Description of pictures (s) / Albert Johnson of Saverd Township framed the barn. All the timber for the barn "WitriiBetgsgzs was out on the homestead. It was squared with a broad axe on the site. rl'he barn was 256 feet by 100 feet with 18 foot walls and a hip roof. . (28) Dumping logs on the shore of the Blanche River on the Attweter homestead. In the spring these logs will be rolled into the water and floated down the river to to the sawmill in Charlton to be out into lumber. Later the lumber will be made into a raft and towed back up the river to be used for building purposes. (25) This picture shows a steamboat towing a set of camps and a boom of logs dorm the BlancheRiver toward Charlton. The camps would be floated on huge cedar logs. They would have been used during the log drive. One building would be the bunk house, one the cookery. Both this, and the last picture, would have been taken sometime between 1910 and 1920, probably about 1918. This picture was'taken on the Attwater homestead, from the top of the hill, looking down at the landing. Note the rowboat close to the shore. A year or two before this picture was taken a large quantity of? tamaracl: rai road ties were out off the hillside on the far side of the river. These were iie,,,Efsls2 the spot with a _ broad axe (tux-1w the winter. In the spring they were floated down to Charlton, to be picked up there by the railroad. At that time a branch line of the T.&J:T.O. as well as coming to the station at Charlton, came down to the falls, crossed on the dam just above where the road bridges are, and went around the bay where a shingle mill and several sawmillss were located. _