"i"j'ic"i"i'i"'i"""id merge: Colborne ',, still,has it; Cramahe 06y By Eileen Argyris If Colborne and Cramahe are ever to discuss amalgamation __ even in the most academic fashion - it will be according to Cramahe's terms, township reeve Doug Gait made clear two weeks ago. The two council met in Colborne last Monday. March 30, to discuss matters of mutual interest. “Amalgamation -- pros and cons" was on the agenda at Colborhe's behest. Galt said he had made his position on the issue clear at the time of the municipal elections last November. At that time. he said he was opposed to amalgamation because he believed the majority of township residents were nut in favor. He said the reeve should represent the wishes of the majority of people he served. However. Gait did not rule ycvyn. m w. . ___- However. Gait did not rule out ever discussing the matter. especially If there were to be a beneftt to Cramahe m so doing. “Amalgamation ts very controversial in the township, although I know it is looked on as a posiiive thing in the village," said Galt. "If things change, if there are the type of carrots that make it look good (to Cramahe residents) then i think there should be an opportunity for the public to have its say." - ' .4 a“. Alavn abwP WJ. However. Gall also said that indications he had had from residents were that Colborne and Crarnahe don't seem to be Ami Hlrs able to work well together on simpler Issues, such as the jointly-owned arena and past iire protection contracts. -etF w, my. work "Let's prove together and everything on Cramahe reeve This was tt: meeting of the since last fan's e ire Pro""""'" WAN», "Let's prove we can work .ogether and not try to do everything on Day One," the Cramahe reeve suggested. This was the first Joint meeting of the two councils since last fali's elections. Colburne Reeve Walter Rutherford was absent from the meeting due to illness, and Deputy-Reeve Ted Pedlar presented Colbome's position. --. ' -4~ “anâ€! was pre3cu-Lu WW" _ "We're being squeezed. We're losing industrial assessment to the township. While we believe that the proper place for Industry ls 1n the Industrial park. . . . It doesn't alter the fact that the village is 1ostng assessment." J dint fire department discussed by councils By Eileen Argyris Colborne and Cramahe may enter into negotiations to create a Jorntiy-cened fire department with at least one substation in the township. it was revealed at ajoint meeting of councils March 30. The meeting, the first of its kind since last November's municipal elections. saw members of both councils [with the exception of Reeve Walter Rutherford of Colbome. who was ill) skiing around in powwow fashion. discussing Pedlar said only a few years ago. about 75 per cent of the village's taxation Income was derived from residential assessment, while 25 per cent came from Industry. That ratio has shifted. he said, to a current balance of about 83 per cent residential to 17 per cent Industrial. Most of the lndustrles that have moved out of Colborne have moved Into the industrial park. thereby increasing the townshlp's industrial base at the village's expense. ' . r___s._.s.t u.» “WOW v.7", Gait said he understood that the guvernment of Ontario wanted to deal with as few municipal structures as possible and was therefore pushing for amalgamations See Merger Page 5 matters of concern to residents In bond; Luurcrpa1ities, It was Cramahe Reeve Doug Galt who broached the subject of a joint department, m which Cramahe would "buy into" the Colborne Fire Dept., and the two municipalities would strike a fire commission or committee to manage the utility. ' $__---- m. or.» uuuLy. Acting as chairman for the meeting. Colborne Deputy- Reeve Ted Pedlar explained that a similar proposal had See Fire Dept. Page 3