" w ,v);‘[;;. f{ svf f [ The grandfather clock was ‘ 4 | }f‘? y Jv CR ;) BA | willed to us by Mrs, Hugh Summers, \, i f ‘ wiesh $ Fonthill, Ontario, Past Presidâ€" _ _ td | | oE ( | | ent of Federation of Ontario, and | | f 4 ]f { | LE 11 | Viceâ€"President of the Associated | i ; it m / W 1 s Bd | Country Women of the World. < ‘[hé § 4 ):5' ie 3 | 2 o § " ' zl . t3 | angeres Thc‘ rocklngj cha:.r.was given by Comel j; I “J’A;A, fl "’ï¬â€˜;‘;}%’éf‘ Mrs. Harry Nixon, wife of Harry %’2\0 5 ‘ent lugd =v‘ _= o | k 5 Nixon, ex M.P.P. and had been in ?Q‘};é *% } ‘ | "J ; :r:"ï¬_‘ i their family many generations. gézé:% }‘\ :‘[â€"i_ ‘ lhfl Eo ar C * e : diBbim| *â€"~>*" t & $ The old platform rocker in %ï¬g'é’%)g o * | ". .j d E J § / J embroidered horsehair came from C -,‘é.'}‘éJ,’-:;':':F;,‘;: 3 y m .. 0 Pnidarce, .. S ~ SS an old Brantford family. e J’g/,’uj" C e n :.g _»\\,k~=â€".‘ $3 + t‘ â€"Â¥+ mA came from the Ottawa area. } l * sscamle. e P . * * on _ The settee is from Prince T yas~ . fest: Edward County. The Parlour s The stereoscope came from Nova Scotia. The braided rug was made by Saltfleet W. I. The stove, over 100 years old, was in the home of a girl friend of Mrs. Hoodless. 2 2 The walnut couch, formerly horsehair, and reâ€"upholstered came from a family in St. George. > € The low rocking chair was donated by Miss MeKercher, Director of Home Economics, Department of Agriculture. The four poster bed is from four sisters, Institute members of Fort Erie, in memory of their mother, who organized many Institutes. &A pink tea set (not shown)in a rack on the wall in the dining room were Mrs. Hoodless! own ; dishes. 4A cruet set was donated by Mrs. Phillips in memory of her grandparents, and was given to them in 1891 as a farewell gift. F â€"B , & | Four blue plates, date back | § ) to 1831, given to Mrs., Eliza | & | | Frieland, when married, were | yâ€"â€" e ; | donated by two grandâ€"daughters = i f J I 1 in London, Ont. PS € s a 1 ï¬ 2P E' | @ The beautiful pieced quilt on | rfl{ | § mitssd B j | the bed was made by Wexford W. I. am* & € [ |â€"* | near Markham, Ontario. ‘7‘““?,“7' i & l i ; ? wl p 5}?“ | 120h.,.â€" . ' § T \! >A | & © The coverlet on the foot of the . J p m %/‘_u};:*_ .fl' -'\.‘ ®) % bed was made in Halton County in ; l e toa > i diae J,,‘,“:'." «l . e 1851 and came from the same ‘;,:EV;';\ e e saa . *’;â€"‘;’Er = wl A“ f h é}j % place. ui e ceï¬ |C___ s e s t Cel ) e tyz | The Parlour with a view of the Parlour Bedroom n