Beginning Friday night at 8:30. with local dignitaries and Northumberland MPP Joan Fawcett in attendance for the official opening. Apple Blossom Tyme kicks off with a family street dance in the village square, hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Colborne. Button admits you Your twr:r-dollar package, Including Apple Blossom Tyme button, is your admission fee to all activities. Friday and Saturday. These are available through local merchants/ at Colborne Needle and Craft. or at the site of any activity after the festival opens. Chairperson and organizer Bea Mutton says her commit- tee has worked long and hard and a number of quality events are in readiness for the Colborne's and Cramahe's fifth annual Apple Blossom Tyme. on thts Victoria Day weekend. The street danEe ls meant for families. and there will be no alcohol served. Parents and by Eileen Arggris, It's coming on Friday and Saturday. May 21, 22: some- thing for bakers and bikers. for dancers and antique fanciers. those who like art, and those who like parks, for hobbyists, crafty folks, history buffs, health nuts, gourmets and gourmands. and, of course, shoppers. male Blossom Tyme Colbome li We’ll be seeing you at jiaty 21 -22 in Colborne and Crdmahe 18, 19 For the youngsters, there will be a bike rodeo at Colborne Public School from 9 am. until noon. sponsored by the Castleton Colborne Optimist Club, with prizes to Le won by the best and safest cyclists, For further Information on the bike rodeo, contact Optimist Frank Skilton at 855-2947. Games in Victoria Park From IO a.m, until 4 pan,, Victoria Park will be the site of fun and games of all kinds for kids, including fingerprint identification, face painting. ilshpond and other activities Variety Village will be on hand to demonstrate assistive devices for the physically and While some trip the light fan- tastic, others may want to shop 'til they drop and local vendors will be open late Friday night for that purpose. Pancake breakfast Saturday, May 22 dawns with a traditional pancake break- fast served in Victoria Park by the Colborne Cubs and Scouts. Between 8 and 10 aan., you can enjoy pancakes, sausage, bacon. juice. toast and coffee or tea under the trees. grandparents are invited to take this opportunity to demonstrate to our young peer ple how a good, safe time can be had with neighbors and friends. without the use of intoxicants. Werner. Rutherford Ambulance will be in the downtown area, giving free blood-pressure checks and holding a sort of "open house" ambulance and equipment demonstration. And, on a lighter note, Colborne and south Cramahe community police officer. Doug Phelan will be suited up in a different way, playing clown with members of his family for young and old alike. Antique auction at Warner‘s An antique auction begins at 10 a.m. at Warner's Auction Barn on Highway 2 just west of the village limits and there will be an outdoor barbecue at Fox IGA for the benefit of the CCH soccer club. At the clhijorne Public Library, there will be an open Also in the park. there Will be three performances by the Step-in-Time daggers from Oshawa, who have been very popular the many Limes they have entertained at special events in Colborne. In addi- lion, a local line-dancing group has promised give two peribr- mances. led by Janet Taft of Colborne Second Helpings. mentally challenged. Grade 8 students from Colborne Public School will be running some games with the proceeds going to help support their foster child. See Festival ty Newsil