The family oi the late LEN SWIT- ZER would like to thank their friends, relatives and neighbours (or their expressions of sympathy, loud, flowers, cards and memorial donations after the loss at our father, grandpa and great-grandpa, A special "thank you" to the staff at the Community Nursing Home for the excellent care Dad received and to the Warkwnnh Fire Depart- ment tor their Show at support. Thank you to the Jo0fe_Funeral Home and Rev. Bill Stephenson for their kind words and to St. Paul's Unit a for providing a delicious lunch alter the iUnerai RALPH, CAROL & FAMILY HAP, JUNE 8 FAMILY T Card Of Thanks and emoyame allemoml. Q The family ox the late ELIZABETHE CARR (nee Arkels) wish to express 's men appreciation la iriimds, neigh-j hours and relal'wes (or Lhe support; cards, Mwurs and danalions In the N Casllelon United Church, Heart a: stroke Foundation and Castlelon Sports emu A (and thank yuu to 3? Rev, Knson tor ramming Irony Napanee to deliver a glowing au- g) logy on the love Grandmother gave E to al who knew her, :4 DAVID AND GORDON DINGWALLIi'. F J mo Feet. Public speakers - These youngsters from local elementary schools did well in a public speaking contest sponsored by the Royal Canadian Legion Br, 187, Colborne, Sunday, Feb. 27. In the rear. from left, they are: Margie and Melissa Dingwall who placed third and second respectively in the Grads 7-8 division. Margie spoke on mythical creatures and, as you might suspect from the photo, Melissa spoke on clowns. They are both from Castleton Public School. Next are Justin Strickland and Elisha Stam, both of South Cramahe RS. Justin came first in the Grade 7-8 category with a speech on television. Elisha came first in the Grade 4-6 group with her speech on giving speeches. In the front row are (from left) Sarah Williams and Luke Russell, both oi South Cramahe school. Sarah came second in the Grade 4-6 group with her talk on "My Family Cabin," and Luke was second in the Grade 1-3 class with his "Story." Also in the front row is Jacqui Rutherford of Colbome Public School who won third spot for her talk entitled, "Manatee." Absent from the photo is Daniel vanEgrnond otSouth Cramahe, who took second place in the Grade 1-3 group with his address on "My imaginary Friend.“ Judges in the competition were Rev. Lesley Barclay. Muriel Churchill, and Maureen Gray. Photo by Eileen Argyris ii) The Colborne Chronicle. Tuesday, March 8, He says he has told the animal control officer, Roger Dalwoud. about the Mr. Willis' letter was less congenial. He complains: "week after Week we go out and clean up the garbage that the sanitation crew leaves behind because it has been ripped open and scattered." He says that he and his wife "spend a lot of tlme and money" on their gar den and he appeals to council to enforce the bylaw against dogs being allowed to run free ln the munlclpallty. Mr. Lawrenson predicts "damage to plants" In the coming summer, due to dogs "tTinaung and foul- ing (his) lot." Brian C. Willis of Spring Street and Ken Iawrenson of RR 2, Castleton, each wrote to the townshlp council last week to com- plain about dogs running at large. Cramahe township - or at least Castleton - is going to the dogs. accdrd- mg to some residents. By Eileen Argyris problem . with dogs Castleton 1994 See Dogs, Page 12 Integrating literature and technology - Christine Dulhie and Jennifer Scott display the structure they created to illus- trate the classic story oi the "Three Billy Goats Gruff," Grade 2 class at Castleton Public School. Photo coutesy of school principal David King. K} 5“ i'F.,' oz! m ?, ' However. says Mr. Willis, "I lack a place to hold the animals so I will bring them to Town Hall. open the front door, and let it Md its way to your office. YOU can hold it'uniil he gets there. Dogs contlrutecifrom pagel "If this fails to catch your attention I will start deliv- ering the loose garbage and dog 'treasures' left on my property to Town Hall." Councillor Jim Williams said "i didn't appreciate the tone of Mr. Wi0is' let- ter." problem, and Mr. Dalwood has suggested he catch the offending animals and hold them until he can get there. However, he suggested "we remind people that we haveva bylaw against dogs running loose and there is a penalty for loose dogs. - _ .. ,,A“.L.‘..‘...r a yum“, ____ -" W g "It is the responsibility of residents to contact the animal control officer if they have a problem with dogs," he concluded. =