> â€"%. WIRE COAT HANGER COVERS #1 > Material: Approximately 12" x 17" for 1 1 yd 36" width makes 6 Use Pellon, Felt or Foam Pattern: Trace around outside of wire hanger. Allow 1/4" for seams and cut out pattern from paper. Method: Place bottom of pattern on fold and cut out material. Embroider or paint design, name or initials on front section and hand sew front to back along sides. It is not necessary to cover hook. ; * #2 Material: Approximately 2" x 27" for 1 3/4 ya 36" width makes 18 Use Pellon, Felt or Foam Method: Fold strip in half lengthwise. Cut notch in fold for‘hook, measure along hanger and mark each corner and end of strip (donnot cut®* notch or pi piece off yet)®(second notch). Ebroider or paint design on one side as far as first corner, turn and continue pattern on back from where you left off to next corner. Again turn and finish pattern from where you left off on back to the end of strip. Place strip on hanger and sew by machine along cut edge, when near the corner push material on hanger until it is easy to get around the corner. Leave work in â€" machine and check to make sure length is correct, cut notch in fold for hook and overlap with the Beginning of strip. Turn material so pattern shows on front of hanger. #3 Material: Pellon, Felt, Foam or Ribbon 1/2" wide, 36" â€" 48" long. Method: Force hook into material about 1/2" from end and wind material around hanger being sure to . pull snugly each time. Decorate with a : flower from scraps. Flower: Cut circle, fold almost in half, place another colour serap in centre of half circle and sew gathering stitch along folded edge. Gather into flowers and cut leaf and gather along bottom edges. 3 flowers and 2 leaves make a good arrangement.