Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hollawell of Newtonville and Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson, Cannington, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rusk Bob and Sheila Rusk had Sheila's mother, Mrs. L, Hart of Kingston visit them for a few days. Also, Rev. W. Cox and family called on the Rusks. Mr, and Mrs. Larry Quinton and family were in Sunderland and Ctuu1ington over the New Year's holiday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stan Durward and Mr. and Mrs. G. Duclos. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Dave and Melanie visited Mrs. Dove's brother, Dr. Claude Bergeron, in Quebec City over New Years. The excitement of the holiday season has died down, the young people are back in school and everyone seems to have gotten settled back into their normal routine. Also the cold weather and snow caused most of us to be content to stay indoors this past week so there's not a great deal of news. Quote: "We spend our years as a tale that is told.,.So teach us to number our days that we may apply our beans unto wisdom. FF The Story Hour willritvééllge "this, Passed Red Cross course one day and saved a man’s life the next Around Castleton _ . __ ,.__ â€mung. a. .naypcueu so quickly," she said. "You really don't have time to think." Her husband, Noel, who attended the ceremonies, was in northern Manitoba at the time. He hasn't taken a lifesaving program. Mrs. Ashby's award reads: "Patricia Ashby, who by means Inf a practical knowledge of first aid, successfully ad- ministered mouth - to _ mouth resuscitation to a 73 - year - old man who had been pulled from Sharbot Lake, Ontario, on 20 August, 1976." Mis. AshijGGriierrii' froén the man again and has never been called upon to practice her training. "It happened so qu_i_ckly," she said. "You reallv don't havn mm b. "a-“ tt CastletSn, with Joyce Buchegger JAN 10 344-7870 _ _.. .m "a.“ mu A The 'troulrler was a fire on be; and Larry Pringle, 15, of Gariie fishing and the outboard motor tinguish the flames, the two fi water and Mr. Ward subsequent where the Ashbys reside, is north of Colborne. "We'd jifs't Rig: I Ashby. "We heard a dog I: down blelovgran the water Mis. Ashby had enrolled with sons, Stephen and Andrew, mm 11 and 6, and daughter, Lynn, now 9. That day, the fami. ly was visiting her parents, Ernest and Isabel Evernden, at their 8harbot Lake home. Mrs. Ashby was preparing a cup of tea for her parents. "We'd um um"... " a." _=_.,A, ' " »- tal." BELLEVILLE - one day after completing a Red Cross lifesaving course, Patricia Ashby of Castleton used that train, ing to save a life. Elmer Ward, 73, of Warrensville, Ohio, had suffered a heart attack in August, WN, while fishing on Sharbot Lake and Mrs. Ashby successfully revived him. She was presented with the St John Ambulance Assoeia, tion award on the weekend by Deputy _ commissioner K. W. Grice of the Ontario Provincial Police. "Wett spent the summer doing this Red Cross swimming program," she said after the ceremony at Ontario Provincial Police District 9 headquarters here. "It was quite coinciden- ta _ ' _ v ,7 7. ._ w. m. â€mm. just arrived a few minuts before," said Mrs. 'We heard a dog barking and the kids said someone mm, m. "s.. .-.., e---- _ _ -- __ _ Lunch was served by Mrs. C. Haynes and Mrs. C. Inglis. Following the business session, Mrs. H, Allen led the program with explanation and description as to where the church's Mission and Service funds were used. Several ladies read interest- ing accounts of the assistance given to medical work in seven hospitals in outlying areas in Canada, ministry among the deaf, help to the native people and ethnic minorities, in the inner city, half-way houses, the courts and other needy areas. It was noted that three-quarters of the total amount is spent in Canada. _ _ _ _ -- W Fifteen ladies main the Sunday School rooms at 2 pm. last Thursday for the January meeting of the UCW. Mrs. E. Gaudaur was in charge of the worship which centered on thoughts for the new year. Mrs. J, Bailey read the scriptures from St. John 14 and Romans 8, followed by a poem by Mrs. w. Graham. Stamp (SIEMH resume Thursday at 4 pau. at the home of the leader, Mrs. Margaret MeKague. Wednesday morning at 9:45 tLtTt. with all three and four year olds invited to meet at the Town Hall. Mommy}; Oliver McComb: That a " mammary By-Law t _ “News, as. Moved by McComb - Redford: That the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Crainahe recommends that the Minister of Municipal Affairs consent to the sale of land being part of Lot 15, Concession 5 as more particularly described in schedule attached hereto by Lawrence Mutton to David Mutton, Carried. ' . AT COUNCIL mag. Cramahe Council met in the Council chamber, Castleton August 7 at 1:30 t97o sup- for . ,, -__._. M“, rain 8.25, 48.68; Bell Telephone, Hall, 9.13; .Mnrtgage Financing Service overpaid 1970 taxes rec. Pulley 5.45; Road Accounts, 40782.86. Council Adjourned meet the first Friday September at 1:30 p, Moved by Oliver - McComb: That the following accounts be paid. Carried. D Dingwall, stamps, $72.00; Wm. Allchurch, Hall, 36.60; Geo. McDonald, Hall, 33.60; Township of Percy, Fires, 250.00; Don Tucker, Dog Catcher, 13.00; Self‘s Printing Service, was; Ontario Hydro, Hall 40.45, Park a n: -- -- By-Law No. 1223 was duly passed to establish a, Eubh'c Library tr, u.- Publfe Lsriirr"'i'ii' Township of Cram Township of Cramahe for the Year" 1970 be read a first, second, and third time. Carried. Sealed and No. 1222. v the borrowing of wraith» sums of money from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Colbome to meet the current ex- penditures of the: y in "tin; Cramahe, to