. Jean-Marc St. sistent. with an 80- to 90 kilo- five people to Timmins District Poppel of Haileybury was killed lately, and sand is not sticking Jacques, as he inspected the metre-an-hour impact." Hospital. in a similar accident near the to the road as it should," St. twisted wreckage thatwas once _ The Legault car was retum- It was the fourth serious mo- Kidd Creek Met Site. Jacques said. two cars. mg home from avacation trip to tor vehicle accident in the im- Christopher Bavage of North St. Jacques said that once Florida, mediate area in Just' over a Bay, a passenger in Poppe1's 'The road may lookaiot bet- again, an accident on Highway Police and the Timmins and week, and the third on Highway car, died later in the week. ter than it actually is. You have 101 can be attributed to bad Whitney Fire Departments re- 101. St. Jacques said while the to keep thatinmind."